Thursday, March 25, 2021

3106 - UNIVERSE - The Universe you live in?

  -  3106  -   UNIVERSE  -  The Universe you live in?  Space is completely silent. Sound needs an atmosphere to travel through, and since space has no atmosphere, it has no sound. The biggest, most awe-inspiring exploding star wouldn’t even make a peep. Astronauts are able to communicate up there thanks to radio waves, which can travel through space.

-------------------   3106 -   UNIVERSE  -  The Universe you live in?

-  In the night sky we look into our night sky and can count about 1600 stars.  Not that you have ever tried that.  You can also count one galaxy.  The Andromeda Galaxy is a barely visible smudge of light in the north eastern sky.  Our galaxy, the Milky Way, contains up to 400,000,000,000  stars that we can not see without telescopes.


-  In the observable universe, there are more than 200 billion, up to 500 billion galaxies each with billions or even trillions of stars within it.  This equates to roughly 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in the observable universe.

 (That is 10^29)


-  Of the planets orbiting these stars, astronomers estimate that there are 50,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (50 sextillion, 50*10^21) habitable planets.


-  This is in the observable universe, so the real figures may be infinite… Still wondering whether extraterrestrial life is likely to exist?!


-  Many scientists believe in the multiverse.   That is there are an infinite number of parallel universes that exist alongside our own in other dimensions. This theory would explain some of the peculiarities of quantum mechanics. Detecting a parallel universe is one of the aspirations of the team of scientists working on the CERN Hadron Collide in Europe.


-   Planning a trip to outer space?  Plan on dealing with solar winds and interstellar gas clouds that can reach millions of degrees in temperature , but the general background temperature of outer space is around -260C. 


-  The closest galaxy to our own is Andromeda Galaxy. Measuring 140,000 light years across and 2.5 million light years away from Earth, if it were bright enough to be seen in the night sky, it would appear six times as large as the Moon.


-   Black holes form when massive stars collapse into themselves and condense their mass into an unbelievably small area. The tiniest are called primordial black holes, which are about the size of a single atom, but with the mass equal to that of a mountain! The biggest are supermassive black holes.  These have masses greater than 1 million suns. That is a whole lot of mountains.


-  It’s thought that every galaxy has a supermassive black hole at its center.  The Milky Way’s black hole is called Sagittarius A. It has a mass equal to 4 million suns, yet, it would fit inside our own Sun.


-  If a human were to become a black hole, that person would have to be compressed to the size of a proton.


-  Over the course of a year, 100 billion stars are born and die throughout the universe.


-   Astronauts returning from space have said that their spacesuits and gear smell like seared steak and hot metal.  This is an odor that’s probably caused by the remnants of dying stars.


-   Back in the days when you would turn your television over to a badly tuned channel, the static, or “white noise“, that you heard was made up of about one per cent radiation left over from the Big Bang. The proper name for this is Cosmic Microwave Background.


-  Space officially begins 62 miles above the earth, at the Karman line.  Cast into space on 5 September 1977 was space probe Voyager 1.  It is the furthest man-made object from Earth, at 11,136,538,637 miles away. In 1990, this space probe took the first ever image of our solar system from outside the solar system,  showing the Earth as a tiny blue dot.


-  The probe carries a gold-plated audio-visual disk that carries scientific information, greetings, photos, sounds, and music from Earth, in case the probe ever is discovered by extraterrestrial life.


-   Neutron stars are a crushed core of a massive star with a small radius and extremely high density. It can spin at up to 43,000 times a minute, and have a magnetic field one trillion times stronger than Earth’s.  They are one of the densest objects known.  One teaspoon of matter from a neutron star would weigh as much as one billion tons.


-   Space is completely silent. Sound needs an atmosphere to travel through, and since space has no atmosphere, it has no sound. The biggest, most awe-inspiring exploding star wouldn’t even make a peep. Astronauts are able to communicate up there thanks to radio waves, which can travel through space.


-  Talking of atmospheres, the Moon doesn’t have one, either. So, the footprints made by the Apollo astronauts are likely to remain printed on the lunar surface for billions of years.


-   Space is almost a perfect vacuum. As a result, if two lumps of the same metal touch each other, they’ll meld together. This is because the atoms in each piece of material have no air separating them, so the lumps of metal have no way of knowing they’re two different pieces. Imagine the possibilities of construction in space with this handy effect!




-  2016  -  Birth of the Universe. The universe was born 13.8 billion years ago.  Our telescopes can see back 13 billion years.   This is when the Universe was only 800,000 years old.  


-  2008  -  The universe almost did not happen.  There is a fine tuning problem for many of the constants in physics.  Change any of these constants only slightly and the universe we know would not have happened.   


-  1991  -  Universe -  what are the odds?  Our whole existence appears to be n the very edge of the best conditions.  Our bodies are a collection of elements that were formed inside exploding stars. So, what are the odds you are able to read this review?


-  1493  -  The universe is expanding at an ever accelerating rate due to a vacuum energy that we do not understand.  This energy will eventually over come all the gravity in the universe.    Enjoy life while you have it.  The future is not bright.  


-  1836  -  95% of the universe is Dark Matter and Dark Energy that we do not understand.  General Relativity was the theory used to detect gravitational waves.  These are ripples in Einstein’s space-time.  


-  1821  -  Describing the universe.  The universe can be described with a model using just 6 qualities. Astronomy is a time machine that looks backwards in time.  Hubble’s law describes the expansion.  


-   1808  -  History of the Universe.  15 pages starts t 10^-43 seconds and goes to15 billion years.  Each period details important events.


-  1782  -  Telescopes looking back in time.    The Hubble Deep Space Exposure, lasting 140 hours.  The view 11 billion years back in time.  Expanding space stretches wavelengths into the infrared.  The temperature drops from 3,000 Kelvin to -2.73 Kelvin.  If the Sun were a grain of sand, the milky way would be 40,000 miles across.


-  1759  -  Why is the universe expanding?  It is expanding 47,000 miles er hour for every million lightyears distance.  And, it is still accelerating.  On lightyear is 6 trillion miles distance.  


-  1672  -  100,000,000 years after the Big Bang the universe was 5 parts Dark Matter and 1 part Ordinary Matter, hydrogen and helium.  Today Dark Energy is pulling the universe apart at an accelerating rate.  We still do not understand gravity, but, Einstein’s math always works.  


-  1665  -  For the first 400,000 the universe was a pea soup fog of all charged particles.  The first stars could have been a million times larger than our Sun.  


-  1634  -   The universe started out in the realm of Particle Physics.  We are still 95% Dark Matter and Dark Energy and only 5% Ordinary matter and energy.   Gravity is an amazingly small number in the scheme of things.  The masses of the fundamental particles still can not be predicted mathematically.  The macroscopic world is quite different than the microscopic world.  


-  1627  -  Is the universe really expanding?  


-  1584  -  Universe lifetimes?


-  1563  -  How old is the universe?


-  1523  -   Turn the sky ito a 3-D map back to the beginning.


-  1469  -  How we think the universe began?  The most amazing part of the universe is that I am here typing this review. 


-  1421  -  The size of the universe from the smallest to the biggest .


-  1311  -  Is the universe spinning ,or, is it just me?  


-  Ok there are a few more but, I will stop here.   1225  -  Is the universe really a computer?   -  1051  -  The universe by the numbers?  -   843  -  Pressed for time?  My entire lifetime is but a blink of the eye.  -  342  -  The Whole Shebang by Timothy Ferris.  

Ok , there is still more.  Stop.


-  March 25, 2021       UNIVERSE  -   you live in?       2027             3101                                                                                                                                                          


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--------------------- ---  Thursday, March 25, 2021  ---------------------------

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