Friday, September 11, 2020


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-  2805  -  WHITE  DWARF  -  stars.  The stars in the sky may seem ageless and unchanging, but eventually most of them will turn into White Dwarf Stars.  This is the last observable stage of evolution for low- and medium-mass stars. These dim stellar corpses dot the galaxy, leftovers of stars that once burned bright.

-  2806  -  UNIVERSE  AGE  - measuring the oldest light.  Ancient light from the Big Bang has revealed a new estimate for the universe's age of 13.77 billion years, + or - 40 million years.  The new estimate, based on data from an array of telescopes in the Chilean Atacama Desert.  The new data also estimates how fast is the universe expanding.  

-  2807  -  UNIVERSE EXPANDING  -  violate conservation of energy?  As the Universe expands the light waves get stretched to lower energies.  Where does this loss of energy go?  This review discusses the law of Conservation of Energy and how spacetime causes us to see this is a loss of energy.

-  2808  -  UNIVERSE  -  expansion controlled by dark matter?  Dark Matter somehow forms the galaxies we have today?  At some point stars of all masses that we see today appear?  The smaller mass stars live for billions of years but when did they form.  What role did Blackholes play in this picture? 

-  2809  -  UNIVERSE  -  born in billion year steps?  -  This review summarizes what science thinks is the way the Universe evolved after its birth 13,750,000,000 years ago.  The most astounding part is that what we know is only a very small percentage of what is out there.  The mass-energy of the Universe is huge.  We are made of heavy elements that are like 0.03% of it.  And, we have been recycled several times.  If you do not know the answer it must be science.

-  2810  -  UNCERTAINTY  -  principle in physics?  -  Quantum Mechanics describes the behavior of matter on the ‘microscopic scale“.  Albert Einstein’s physics worked on the extreme velocity cases and it also was the same as Newton’s math on ordinary cases.  Quantum Mechanics math had to be invented to work on the atomic scales.  

-  2811  -  NEBULAE -  Boomerang, Butterfly, and Jewel Bug?  -  This Review is about “nebulae”.   A nebula is a tenuous cloud of gas and dust that occur in outer space.  About 1% of the interstellar medium is in the form of dust, small solid particles that are efficient in absorbing and scattering radiation.    

-  2812  -  TELESCOPES  -  around the world.  In 2020  a white paper was published that points out the potential benefits of coordinating ground, orbital and in “situ” based observations of objects.  It suggests a different path forward where all of the space science community can benefit from the type of coordinated output that can only come from a cohesive team on the same objective.

-  2813  -  UNIVERSE  -  how big is it?   Planck’s satellite findings were published in 2015. By carefully examining the microwave background radiation, astronomers have pinned down the universe’s age to 13.8 billion years, accurate to better than 1 percent.  And that is how big it is too, in lightyears.

-  2814  -  HUBBLE  -  tests to detect exoplanets life?  Astronomers have been using a variety of ground- and space-based telescopes to analyze how the ingredients of Earth's atmosphere look from space, using our planet as a proxy for studying extrasolar planets' atmospheres.  They hope to eventually compare Earth's atmospheric composition with those of other worlds to note similarities and differences. 

-  2815  -  WHITE  DWARF -  spinning neutron star?  A White Dwarf star is the left over core of a star that has exploded in a supernova.  It has the mass of the Sun and has the volume of the Earth.  Therefore it is a very dense material made of neutrons, or electron - degenerate matter.  No fusion takes place anymore so it is a “dead star” continuously loosing its thermal energy

-  2816  -   STARS  -  seeing with new eyes?  The Spitzer Space Telescope was launched in 2003.  Its orbit follows the Earth, behind it by 56 million miles.  Spitzer was viewing the Universe with infrared eyes.  Our eyes can see red light at 700 nanometers.  Yet when the wavelengths are stretched a little wider to 800 nanometers it becomes infrared and the light turns dark to our eyes. 

-  2817  -  STARS  -  residing in your neighborhood?  -   I am certain you have not thought about it.  But, how well do you know the stars in your neighborhood?  Not those stars!  I mean, the stars like our Sun.  The Sun is obviously the closest star, but, what would you see if you looked 15 lightyears in all directions?  The closest star is 4 lightyears away.  What about the rest?

-  2818  -   BOSONS AND FERMIONS  -  are particle physics words for “electrons and photons“.  Fermions and Bosons are two different types of fundamental particles that make up our world.  ALL “observed” elementary particles are either fermions or bosons.  

-  2819  -   INTERSTELLAR   DUST  -  where stars are born.  Interstellar dust is not a very exciting astronomical topic, But, it happens to be the birth place of all the stars and the ingredients for the creation of all life.  So, we better learn something about this “dust“.  Interstellar refers to the space between the existing stars, but it is where new stars are born.

-  2820  -   LIFE  -  coming to us from space?  -  Our Solar System formed 4,600,000,000 years ago out of a dense, interstellar molecular cloud.  ( See Review 2819 to learn about Interstellar Dust ).  These clouds are essentially clouds of dust and gas that span a few hundred light years across.  Our Milky Way Galaxy spans 100,000 light years across.  Could life originated in these clouds?

-  2821  -   GAMMA  RAY  BURSTS  - how often it happens?  Would you like to see the most powerful explosion that occurs in the Universe?  Don’t worry you do not have to stand too close.  These explosions are at least 2,000,000,000 lightyears away.  They occur once a day on average and one of these occurred in the constellation Hydra.  Log on to and see the sky map with the Gamma Ray Bursts exploding in real time.  

-  2822  -   -  ELECTROMAGNETISM  -  Electric and Magnetic Forces?  Let’s explain why a little refrigerator magnet can pick up a paper clip while the force of gravity created by the entire Earth can not pull it back?

-  2823  - DARK  MATTER  -  needs to be a new 2020 discovery?  Researchers remain unsure about what exactly dark matter is. Originally, some conjectured that the missing mass in the universe was made up of small faint stars and black holes, though detailed observations have not turned up nearly enough such objects to account for dark matter's influence.

-  2824  -  BIG  BANG  -  how the universe got started?  -   Where did all of this universe come from? For generations, we told one another tales of our own invention, and chose the narrative that sounded best to us. The idea that we could find the answers by examining the Universe itself was foreign until recently, when scientific measurements began to solve the puzzles that had stymied philosophers, theologians, and thinkers alike.


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 -------------------------   Friday, September 11, 2020   --------------------------------


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