Saturday, December 8, 2012

Discovering new solar systems?

--------------------- #1524 - Discovering New Solar Systems
- Astronomers have discovered 1000’s of new planets and therefore new solar systems. A recent discover, L15271RS, is a young solar system estimated to be only 300,000 years old. It is 450 lightyears away in the Constellation Taurus the Bull. Our Solar System is 4,600,000,000 years old.
- The new star is 20% the mass of the Sun, but, it is not done pulling in material from the surrounding accretion disk of gas, dust, and rocks. Measuring the mass of the accretion disk it is equal to 7 Jupiter-sized planets.
---------------------- 7 Jupiters is = to 2,225 Earth sized planets.
--------------------- Mass of the Earth = “Me”
--------------------- Jupiter = 318 Me
-------------------- Saturn = 95 Me
-------------------- Uranus = 17 Me
-------------------- Total Solar System = 447 Me
-------------------- Not counting the Sun of course which is = 330,000 Me
- So, this new solar system is 7 Jupiters or 5 of our Solar Systems.-
Astronomers are measuring the dust and carbon monoxide in the accretion disk using millimeter - wave radio spectroscopy. The carbon monoxide detected tells the rotation speed of the disk. The rotation velocity changes just like our Solar System rotating faster towards the center and slower towards the edges. The further planets feel less gravity from the sun and have lower velocities in order to keep from flying off into outer space. The system follows Kepler’s third law of motion of the planets.
--------------------- ( periods)^2 = (radii )^3
--------------------- ( years)^2 = ( astronomical units)^3
-----------------------Earth = (1 year)^2 = ( 1 AU)^3
----------------------- Mars = (1.88)^2 = ( 1.52 )^3
------------------------ Mars = 3.53 = 3.53
- This formula works when the period is in years and the radii are in astronomical units.
- Mars’s period in one orbit is 88% longer that that for the Earth and its distance from tth Sun is 52% further.
------------------------------ Mercury = 0.24 years
------------------------------ Venus = 0.61years
------------------------------ Earth = 1 years
------------------------------ Mars = 1.88 years
------------------------------ Jupiter = 11.86 years
------------------------------ Saturn = 29.42 years
------------------------------ Uranus = 84 years
------------------------------ Neptune = 184.8 years
-- This system is known as Keplerian rotation and it mediates the flow of material onto the protostar while allowing the planet formation process to begin.
- Newton took Kepler’s formula and generalized it to apply to any rotating masses, galaxies, galaxy clusters, binaries.
----------------------- p^2 = 4*pi^2 * r^3 / G ( M1 + M2)
- ( M1 + M2 ) is the sum of both masses. When we are talking about planets oly the mass of the Sun needs to be considered.
---------------------- p^2 = 4*pi^2 * r^3 / G * M
---------------------- The orbital velocity is the circumference of orbit divided by the time of orbit.
------------------------------- v = 2*pi *r / p
------------------------------ p = 2*pi*r / v
- Solving Newton’s formula for mass:
------------------------------- M = 4*pi* r^3* v^2 / 6.61*10^-11 * 4*pi^2 * r^2
----------------------------- M = r*v^2 / 6.61*10^-11
----------------------------- v^2 = M/r * 6.61*10^-11
- Orbital velocity is directly proportional to mass inside the radius of orbit and inversely proportional to the radius. The larger the mass the faster the velocity needed to stay in orbit and the less time it takes to complete one orbit, the period. The further the distance from the center the slower the velocity in order to not fly off into space and the longer the period of orbit.
- Our Solar System is 26,000 lightyears form the Galaxy center, which is a massive Blackhole. Our Solar System is orbiting at 220 kilometers per second around the Blackhole. What is the mass of the Milky Way Galaxy?
- ----------------------------- M = r*v^2 / 6.61*10^-11
----------------------------- r = 2.6*10^4 lightyears
----------------------------- Lightyear = 9.46 * 10^12 kilometers
------------------------------ r = 2.6*10^20 meters
------------------------------- v = 2.2*10^5 meters / second
----------------------------- M = 2.6*10^20 * 2.2*10^5 ^2 / 6.61*10^-11
--------------------------- M = 1.9 *10^41 kilograms
- The mass of the galaxy inside the orbit of our Solar System is 1.9 * 10^41 kilograms. The mass of the Milky Way Galaxy is 20 * 10^41 kilograms.
- The Blackhole is 4,000,000 Solar Mass
- The Milky Way is 100,000,000,000 Solar Mass , ( 10^11)
- Our Solar System began 5 billion years ago as gravity collapsed a massive gas cloud. It began to spin as it collapsed like an ice skater on ice pulling in her arms spins faster and faster. The collapsing cloud spins and flattens into a disk the center got so dense and hot it broke into nuclear fusion and the Sun was born. the debris that was still spinning bombarded itself into planets, moons, asteroids and comets.
- The debris beyond Pluto is a giant cloud of frozen comets.
- Relative to the other planets Venus spins backward on its axis. Probably this is the result of a massive collision in its formation.
- There is enough rocky debris in the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter to make another planet half the size of our Moon. The gravity pull from Jupiter is preventing this collection of rocks from getting together. -
- If Jupiter were just a fraction bigger it would have started nuclear fusion and became a star as well . We would live in a binary solar system. Or, maybe we wouldn’t live. Many of the stars in the sky are binaries. So, there must be binary solar systems as well. An announcement will be made shortly, stay tuned.
Other reviews available:
#15 The Sun and the Planets in Six Easy Pieces
# 1507 Solar System Geology
# 1150 What is new and extreme in Our Solar System
# 1157 Mysteries of our Solar System
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707-536-3272, Saturday, December 8, 2012

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