Saturday, September 16, 2023

4154 - MATTER vs ENERGY - in the Universe?


-    4154   -  MATTER    vs   ENERGY  -  in the Universe?    Matter is found to comprise 31% of the total amount of matter and energy in the universe.  One of the most interesting and important questions in astronomy is, "How much matter exists in the universe?"   The total amount of matter was determined to makes up 31% of the total amount of matter and energy in the universe, with the remaining 69% consisting of dark energy.

--------------  4154 -   MATTER    vs   ENERGY  -  in the Universe? 

-    Cosmologists believe that only about 20% of the total matter is made of regular or 'baryonic' matter, which includes stars, galaxies, atoms, and life.   About 80% is made of dark matter, whose mysterious nature is not yet known but may consist of some as-yet-undiscovered subatomic particles.


-   The team compared the observed number and mass of galaxy clusters per unit volume with predictions from numerical simulations.  The number of clusters observed at the present time, the so-called 'cluster abundance,' is very sensitive to cosmological conditions and, in particular, the total amount of matter.


-    A higher percentage of the total matter in the universe would result in more clusters being formed.   But it is difficult to measure the mass of any galaxy cluster accurately as most of the matter is dark, and we cannot see it directly with telescopes.


-   To overcome this difficulty, the team was forced to use an indirect tracer of cluster mass. They relied upon the fact that more massive clusters contain more galaxies than less massive clusters. Because galaxies consist of luminous stars, the number of galaxies in each cluster can be utilized as a way of indirectly determining its total mass.


-    By measuring the number of galaxies in each cluster the team was able to estimate the total mass of each of the clusters. They were then able to compare the observed number and mass of galaxy clusters per unit volume against predictions from numerical simulations.


-    The best-fit match between observations and simulations was with a universe consisting of 31% of the total matter, a value that was in excellent agreement with that obtained using cosmic microwave background (CMB) observations from the Planck satellite.  CMB is a completely independent technique.


-    This the first time to successfully utilize spectroscopy, the technique that separates radiation into a spectrum of individual bands or colors, to precisely determine the distance to each cluster and the true member galaxies that are gravitationally bound to the cluster rather than background or foreground interlopers along the line of sight.



September 15,  2023            MATTER    vs   ENERGY  -  in the Universe?        4154


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--------------------- ---  Saturday, September 16, 2023  ---------------------------------









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