Saturday, October 21, 2023



-    4192  -  KUIPER  BELT  PLANETS  -   The Kuiper Belt is the vast region at the edge of our solar system populated by countless icy objects, is a treasure trove of scientific discoveries. The detection and characterization of Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs), sometimes referred to as Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs), has led to a new understanding of the history of the solar system.


---------------------  4192  -  KUIPER  BELT  PLANETS  - 

-    Studying bodies in the outer solar system is one of the many objectives of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). Using data obtained by Webb's Near-Infrared Spectrometer (NIRSpec), an international team of astronomers observed three dwarf planets in the Kuiper Belt: Sedna, Gonggong, and Quaoar.


-    These observations revealed several interesting things about their respective orbits and composition, including light hydrocarbons and complex organic molecules believed to be the product of methane irradiation.


-    Despite all of the advances in astronomy and robotic explorers, what we know about the Trans-Neptunian Region and the Kuiper Belt is still very limited. To date, the only mission to study Uranus, Neptune, and their major satellites was the Voyager 2 mission, which flew past these ice giants in 1986 and 1989, respectively.


-     The New Horizons mission was the first spacecraft to study Pluto and its satellites in July 2015 and the only one to encounter an object in the Kuiper Belt, which occurred on January 1st, 2019, when it flew past the KBO known as Arrokoth.


-   In addition to studying exoplanets and the earliest galaxies in the universe, JWST's powerful infrared imaging capabilities have also been turned toward our backyard, revealing new images of Mars, Jupiter, and its largest satellites.


-   The three planetoids in the Kuiper Belt—Sedna, Gonggong, and Quaoar, are about  620 miles in diameter, which places them within the designation for “Dwarf Planets”.


-   Other Trans-Neptunian bodies—like Pluto, Eris, Haumea, and Makemake—have all retained volatile ices on their surfaces (nitrogen, methane, etc.). The one exception is Haumea, which lost its volatiles in a large impact (apparently). As Emery said, they wanted to see if Sedna, Gonggong, and Quaoar have similar volatiles on their surfaces.


-    Sedna is an inner Oort Cloud object with perihelion of 76 AU and aphelion of nearly 1,000 AU, Gonggong is in a very elliptical orbit also, with perihelion of 33 AU and aphelion 100 AU, and Quaoar is in a relatively circular orbit near 43 AU.


-    These orbits place the bodies in different temperature regimes and different, irradiation environments.  Sedna spends most of its time outside the sun's heliosphere.


-    Using data from Webb's NIRSpec instrument, the team observed all three bodies in low-resolution prism mode at wavelengths spanning 0.7 to 5.2 micrometers (µm) placing them all in the near-infrared spectrum. Additional observations were made of Quaoar from 0.97 to 3.16 µm using medium-resolution gratings at ten times the spectral resolution. The resulting spectra revealed some interesting things about these TNOs and the surface compositions.


-    We found abundant ethane (C2H6) on all three bodies, most prominently on Sedna. Sedna also shows acetylene (C2H2) and ethylene (C2H4). The abundances correlate with the orbit (most on Sedna, less on Gonggong, least on Quaoar), which is consistent with relative temperatures and irradiation environments. These molecules are direct irradiation products of methane (CH4).


-     If ethane (or the others) had been on the surfaces for a long time, they would have been converted to even more complex molecules by irradiation. Since we still see them, we suspect that methane (CH4) must be resupplied to the surfaces fairly regularly.


-     JWST data of smaller KBOs cluster into three groups, none of which look like Sedna, Gonggong, and Quaoar. That result is consistent with our three larger bodies having a different geothermal history.

-    These findings could have significant implications for the study of KBOs, TNOs, and other objects in the outer solar system. This includes new insight into the formation of objects beyond the Frost Line in planetary systems, which refers to the line beyond which volatile compounds will freeze solid.


-    In our solar system, the Trans-Neptunian region corresponds to the nitrogen line, where bodies will retain large amounts of volatiles with very low freezing points (i.e., nitrogen, methane, and ammonia).


-    These findings also demonstrate what type of evolutionary processes are at work for bodies in this region.  The primary implication may be finding the size at which KBOs have become warm enough for interior reprocessing of primordial ices, perhaps even differentiation.


-     We should also be able to use these spectra to better understand irradiation processing of surface ices in the outer solar system. And future studies will also be able to look in more detail at volatile stability and the possibility for atmospheres on these bodies over any parts of their orbits.


-    The JWST data enabled us to get spectra at longer wavelengths than we can from the ground, which enabled the detection of these ices. Often, when observing in a new wavelength range, the initial data can be pretty poor quality. JWST not only opened up a new wavelength range but also provided fantastically high-quality data that are sensitive to a suite of materials on the surfaces in the outer solar system.



October 21,  2023               KUIPER  BELT  PLANETS                            4192


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--------------------- ---  Saturday, October 21, 2023  ---------------------------------









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