Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Jupiter our largest planet.

- 2046  -  Jupiter our largest planet.    -  Jupiter is mostly hydrogen in gas and liquid form.   It is 89.8 % by volume.  Jupiter generates a magnetic field that is 15 times stronger than Earth’s.  Jupiter’s largest moons are Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.   -  In 2016 the Juno Mission entered a 53 day orbit around Jupiter. 
------------------------  2046  -  -  Jupiter our largest planet.   

-  Jupiter is by far our largest planet. It is 11 times the diameter of Earth and 318 times the mass.  It’s total mass is more than the combined mass of all the other six planets, dwarf planets,  moons, and asteroids in our solar system.
-  Jupiter is mostly hydrogen in gas and liquid form.   It is 89.8 % by volume.  Another 10.2% is helium.   So it is essentially a bottomless atmosphere that transitions into liquid, then solid as you approach the center.
-  Voyager spacecraft imaged the close ups of the atmosphere in 1979 starting some 36 million miles away from Jupiter.   Jupiter’s atmosphere is full of strange eddies, waves, and turbulent clouds everywhere.  It is far more complex than astronomers expected.
-  The Great Red Spot has been there continuously for 150 years. It is large enough for two Earth diameters to fit inside. Its cloud tops are 5 miles high above the surface. The circular winds are traveling 425 miles per hour.
-  The Great Red Spot color comes from ultraviolet radiation breaking down ammonia and acetylene gases in the upper atmosphere.  What is the energy source that powers the jet streams?   How deep into the interior do these winds exist? 
-   25 miles deep the pressure 60% that of Earth’s and the temperature is -193 F.   Deeper below the surface at 60 F  there are clouds of water ice crystals.
-  Minute frequency changes in radio signals are used to map Jupiter’s gravitational field.   The signals are like a train whistle where frequencies change depending on the relative velocity of the reflected signal.  Hundreds of miles deep the hydrogen becomes a hot liquid.  20% of the way to the center the temperatures are as hot as the Suns surface, 10,000 F.  The hydrogen becomes metallic liquid, a conductive soup of protons and electrons.
-  80% of the way to the center reaches enormous temperatures and pressures. At 40,00 F it reaches the core the size of 20 Earth masses of rock and iron and maybe water, methane, and ammonia all soluble in the liquid hydrogen.
-  Jupiter generates a magnetic field that is 15 times stronger than Earth’s.  The magnetosphere on the sun side is 40 Jupiter diameters and stretches 3,500 diameters behind the planet.  It nearly reaches Saturn’s orbit.
-  Jupiter’s largest moons are Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.   They were first discovered by Galileo in 1610.  Ganymede is slightly bigger than the planet Mercury. Callisto is an Earth diameter and Io and Europa the Moon’s diameter.
-  It the 7.15 days it takes Ganymede to orbit, Europa orbits is twice that and Io orbits four times that. The resonance is 1:2:4 forcing them into slightly eccentric orbits.  This eccentric gravity pull change causes the interiors to warm up. 
-  Io is the closest of these four to the planet and it experiences the biggest swings in gravity pull in its elliptical orbit.    As a result there are at least 150 active volcanoes on Io.  They shoot umbrella shaped plumes as high as 150 miles above the surface.  The plumes contain sodium, potassium, sulfur, and sulfur dioxide. 
-  The planets fast moving magnetic field rotates with the planet every 10 hours. It inflates the magnetosphere to twice the size it would normally be.  Two billion kilowatts of electrons flow through this magnetic tube.   This is about the same as the total electric power consumption on planet Earth. 
-  Europa , the next moon out from Jupiter is totally different.  It has a surface of frozen water and no discernible craters.  It’s surface is the smoothest in the whole solar System.   The gravitational flexing is maintaining a liquid ocean beneath the surface.  The ice shell is 10 miles thick and the ocean below is 30 miles deep.  That is 10 times deeper than the deepest part of Earth’s oceans. 
-  Io is the closest of these four moons to the planet and it experiences the biggest swings in gravity pull in its elliptical orbit.    As a result there are at least 150 active volcanoes on Io.  They shoot umbrella shaped plumes as high as 150 miles above the surface.  The plumes contain sodium, potassium, sulfur, and sulfur dioxide.   
-  The planets fast moving magnetic field rotates with the planet every 10 hours. It inflates the magnetosphere to twice the size it would normally be.  Two billion kilowatts of electrons flow through this magnetic tube.   This is about the same as the total electric power consumption on Planet Earth. 
-  Europa , the next large moon out from Jupiter is totally different.  It has a surface of frozen water and no discernible craters.  It’s surface is the smoothest in the whole Solar System.   The gravitational flexing is maintaining a liquid ocean beneath the surface.  The ice shell is 10 miles thick and the ocean below that is 30 miles deep.  Ganymede and Callisto each may have sub surface oceans that are larger than Earth’s. 
-  In 2016 the Juno Mission entered a 53 day orbit around Jupiter.  It is mapping the gravitational field and the magnetic field as it circles the planet.  This data will map Jupiter’s internal structure.  It will map the movement of electrically charged material. 
-  Juno flies over the poles 2,600 miles above the clouds. It’s elongated orbit is designed to limit its exposure to the radiation belt.  The electronics is being  protected by a titanium vault but the radiation is still too strong for extended exposure. 
-  Callisto is almost the size of Mercury.  It has the oldest surface that is nearly saturated with craters.

-  797. -   2007. New Horizon visit to Jupiter. 

-  1903. -   2016. Juno mission arrives at Jupiter to send back data for 20 months.  It gets to within 2,600 miles above the surface. 

-  1880. -  Juno’s 53 day orbits will slowly descend to 14 day orbits. 

-  1175. -   Exploring the four largest moons around Jupiter.  Ganymede would be a planet if it were circling the Sun instead of circling Jupiter. 

-  927. -   We think Jupiter is made of the same composition as the Sun’s original accretion disk.  It takes Jupiter 11.86 years to orbit the Sun. 

-  29.  -  Written in 2003 my 29th Review, this review compares the four gaseous planets in diameter, orbits, mass, distance from Sun, weight and velocity. 
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 -------------------------   Tuesday, March 27, 2018   --------------------------------

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