Thursday, September 28, 2023

4171 - WEBB TELESCOPE - sees the most distant galaxies?


-    4171   -    WEBB  TELESCOPE  -  sees the most distant galaxies?     The power of JWST is finding that things that have been studied for years are now surprising us.

-------------  4171  -  WEBB  TELESCOPE  -  sees the most distant galaxies?   

-  The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is bringing us spectacular images of distant galaxies and discoveries of dozens of new black holes. Yet JWST is also rewriting scientists’ understanding of objects on a slightly smaller, more relatable scale: how planets form from swirls of gas and dust around young stars. Such ‘protoplanetary’ disks are what the environs of the Sun would have been like 4.6 billion years ago, with planets coalescing from the whirling material around an infant star.


-   JWST is revealing how water is delivered to rocky planets taking shape in such disks. It’s providing clues to the exotic chemistry in these planetary nurseries. And it has even found fresh evidence for a cosmic hit-and-run in one of the most famous debris disks, encircling the star Beta Pictoris.


-    Other telescopes have probed many of these disks before. Astronomers have taken impressive pictures of dark gaps etched like grooves in a bright vinyl record, marking where planets are being born and clearing out gas and dust from the disk.   But JWST’s unprecedented vision allows astronomers to probe these realms in original ways.


-    New JWST glasses were use to gaze on the protoplanetary disks of four stars. The scientists could see that two of the disks contained large amounts of cool water, just close enough to the star for the water to be liquid rather than frozen.


-    That observation supports a theory put forward decades ago, that icy pebbles can drift inwards from the outer part of the disk until they get warm enough to release their water into the inner disk.  This reservoir of water can serve as a raw ingredient for planets forming close to the star.   


-   The protoplanetary disk surrounding a small star called ”J160532” has a surprisingly large amount of carbon. A planet taking shape in a disk awash in carbon compounds could draw on a wide variety of interesting chemistry as it forms. Small stars such as this one frequently host small rocky planets; if such planets can sweep up diverse ingredients as they form, the results could be planets that are mind-bogglingly different from our Solar System’s rocky planets, such as Venus, Earth and Mars.


-   Benzene was found in the disk around J160532 which is the first observation of the molecule in a protoplanetary disk. Benzene is a carbon-containing ‘organic’ molecule, but its detection probably does not signal the presence of the ingredients required for life. It might mean that radiation flooding from the star is destroying dust grains rich in carbon, releasing benzene into the disk. The disk also contains lots of other carbon-containing compounds, such as acetylene, and indeed has more carbon than oxygen overall.


-   It’s really a chemistry we’ve never seen before in disks.  Even disks that have probably already formed all their planets are giving up their secrets to JWST.   The disk around Beta Pictoris, a star that lies 19 parsecs from Earth in 1984 became the first star known to have a debris disk encircling it.


-    These images have revealed a filament of dust that astronomers are calling the cat’s tail stretching out of the debris disk at a quizzical upright angle. The cat’s tail of Beta Pictoris is probably a stream of dust and other debris that was kicked out of the star’s disk when large rocky chunks smashed into each other.


-    We’re seeing the aftermath of a massive collision in the disk around the bright star Fomalhaut had also shown clouds and belts of dust expanding outwards, suggesting that lots more could be going on in the system than anyone had suspected.



September 27,  2023             4170


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