Sunday, March 7, 2021

3079 DARK ENERGY - Could the Astronomer’s Math be Wrong?

  -  3079  -  DARK  ENERGY  -  Could the Astronomer’s Math be Wrong?  -   Therefore, the Universe is not expanding at a constant rate, it is accelerating in its expansion.  Astronomers do not know what could cause this so they call it “Dark Energy” and their calculations are that Dark Energy composes 73% of all the mass-energy in the Universe.  

------   3079  DARK  ENERGY  -  Could the Astronomer’s Math be Wrong?  

-   Expanding Universe, well, could the astronomers math be wrong?  Astronomer’s have measured the brightness of Supernovae Type 1a.  These are supernovae created by a White Dwarf star accreting material from an orbiting binary star.  When the White Dwarf reaches 1.4 Solar Mass it explodes.


-   Therefore, all Supernovae Type 1a must be about the same brightness since they contain the same amount of exploding mass.  When astronomers collected their data they found that these Supernovae were dimmer than their distance measurements could account for.  


-   Therefore, the Universe is not expanding at a constant rate, it is accelerating in its expansion.  Astronomers call it “Dark Energy” and their calculations are that Dark Energy composes 73% of all the mass-energy in the Universe.


-  This math assumes light travels at a constant speed in the vacuum of space.  It also assumes that light is redshifted by the constant expansion of the Universe.  These assumptions tell us how old the Universe is, how big the “Observable Universe” is, and how far the most distant galaxies with supernovae are. 


-   It is called the “Lambda-CMD model“.  It is today’s theory for how Big Bang Cosmology is working.  To make the math work we need 73% Dark Energy and 23% Dark Matter to exist in the Cosmos.  But, we have not discovered what either of these really are?  It is a mystery?


-  Could the math be wrong?  Do we really understand all there is about how light travels across the Universe?  Electromagnetic radiation is the astronomer’s form of communication.  Ours too for the most part.  Is there an alternative theory.


-    Let’s pursue a physical portrayal of how the Universe is evolving.  Besides the constant speed of light in a vacuum, 670,633,500 miles per hour, there is another fundamental law in Physics that energy always seeks the lowest level.  When a supernova explodes the expanding light is traveling from the highest levels of energy at the source into space that is at a lower level of energy.


-  From his physical perspective light is traveling from a denser energy region to a sparse energy region.  Its wavelength increase and its energy level decreases as it enters the surrounding regions of decreasing energy density.  Photons are constantly entering lower energy surroundings.  


-  This law of “least energy” is also the same as the law of “ least time”.  Light will always travel not in a straight line, but , in a line or path that travels in the least amount of time through any medium. 


-   So, if light is traveling through media of different energy densities it will take curved paths to maintain the least-time path.  This is the same as saying the light is always traveling the path that maximizes its dispersal of energy.  Light is always trying to lengthen its wavelength to a lower energy level of momentum.


-  When the same Supernovae Type 1a luminosities are measured for light that has traveled over millions of lightyears using these least-time travel calculations it fit’s the data with the known amount of mass-energy in the Universe.  No Dark Matter or Dark Energy is needed to explain the data we are seeing.


-  When supernovae explode there must be maintained the same quanta of energy, energy can neither be created or destroyed , it always remains the same, it simply changes forms. As it changes from matter to radiation there must be maintained a balance between the matter that disintegrates and the free photons that expand away in radiation. 


-   One way to maintain this balance is to have all supernovae moving away from each other.  Not just supernovae but all forms of energy transformations result in an expanding Universe.  The expansion is consuming free energy in the least- time in its expansion.  No Dark Energy , or anti-gravity, is required in these calculations.  


-  When gravitational lensing is calculated using least-time formulas then Dark Matter is not required to explain the results.  So, it is “energy transformation” that is expanding the Universe in least-time.  Maybe, simply changing the math may give us a whole new perspective of an Evolving Universe.


-  These math ideas are not new.  Fermat’s principle of least- time was his invention in the 1700’s.  Maupertius, another French mathematician, proposed the principle of least-action during this time as well.  He said the product of mass, velocity, and distance is always minimized in a natural system.  Mass*velocity is momentum.  This is not quite the same, but, the same idea. So, we have had 300 years to think about this.


-  All theories in science, and “laws” in physics are temporary, until a better one comes along.  Maybe some old math in an new application will bring new enlightenment?  


-  An announcement will be made shortly, stay tuned.


March 7, 2021     DARK  ENERGY  - Astronomer’s Math ?            3079                                                                                                                                                          


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