Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Help keep the Internet Free?

--------- #1422 - Should the Government Control the Internet?

- Attachments :

- Should the government control the internet? Should private corporations control the internet? Should the people be free to use the internet as they choose, and everyone be responsible for his choices and the choices of children.

- The original design of the Internet was to be a decentralized system with every node connected to every other node. It was designed this way by the Defense Department to prevent a cyber attack.

- But, that is not the way it is today. Today, we are connected to the Internet by an Internet Service Provider. If that connection is blocked we have on internet access.

- A way around this is through the wireless systems in cell phones and WiFi that could automatically route around blocks and censors through the use of multiple nodes.

- In January , 2011, Egypt’s government turned off the Internet. The government simply cut off the few Service Providers. The government failed to cutoff the protestors who were using wireless Facebook online social networks. The TCP/IP protocol that defines the Internet was originally designed to carry data no matter how many nodes were blocked.

- Other governments have done the same thing to control the Internet, Tunisia, Iran, and China. Even
Comcast and AT&T are starting to exercise control as to who gets the fastest Internet speed.

- How can the Internet be made free of these infringing government and corporation controls?

- The answer lies in wireless mesh networks.

- All you need is a $150 Linksys router mounted in a line of sight to another router. Once you have 30 or 40 nodes on the mesh system it becomes self-sustaining. When one node drops out alternative routes are automatically found. Packet-switched, store-and-forward routing does the job at each node relaying data on behalf of all the connected users
- Internet Service Providers never allow a customer’s computer to a be a relay point, it is always a terminal node to send and receive only. As a consequence Service Providers become focal points in the Internet. They become the kill switch.

- Mesh networks have been in operation with up to 5,000 users in Greece and 15,000 users in Barcelona.

- The computer nodes need not be traditional computes. they could just as easily be Iphones or Android phones. “ They have an app for that!”

- Mesh networks are the ideal communication solution around hurricanes, earthquakes and other natural disasters. This may be key to getting government support of their existence.

- The general public can not be technocrats but they can be educated. The need to learn how privacy rights and communications controls are taking away their freedom. Government should be on the side of the decentralized system of mess networks. Instead government today appears to be on the side of centralized government controls and big money corporations in the name of the Patriot Act security and law enforcement of drug dealers an porn. We the people’s freedom should not be the trade-off for security through tyranny.

- Write your representatives and be an Internet advocate. It is our ultimate freedom of speech, and freedom of information, and freedom of education. We the people must control freedom that is not free.

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707-536-3272, Wednesday, March 7, 2012

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