Friday, October 4, 2024



-    4570  - DARK  MATTER  ALTERNATIVES -   Dark matter is thought to account for 85% of mass in the Universe, but because it barely interacts with ordinary matter and doesn’t interact at all with light, it is notoriously difficult to observe directly. Several research teams have tried to catch a glimpse of the elusive substance, but only the DAMA/LIBRA experiment has claimed to have seen it for real.


-------------------------------------  4570  -    DARK  MATTER  ALTERNATIVES


-   It’s a mystery that has had physicists scratching their heads for more than 20 years. The DAMA/LIBRA experiment at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS) near L’Aquila, Italy, has been recording an annual fluctuation of light flashes in its detector that appears to be a sign of dark matter. But no one has been able to definitively replicate the findings.


-    DAMA/LIBRA’s observations of the distinct annual pattern is consistent with what physicists would expect with Earth’s relative position in the galaxy throughout the year. As the Earth orbits the Sun, the Sun orbits the black hole at the center of the Milky Way.


-    In June, the Earth hurtles through the Milky Way in the same direction as the Sun, increasing its relative speed through the haze of dark matter. But in December, the Earth travels with the flow of dark matter as it moves in the opposite direction to the Sun. As expected, the number of signals recorded by DAMA/LIBRA’s detector are highest in June and lowest in December.


-    A handful of groups have attempted to reproduce DAMA/LIBRA’s results using similar methods and materials in their detectors, including the same type of sodium iodide crystals that emit tiny flashes of light when they are hit with subatomic particles. Among them is COSINE-100, which has been running since 2016 at Yemilab’s predecessor, the Yangyang Underground Laboratory (Y2L) in South Korea.


-     But none have produced results that match those of the original experiment, raising questions about whether the yearly swing in signals is because of something else, such as the detector itself or from errors in the analysis methods used.  This is a puzzle that’s still there after 20 years.


-    Although the COSINE-100 detector uses the same type of sodium iodide crystals, they contain up to three times more radiation than the ones used in DAMA/LIBRA, which can muddy the faint signals of potential dark-matter particles and make it difficult to produce definitive results.


-    The upgraded experiment will use the same crystals as those used in the earlier COSINE-100 experiment, but with some extra enhancements to boost their sensitivity. The team are also developing a set of sodium iodide crystals that will be even more radiopure than DAMA/LIBRA’s for the next phase of the experiment, COSINE-200.


-     “COSINE-100” will be housed in the brand new 3,000-square-metre Yemilab. The $23 million facility lies around 1 kilometer underground and surpasses Y2L in both depth and volume. Since September 2023, researchers have been moving all Y2L experiments to Yemilab, where they will begin their next phase by the end of this year.


-     Yemilab also offers a better-shielded environment for detecting elusive particles besides dark matter. The facility will also hunt for neutrinos, chargeless particles that barely have mass.


-    The second phase of an experiment called “AMoRE” will search for signs of two neutrons decaying into protons and electrons without emitting a neutrino. This hypothesized process is called “neutrinoless double β decay” and if observed, it will demonstrate that neutrinos are their own antiparticle.


-    This could offer clues about their mass and explain why there is more matter than antimatter in the Universe.  The upgraded neutrino detector will use around 160 kilograms of crystals embedded with molybdenum-100, a naturally occurring radioisotope. When AMoRE-II starts running at the end of this year, it will be 100 times more sensitive than the previous version of the experiment.


-    Whether the two experiments succeed or fail at detecting the rare events they are looking for, they are nevertheless set to raise more questions.  If both will deliver only null results, we should seriously start rethinking the Universe.


-    We need to consider alternatives to dark matter that better explain cosmological observations.  Do constants of nature—the numbers that determine how things behave, like the speed of light—change over time as the universe expands? Does light get a little tired traveling vast cosmic distances?


-     It was believed that dark matter and dark energy explained these cosmological phenomena, but recent research indicates that our universe has been expanding without dark matter or dark energy.   Doing away with dark matter and dark energy resolves the "impossible early galaxy problem," that arises when trying to account for galaxies that do not adhere to expectations regarding to size and age. Finding an alternative to dark matter and energy that complies with existing cosmological observations, including galaxy distribution, is possible.


-    Dark matter is a hypothetical form of matter that does not interact with ordinary matter in any way except through gravity. It was proposed as a theoretical way to explain our astrophysical and cosmological observations. Ordinary matter can travel through the dark matter without any resistance and vice versa.


-   In space, gravitational pull determines the speed at which an object orbits. A higher speed than expected from surrounding orbiting objects is attributed to the existence and gravitational pull of dark matter.


-    The gravitational pull of dark matter can also bend light rays, causing a gravitational lensing effect just like normal matter. This allows for the measurement of dark matter in the object causing the bending, such as in galaxies and clusters of galaxies.


-   The most robust support for the existence of dark matter comes from the tiny variations observed in the cosmic microwave background radiation (remnant radiation from the big bang), measured with increasingly high precision.


-   Another argument for the existence of dark matter is that large-scale structures of the universe, such as galaxies, would not be able to form without the dark matter within the limited age of the universe.


-    There are alternatives to dark matter that account for many astrophysical observations. The oldest and most popular theory is “modified Newtonian dynamic” (MoND), which suggests that the Newtonian inverse square law of gravitational attraction force is a simplified version of a complete force that becomes perceptible only at very large distances when Newtonian force becomes negligible.


-   Another alternative is a version of MoND that includes Einstein's relativistic effects and explains observations where MoND is limited, such as cosmic microwave background radiation. Then there is the proposed theory of “retarded gravity” that also claims to comply with such observations.


-   Astronomers are surprised to learn that many observations show a complete absence of dark matter or dark matter-deficient structures. This leads one to question its existence.  One then has to find an explanation of what might have created the problem, such as tidal forces exerted by the passing of nearby galaxies stripping away dark matter. Even the mass of the Milky Way has recently been determined to be much smaller than expected from cosmology.


-    Recent discoveries create doubt around the existence of dark matter. Despite extensive research and billions of dollars in investment, there has been no direct detection of any dark matter.  The dark energy theory negates the gravitational pull of matter, causing the universe to expand faster with time, as observed.


-    The interrelated variation of constants of nature, dubbed “covarying coupling constants” (CCC), achieve the same effect by weakening the gravitational pull and other forces of nature with time, eliminating the need for dark energy.


-   Combined with the “tired light” (TL) effect which posits that light slows down as a result of energy loss, such a cosmological model has no room for dark matter. The CCC approach could also replace the dark energy-like constant considered responsible for the extremely rapid expansion of the universe following the Big Bang, called “inflation”.


-   The age of the universe is determined from the historical expansion rate of the universe, and can vary depending on the model used for the expansion. Measuring the redshift of exploding stars, called supernovae type 1a, and their observed brightness can determine the expansion rate of the Universe.


-   Redshift is the lowering of spectral line frequencies depending on the recessional speed of the emitting object, similar to the frequency of a receding ambulance siren. By allowing the redshift due to the tired light effect to coexist with the expansion redshift, the universe's expansion rate is reduced, and age of the universe increases.


-   This new model predicts the universe is older than we think it is, 26.7 billion years in the CCC cosmology compared to 13.8 in the standard cosmology, and allows galaxies and their clusters to form without dark matter. The increase in the age of the universe in early times when structures started forming was up to 100 times larger in the new model.


-   The absence of dark matter that reduces the gravitational force and increases the time for collapsing the matter to form structures is greatly overcompensated by increased age in the CCC model.


-   The expansion of the universe causes time to appear slowed down when observing distant galaxies. The CCC+TL model complies with observations showing a time dilation effect that appears to slow down the clock in distant objects.


-     The standard cosmology model requires dark matter to fit observations, such as accounting for redshift when measuring the brightness of supernovae. Dark matter is also used to explain physical processes such as galaxy rotation curves, galaxy clusters or gravitational lensing. Using CCC+TL cosmology means that we must seriously consider alternative physical processes to account for observations that had previously been attributed to dark matter.



October 3, 2024           DARK  MATTER  ALTERNATIVES                 4570


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