Wednesday, September 13, 2023

4149 - BLACK HOLE - switched on?


-    4149   -   BLACK HOLE  -   switched on?     A Black Hole switched on in the blink of an eye?   In 2019, astronomers discovered one of the most powerful transients ever seen, where astronomical objects change their brightness over a short period.  Astronomers were searching for the source of a gravitational wave (GW) that was thought to be caused by two massive objects merging in our galaxy.

--------------  4149  -  BLACK HOLE  -   switched on?

-    Multiple follow-up observations were made and the combined observations and spectra revealed that the source was a supermassive black hole (SMBH) in a distant galaxy that mysteriously “switched on,” becoming one of the most dramatic bursts of brightness ever seen with a black hole.


-    The astronomers found “J221951” while searching for the progenitor of a gravitational wave (GW) event (S190930t) detected by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) and Advanced Virgo detector on April 1st, 2019.


-    “Swift” was one of several observatories participating in the search for the sources of GW candidates released by the LIGO-Virgo collaboration. Based on the GW signal, the event was thought to be the result of a kilonova, where two neutron stars merge (or a neutron star and a black hole), releasing a tremendous amount of energy and gravitational waves in the process.


-   Kilonova events typically appear as bright blue bursts that fade and turn redder over the next few days. With Swift they noticed that the transient did not appear blue or change color or fade as rapidly as expected. Follow-up observations with Hubble‘s Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) obtained ultraviolet spectra from J221951, which revealed that it was not associated with the previously-detected GW event.


-    The spectra further indicated that the source was about 10 billion light-years distant, whereas the GW signal was detected less than 0.5 billion light-years away.  J221951 resulted from an SMBH that consumed surrounding material suddenly and rapidly. This was confirmed by optical and infrared data that previously detected a red galaxy in the vicinity of J221951, and the location of the bright burst is consistent with the galaxy’s center.


-    Furthermore, the UV spectra showed absorption features consistent with a huge release of energy, which pushed and was absorbed by gas and dust surrounding the black hole. Combined with its brightness, the data revealed that J221951 is one of the most dramatic events ever seen where a black hole suddenly “switched on.”


-    This discovery is part of a growing body of research that shows how SMBHs play a very active role in a galaxy’s star formation. As these behemoths gobble up material, such as gas, dust, and even stars, they release intense bursts of energy that disrupt star-forming material within the galaxy’s central region and disk.


-    Our understanding of the different things that supermassive black holes can do has greatly expanded in recent years, with discoveries of stars being torn apart and accreting black holes with hugely variable luminosities. J221951 is one of the most extreme examples yet of a black hole taking us by surprise.


-    Continued monitoring of J221951 to work out the total energy release might allow us to work out whether this is a tidal disruption of a star by a fast-spinning black hole, or a new kind of AGN switch on.


-    They also identified two possible mechanisms that could explain the sudden and voracious feeding behavior. On the one hand, it is possible that an orbiting star passed close to the SMBH and was pulled apart, known as a tidal disruption event (or more commonly as “spaghettification”).


-    A second possibility is that J221951 is an active galactic nucleus (AGN), known as a “quasar,” that began feeding on its accretion disk. In other words, the SMBH at the center of this galaxy “woke up” from its previously dormant state.


-    In the future, we will be able to obtain important clues that help distinguish between the tidal disruption event and active galactic nuclei scenarios. For instance, if J221951 is associated with an AGN turning on we may expect it to stop fading and to increase again in brightness, while if J221951 is a tidal disruption event we would expect it to continue to fade. We will need to continue to monitor J221951 over the next few months to years to capture its late-time behavior.



September 11,  2023           BLACK HOLE  -   switched on?                   4149


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--------------------- ---  Wednesday, September 13, 2023  ---------------------------------









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