Monday, March 5, 2012

Supercomputers to a better life?

--------- #1420 - Supercomputers in the hands of engineers?

- Attachments :

- The next Industrial Revolution in the United States will be when we put “super computers ‘ in the hands of college students and engineers. New manufacturing will emerge with 3D printing, automation, and computer simulations designing the entire process and product line all the way to the consumer.

- The U.S. National Debt is a squandering of opportunities. The U.S. consumers doted on themselves rather that saving for the future. Politicians were the worst offenders and manufacturers went along.

- The idea that services and finance economies could support and sustain our great nation is a myth. America has to produce value to be strong. We have been outsourcing our strengths be cause we were happy with the easy life and forgot the sacrifice and investment we needed to get us there. We need it again if we are going to have a future. America has lost its “ values”.

- Americas next revolution to restore our economy lies in using super computers to produce valuable products and processes, then have the production reside in America. High technology employment will result making high paying jobs available for the knowledge worker. Educated workers will be more important than ever. Knowledge workers need to be designed into the system. Workers continuously maintain and improve the process, not robots.

- We are already using super computers to design airplanes ( Boeing ) , to model the dynamics of a Blackhole ( astronomy ), to forecast the weather, to simulate cancer radiation therapy ( See Review # 1416 that describes this software available free on the internet).

- Simulation of designs on super computers save time and money shortening the “ time-to-market” for new products and innovations. The entire manufacturing , logistics, and point of sale feed back can be designed in to the manufacturing simulation. Knowledge workers will use statistics and quality control techniques to continuously improve the overall process.

- Once the process is set the economies of scale will compete favorably with low cost labor around the world. Productivity and continuous process improvement is the goal. Investing and getting a return of more and better output for less costly input. The process improvements demand a steady stream of innovation from the knowledge workers.

- Super computers in the hands of students and engineers will create manufacturing start-ups. In the hands of small business men and small manufacturers supercomputers will make them competitive with the big guys. A new economy will be born.

- Government has a role to ply in supporting research and development but it needs to stop their and let the free market run with the manufacturing and business enterprise. Government role should continue in communication of best practices, education, and facilitation to help the free market thrive. But, stay out of trying to manipulate the market and social engineering to control business operations. World class manufacturing and a booming economy should be the goal using America’s land of opportunity spirit and energy.

- Government as well as business should work with Universities to fund the best research and to train the best students for employment. For government to facilitate the growth of business it needs to remove burdensome regulations, mandates that attempt to manipulate the outcomes, time delays, and administrative burdens that inhibit fast moving enterprise.

- Universities especially have the challenge to graduate an educated work force that is ready for the new industrial revolution of super computers.

- Leadership must exist in both universities, businesses, and government to communicate and educate the vision, define the strategies and build the enthusiasm for success. Super computers are the tools. Leadership is the direction. The ship cannot sail into new territories until it leaves the sight of land. Captains must steer the ship.
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707-536-3272, Monday, March 5, 2012

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