Friday, March 23, 2012

How to get things done?

--------- #1438 - Organization is the key to getting things done.
- Attachments : Think about it
- Organizations is key to make things easier. You need two tools.
------------------------ One a weekly calendar
------------------------ Two a diary
- The weekly calendar is your “To Do” list and your schedule.
- The diary is your work plan and your record keeping. Tape all your business cards, addresses, phone numbers in your diary. Plan your work and work your plan. A good dairy saves a lot of time in finding important stuff.
- To get started is 20% of getting done. In this case to get started with your calendar fill up a previous week with “ everything” you can think of that you want to get done. An itemized list big and small.
- Now, prioritize by selecting the most important and most urgent an moving it into a schedule for the current week. To do date and time.
- Priorities come in 4 categories:
-------------------------------- important and urgent - this is stuff that has to get done today, or get started today.
-------------------------------- important but not urgent - This is where good management prevails. To be effective you need to give yourself system imposed deadlines. Effective is doing the right thing. Efficiency is doing things right. You always have 2 decisions to make “ what’ and “ how” .
----------------------------- urgent but not important
----------------------------- not urgent and not important - This is busy work. This is “ activity” Read the review on the “Activity Trap” to learn how to get out of this one.
- Indecision is nearly always the worst mistake you can make.
- Pursuit of excellence is good. Pursuit of perfection is frustrating, neurotic, and a terrible time waster.
- Tension is bad, quiet and tranquility are goals to strive for. Nonsense! Without tension nothing gets done.
- Of all the time savers ever invented the best is the word “ no”. No is a complete sentence it ends in a period.
- Reward yourself for small success, not just your major achievements.
- Clutter, used as a sorting device. It seriously hinders concentration of a single task. Focus on one thing at a time , and first things first. Get the clutter out of the way.
- Frank communication is better for everyone concerned. It avoids time wasting “activity”. Tactful is when you talk about the thing and not the person.
- If you are too busy to exercise you are too busy.
- “ If only” regrets are a great time waster, Forget it.
- Excessive communications is caused by people managing by procedure rather than managing by objective.
- Prioritize using the principle that “ 20% of the effort will buy me 80% of the return? Getting started is often the first 20% of your first priority. Remember work expands to fill the time available for its completion. Develop a compulsion for completion.
- Education is the ability to know and enjoy what needs to be done. Not just doing what you like to do. You could spend half your time wishing for things you would like to do if you were not spending half your time wishing. Yesterday is a cancelled check. Tomorrow is a promissory note. Today is ready cash.
- Time is what life is made of. Organize it to - Getter Done!
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707-536-3272, Friday, March 23, 2012

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