Saturday, December 29, 2012

Loosing the American Dream?

--------------------- #1541 - Saving the American Dream
- The address below is the data on our current Fiscal Cliff. And, how we got here over the past 50 years, our generation’s heritage. See the data in graphic form and make up your own mind:
- The Heritage Foundation measures the degree to which individuals rely on benefits funded by the government, that is by taxes, which is another name for other people’s money.
- In 2010,the last year we have good data:
- Individuals received $32,748 in government benefits
- The average personal disposable income of taxpayers = $32,446
- Why work?
- Obviously the government spends more than it can take in. It must borrow the difference. The debt is up to $16,000,000,000,000. And, they are begging for more.
- 67,300,000 Americans get food stamps, retirement income, health care, job training, higher education, …….. That is 21% of Americans, at a cost to tax payers $2,500,000,000,000.
- In 2010 49.5% of adult Americans paid zero federal income taxes.
- Since 1962 to 2010, ( 48 years ) 15 times as much resources are used to pay government dependents.
------------------------ Future Value = Present Value * ( 1 + interest ) ^ time
------------------------ 15 = 1 ( 1+ interest ) ^ 48
-------------------------- 15 ^ 0.0208 = 1.058
---------------------------- Interest = 6%
- Government dependency has grown 6% per year for the past 48 years.
- 50 years ago 21,700,000 Americans received assistance from the government. Today it is 156,000,000, which means the number has grown 4% per year for the last 50 years.
----------------------- 315 million people, 49.5% receive benefits = 156 million people
---------------------- 156 = 21.7 ( 1 + interest ) ^ 50
----------------------- 7.19^0.02 = ( 1+ interest )
--------------------- 1.04 = 1 + interest
- Editorial opinion: I think the way to look at this is that if you receive any money from the government you are a government employee. If you are an employee you have a job to do and you should be held accountable to do your job. If you are getting paid tuition your job is to graduate and become a tax paying citizen. If you are getting food stamps your job is to get a job and government matches your first month’s salary and your last month’s salary if you keep it for one year. Jobs should be assigned to everyone on the government payroll. And, your job is not to enforce the rules ( regulations ). Your job is to achieve the objectives the rules were intended to achieve ( goals ). It is the American Dream to be free and a contributing citizen to a free society.
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