Sunday, April 26, 2020

SPACETIME - at the macro and micro levels.?

-  2722  -  SPACETIME  -  at the macro and micro levels.?   How Can Space and Time be Related?.   Space and time seem to be absolute quantities to us.  It is hard to see their interrelationship until you take their ratio as velocity and extend that ratio to its limits.  Velocity is space / time!

----------------------  2722  -  SPACETIME  -  at the macro and micro levels.?
-  In order for the speed of light to be a constant physical law in the Universe, regardless of the relative motion of all observers everywhere, then space and time must change in a compensating way to keep the velocity constant.
-  Space and time are so different.  Space is volume, 3 dimensional volume.  Move left, right, forward, backward, up and down and that box of volume is called space.  It is the stuff that matter occupies.  Remove all the matter and space is what is left.
-   Usually our senses do not experience space, except for the lengths and distances.  One thing occupies a space another thing is separated in space occupying a different space.  The separation we see as distance. It is 3 dimensional as well.
-  Time on the other hand is one dimensional.  How can it be related to space?  Time is how we separate events.  One event happens after another event.  There is a cause then there is an effect that follows the cause.  The sequence of events only moves in one direction.  It is one dimensional.  How can these two things be related?
-  One way they are related is the way we describe motion.  Movement through space can be defined as distance only with respect to a reference.  Motion is defined as movement through space per unit time. 
-  Motion is separation in space divided by separation in time.  We call this ratio of the two “velocity“.  When velocity is zero we are at the reference point for space and time.  When the ratio of the two is positive we have relative motion with respect to the reference.
-  As long as the relative motion is constant and unchanging there are no external forces involved.  Constant motion is a natural state the same as at rest is a natural state.  The difference only depends on how you set the reference. 
-  Whether at rest at the reference, or in constant motion at a constant velocity in a straight line, then motion is in its natural state and no forces are involved.  However, if the velocity speeds up or slows down, or changes direction, then external forces are involved. 
-  Even if the speed of motion is constant,  if it changes direction from a straight line than an external force is involved.  We define either a change in motion or a change in direction as a form of acceleration.  Acceleration is the rate of change of the rate of change of space with respect to time.
-  One of the inherent problems with ratios is that they tend to have limits.  Numerators divided by denominators tend to produce limits when either approach very large numbers or very small numbers. 
-  In the case of velocity, space divided by time, there is a natural limit of 670 million miles per hour.  This is nature’s speed limit.  No object can pass through space faster than 670 million miles per hour.  What makes this natural law especially difficult is that it always applies regardless of relative motion between objects.
-    Objects everywhere regardless of their motion must see the same limit.  The laws of physics is the same for all observers everywhere.  In order for this to happen then space and time must change in order to keep the ratio constant for all observers.  It also means that when two observers are separated in space there will always be that same limit in the speed of communications between them.
-  Everything you can see or experience has already happened some time ago.  Even something you see one foot away, your hand writing on this paper, happened one nanosecond before your eyes could see it.
-   If you look at the clock across the room, you are seeing it 15 nanoseconds after it clicked its second hand.  If the event happened on the other side of the Grand Canyon it really occurred 10,000 nanoseconds ago.  The first ray of sunlight you see is already 8 minutes old.  The stars visible to the naked eye are like they were 10,000 years ago.  That starlight is already 10,000 years old.
-  Everything we see or experience is history.  There is no way to experience different events as being simultaneous.  If events are separated in space they must also be separated in time.
-   Something that appears undecided to you has already happened.  And, you will simply have to wait your turn to experience it.  In that way reality is what we experience and everyone experiences it differently.
-  In this way time and space are relative quantities and not absolute quantities.  The fabric of spacetime together are stretching out in an expanding Universe.  Clocks moving through this fabric in different ways tick time at different rates because different amounts of the motion through time transfers into motion through space.  At the maximum motion through space time stops.  At the maximum motion through time space disappears.
-  Space and time are not absolute quantities.  They vary with motion through spacetime.  Space and time individually adjust themselves in a compensating manner in order to keep the speed of communications between observers the constant 670 million miles per hour regardless of the relative speeds of the observers themselves.
-  The maximum speed through space is reached when all the light speed motion through time is fully diverted into light speed motion through space.  Moving at light speed through space leaves no motion for traveling through time.  It is only spacetime together that is absolute.  It is only against absolute spacetime that objects can be said to be accelerating.
-   Spacetime is the absolute reference for motion.  A constant trajectory through spacetime in a straight line is NOT accelerating.  Constant motion in a straight line feels no resistance.  Photons feel no resistance because they always move at a constant velocity in a straight line in spacetime.  Photons feel no acceleration.
-  We can feel acceleration.  It provides a force on us.  On the surface of the Earth the acceleration we feel is 9.8 meters per second per second.  ( 32 feet per second per second).   
-  There are two different ways used to model this force that we feel.  Either the mass of the Earth is pulling on the mass of your body with a force, called gravity.  Or, your body is sliding down the slope of curved spacetime caused by the mass of the Earth creating a curvature in spacetime.    The surface of Earth is stopping you from sliding down the slope to the center of the Earth.  That is what you feel.
-  It is the same way the Earth is circling the Sun.  The Sun’s mass creates a curvature in spacetime and the Earth in constant velocity follows a straight line in spacetime as it orbits the Sun.
-   We do not feel it because we are traveling at a constant 66,500 miles per hour.  ( See note 1 ).  Although our speed in orbit is a constant, our velocity is not because we are constantly changing directions in geometric space.
-  We are orbiting in a circle around the Sun.  We are constantly accelerating toward the center of the circle.  We model this as the force of gravity pulling us toward the center with a force measurement of 35,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Newtons.  ( 35*10^21 kilogram*meters / second^2).  ( See note 2).  The force of gravity is exactly balanced by the centripetal force of the Earth trying to pull away and travel in a straight geometric line.  The centripetal force is - 35,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Newtons.  ( See note 3).  The two forces offset each other and we feel no net effect.
-  The footnotes use the models developed by Isaac Newton and they work well when the rate of space / time is far from its limits.  As motion approaches the  speed of communications between separations in space then the more complex models developed by Albert Einstein are needed.
-   At faster speeds and greater accelerations of gravity then the interrelationship between space and time become noticeable.  Their ratio must not exceed the speed of communications between objects regardless of the relative speeds of the objects themselves.  As strange as this may seem?  The reality that we observe may have little to do with the reality that is out there.
-----------------  Footnotes:
(1)  Actually Earth’s orbit is elliptical and not a perfect circle.  Being elliptical , as we are slightly closer to the Sun our speed  in orbit increases and as we are slightly farther away from the Sun our speed slows down.  66,500 miles per hour is an average.
(2)  The force of gravity is proportional to the product of the masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
-----------------  The radius of Earth’s orbit is 93 million miles.
----------------    The circumference of Earth’s orbit is 584 million miles, 2* pi* r
----------------  The mass of the Earth is 5.97 * 10^24 kilograms.
-----------------  The mass of the Sun is 1.99*10^30 kilograms.
----------------- The Gravitational Constant of Proportionality is 6.67*10^-11 meters^3/ (kilogram * seconds^2)
-----------------  F  =  G * m* M / r^2
-----------------  F  =  35 * 10^21 Newtons.
(3)  The Centripetal Force is the mass of the Earth times the acceleration of the change of direction of velocity towards the center of the circle.

------------------------  F  = m * a
-  The acceleration is the tangential velocity squared divided by the radius of the circle of orbit.
-------------------------a  =  v^2 / r
------------------------ F  =  m * v^2 / r
-----------------------  The mass of the Earth is 5.97 * 10^24 kilograms.
----------------------  The velocity is 66,500 miles per hour.
-----------------------  The radius of Earth’s orbit is 93 million miles.
-----------------------  F  =  35 * 10^21 Newtons.
-  Now lets change perspectives;  how does spacetime change at the micro-level?.    Space and time change at the macro-level to keep the velocity of communications a constant.  At the micro-level space and time become lumpy with uncertainties and seem to avoid this limitation all together.  We live in the middle of these extremes and only recognize them at the frontiers of physics and astronomy.
-  We have been discussing space and time and their inter-relationship on a macro-scale.  In order to keep the laws of physics the same for everyone, everywhere, we must keep the speed of communications at a constant.  The constant is the speed of light which is 186,000 miles per second, or , 670  million miles per hour.  As an object moves through space and approaches this limit of space divided by time, the ratio, cannot exceed this limit. 
-  Therefore, time slows down so it takes longer to travel the same amount of space.  Or, viewed from the point of view of time space is shrinking so during the same amount of time the object travels a smaller amount of space.
-   This compensating behavior causes the speed of travel to stop accelerating and eventually to remain a constant velocity when the ratio reaches 640 million miles per hour.
-  That is what is happening at the macro-level of space and time.  They are relative not absolute quantities, and, they can change relative to each other.  What is happening at the micro-level?  At the smallest atomic levels space and time enter the world of “uncertainty”.  (Refers to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle in Quantum Mechanics.) 
-  Just as particles behave more like waves of uncertainty, space and time behave like waves.  The positions in space become a wave of probabilities of uncertainties.  The velocities which are the ratio of space and time also become waves of probabilities of uncertainties.
-   At the smallest scales things do not become “points“.  Certainties cannot be resolved.  At the smallest scales they become bulls eyes of  wave patterns that spread effects over a range of probabilities. 
-  These waves can interfere with each other.  They can reinforce each other.  The waves are always present but they are only noticeable on the very smallest scales.  When we get to the size of atoms energy, space, and time are waves of uncertainties.
-  In our desire to understand reality we need to measure the workings of the Universe.  We need mathematics and hard data to define our theories so we can accurately predict a future outcome.  Uncertainties are not what we ordered.  They muddy up the works.  In contradiction the math has produced the most accurate theories we have ever produced.
-  Uncertainties are what we get at the micro-level.  What is even worse is that physics only involves things we can measure and when we measure something at the micro-level we introduce more uncertainty by measuring it. 
-  If we measure position we change its velocity ( position with time ).  If we measure its velocity we change its position ( position within space ).  If we measure energy we disturb the time of measurement needed to resolve the energy.
-  In earlier paragraphs we learned that space, time, matter and energy all contribute to the geometry of the gravitational fields.  Just as space and time change in response to motion, space and time also change in response to matter and energy.
-   This occurs at the macro-level as well as the micro-level.  In the big scheme of things we humans are right in the middle.  Our 2 meters of height is half-way between the biggest things in the Universe and the smallest things in the Universe.  We do not experience these strange behaviors of space and time until physics and astronomy take us to the extreme limits of these dimensions.
-  At the smallest levels things can remain connected even though they are separated in space.  We normally think that things can not communicate over separations in space faster than the speed of light can cover that distance.   
-  However, at the smallest scales, where these uncertainties are noticeable, they seem to bypass these restrictions of spatial separation.  They somehow remain connected regardless of separation
-  When quantum connections are measured on two separate quantum uncertainties a collapse of one measured uncertainty will instantaneously result in the collapse of the other exactly according to their connected uncertainty probabilities.
-   The uncertainties are “entangled” across space.  Their communications are somehow not limited by the constant speed of light over distances of separation.  Somehow space versus time is overcome at the quantum level for these entangled quantum effects.
-  At the micro-level space, time, and energy seem to exist as small bundles, or packets, or as they are called today, “ quantums”.  The study of these has developed the math that describes their behavior which is called Quantum Mechanics. 
-  Quantum Mechanics and Uncertainty Principles have allowed science to accurately and repeatedly explain what it sees.  At the same time our science does not allow us to see what we explain.  Once an uncertainty waveform is collapsed by a measurement there is not a way to run it backwards and return it to the waveform again.  (This could be the arrow of time.)
-  Space, time, and energy become unavoidably wavy , bumpy and lumpy at the micro-scales.  The uncertainty fluctuations remain inversely proportional to the time resolution of our measurements.  The more we learn we find the less we know.
-  April 26, 2020                                1241    1242                              2722           
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