Sunday, December 30, 2012

Gravity lamp helping the poor.

--------------------- #1542 - The Gravity Lamp
- We have a Gravity Clock in our house. It sound chimes every 15 minutes and bells every hour. We call it our Grandfather Clock. We wind the weights up once a week.
--------------- So why not a gravity lamp?
-------------- Search :
- A gravity lamp has been invented costing $5.00 that operates an LED lamp for 30 minutes at a time. Simply lift the rock tied to a cable and let it hang from the suspended lamp. As the rock slowly falls , the cable pulls, ant the lamp generates electricity to run the light emitting diodes (LEDs). The lamp has no batteries, no operating costs, no repurchases after the $5 investment up front.
- There are over 1,500,000,000 people in the world without reliable electricity. They burn wood, peat, or kerosene to provide their light after dark.
- But, living in a room with kerosene lanterns is the same as smoking 2 packs of cigarettes a day. Adding up all of these kerosene lamps puts 244,000,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year. Over 800,000,000 women are breathing smoke equivalent to 2 packs of cigarettes a day.
- 60% of adult lung-cancer victims in developing countries are people who do not smoke cigarettes. Kerosene fuels also cause eye infections and cataracts. 10 to 20% of many household incomes is spent on kerosene fuel for a few cupfuls each day. 1,500 people per day become a burn victim from a kerosene lamp.
- Solar panels produce electricity but only when the Sun shines and they require batteries to store the electricity. These lighting systems are more expensive ( relatively ). There is a product that claims to work for 8 hours even after a cloudy day and costs only $10. Batteries and panels eventually have to be replaced. Larger panels and larger batteries are too expensive to lift people out of poverty.
- My grandfather clock has worked for 25 years with not maintenance costs, just a little spray of WD-40 every few years. Of course, we have to wind up the weights every weekend, that burns a few calories turning the crank.
- I think these Gravity lamps would be great for camping too. The rock weights are free at most camp sites. A little good marketing could crank up the manufacturing volume making the lamps even more cost effective for the rest of the world. An announcement will be made shortly , stay tuned.
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