Wednesday, April 10, 2024

4426 - MILKY WAY GALAXY - from birth to today.


-    4426  -  MILKY  WAY  GALAXY  -  from birth to today.   As galaxies merge and collide, their hydrogen gas clouds are disrupted, which can create a frenzy of star birth.   Over time, the Milky Way’s long filaments of gas and dust coalesced and resulted in the modern spiral structure of the galaxy today.


-------------------------  4426    -   MILKY  WAY  GALAXY  -  from birth to today.

-    Astronomers have used the Gaia space telescope to discover some of the first building blocks of the Milky Way galaxy: two ancient streams of stars named “Shakti” and “Shiva” that helped our home galaxy grow and evolve more than 12 billion years ago.


-    Named after Hindu deities, the star streams appear to be the remnants of two galaxies that merged with an early version of the Milky Way between 12 billion and 13 billion years ago when the first galaxies were forming across the cosmos. The structures are so old that they formed well before the most ancient parts of the Milky Way’s spiral arms and central disk.


-    The Gaia space telescope, launched in 2013 by the European Space Agency, began observing the universe in 2014. Astronomers have used Gaia’s observations to discover previously unknown structures in the Milky Way, helping them piece together the history of the galaxy. The telescope’s dataset has also provided astronomers with the positions, distances and movements for nearly 2 billion stars in the galaxy.


-    In 2022 Gaia was used to peer into the heart of the Milky Way and discovered the oldest stars ever found in the galaxy during their “galactic archaeology” observations. An analysis of data from nearly 6 million stars observed by Gaia and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey revealed two streams that appeared to stand out from the rest.


-    Shakti and Shiva are near the Milky Way’s heart, and each stream is estimated to include the mass of about 10 million suns. Here, the ancient stars are all similar in age, orbital path and composition, which helped astronomers determine that both streams were likely threads from an outside source that wove together and became part of the Milky Way.


-    The stars there are so ancient that they lack many of the heavier metal elements created later in the Universe’s lifetime. These heavy metals are those forged within stars and scattered through space when they die.


-    Until now, we had only recognized these very early fragments that came together to form the Milky Way’s ancient heart. With Shakti and Shiva, we now see the first pieces that seem comparably old but located further out. These signify the first steps of our galaxy’s growth towards its present size.


-    The Milky Way started out small and grew in size as it merged with other galaxies, gaining stars as well as hydrogen to form more stars. Each galaxy has hydrogen gas that aids in the birth of stars.


-    As galaxies merge and collide, their hydrogen gas clouds are disrupted, which can create a frenzy of star birth.   Over time, the Milky Way’s long filaments of gas and dust coalesced and resulted in the modern spiral structure of the galaxy today.



April 10, 2023        MILKY  WAY  GALAXY  -  from birth to today.           4426


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--------------------- ---  Wednesday, April 10, 2024  ---------------------------------









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