Saturday, December 22, 2012

Gravity Lenses find Dark Matter and Planets

--------------------- #1535 - Gravity Lenses finds Dark Matter and Planets
- See Review #1534 about the calculations of mass from the rings of gravitational lensing.
- See Review #827 about the Bullet Cluster and the collision of 2 galaxies.
- In August 2006 astronomers discovered direct evidence for the presence of Dark Matter in the collision of 2 galaxies, called the Bullet Cluster located in the Constellation Carina the Keel. The collision first began 150,000,000 years ago. The matter inside the collision did not all behave the same way. The ordinary matter and dark matter separated during the collision.
- Stars that were 1 to 2% of the mass passed right by each other with very rare collisions or interference. Hot Interstellar gas, an ionized plasma, 5 to 15% of this mass slowed down due to the charged particles interacting with each other and with the electromagnetic forces.
- Gravitational lensing was used to measure the mass distribution of the cluster. The unseen mass was not around the ionized gas because it was not affected by the electromagnetic forces the same way the gas was. That is the reason it is Dark Matter, it does not interact with light. X-ray telescopes were use to track the gas distribution. X-rays are a form of light and interact with the gas.
- The conclusions from studying this collision was that 16% of the mass was ordinary matter and 84% was Dark Matter.
- In 1933 astronomers first realized that galaxies contained a lot more mass than we could see, maybe up to 400 times more mass. Today the belief is that 84% of all the mass in the Universe is Dark Matter.
- In 1996 Hubble Space Telescope showed images of gravitational lensing around the galaxy cluster Abell 2218 , 2 billion lightyears away. See Review #1534 to learn the calculations made using gravitational lensing. The galaxy cluster had 700 Galactic Mass bending light to form a 38 arc second ring. With visible light astronomers could only find 35 galaxies in this cluster of galaxies. 5% of the mass was visible mass. 95% of the mass was invisible mass, Dark Matter.
- Micro lensing is a technique used to find dark stars and planets. Micro lensing occurs when a foreground object drifts in front of a background star producing a distinctive bell-shaped light curve. Typical light curves last about a month as a star drifts past the background object. It the object is a planet the light curve only lasts a few hours.
- Hubble Space Telescope used gravitational lensing on the Bullet Cluster to generate a map of the Dark Matter. Combined with an X-ray image that tracked the hot gases the picture at the beginning of this review was created.
- Gravitational lensing has come form theory to being an essential tool for astronomers . Hubble Telescope has used the lensing as a magnifying glass to see galaxies back to 500,000,000 years after the Big Bang. An announcement will be made shortly, stay tuned.
- Here are several reviews available upon request about Dark Matter:
- #1517 - What is the universe made of?
- #1485 - Where is the Dark Matter?
- #1427 - The picture of Dark Matter Collision
- #1341 - Investigating Dark Matter
- #1218 - Could Dark Matter be another Universe?
- #1075 - Dark Matter
- #837 - Weighing Galaxies using Hot Gas?
- #718 - What could Dark Matter be?
- #692 - Dark Matter and Blackholes.
- #594 - Dark Galaxy
- # 14 - What is Dark Matter.
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