Wednesday, April 1, 2020

TIME - what is it , really?

-  2691  -  TIME  -  what is it , really?   Where did time come from?  Is time universal , the same everywhere in the Universe?  What does the Theory of Relativity have to say about time?   Time To Think, about time?
-----------------------------  2691  -  TIME  -  what is it , really?
-  Time is what God invented to make certain everything does not happen at once. Everything you see is younger than you.  Everyone and everything!
-  Take the distance in feet divide by 983,568,960 feet per second and that is how much, how many seconds younger the person or thing is the instant you see it.
-  No two times are the same if they are separated in space.
-  The farther the star  (galaxy) is away from us the younger we see it.  The closest star is 4 1/2 years younger than it is now.  The farthest galaxy is 13 billion years younger than it is now.
-  Was time really created for the first time in the Big Bang?  That would mean time is 13,700,000,000 years old.  Did time exist before the Big Bang?
-  Does time only flow in one direction?  Does time only move forward?  We know time marches on?
-  Time never stands still?  Time is regular moving in only one direction?
-  Can time even exist without space?
-  Was there space before the Big Bang?  Or, were time and space created together?
-  Time is universal it moves the same everywhere in the universe?  Warped space-time is responsible for gravity.
-  That is what we think, but, is all this true?
-  We can prove that time is different for Muons.  Muons are one of 12 fundamental particles that make up the universe (actually one of 25 if you count antimatter and the Higgs).
-  Muons are Fermions and Fermions are “matter“.
-  Muons are Leptons and Leptons are electrons and neutrinos.
-  Muons are a high energy electrons.
-  Electron --------  511,000 electron volts.
-  Muon ----------    5,700,000
-  Tau ------------   1,777,100,000
-  Tau is a high-energy Muon.
-  Okay, what does all this have to do with time? 
-  Muons have a lifetime of 2.2 microseconds.
-  They are created in the upper atmosphere by cosmic rays traveling at 99.8% of the speed of light.
-  Cosmic rays are positively charged atomic nuclei, mostly protons, the nuclei of hydrogen, but, could be as heavy as iron nuclei.
-  When these cosmic rays smash into the molecules in the upper atmosphere the fundamental particles get splattered out of the collision.  Muons are among these particles.
-  Muons traveling at near light speed for 2.2 microseconds should only travel 660 meters in their lifetime.  However, they reach the surface of the earth miles below.  They are living 15 times longer, 33.8 microseconds.
-  “Time slows down for a Muon traveling near light speed.”
-  Time is not the same for everyone.  It depends on how fast you are moving.  If twins get separated and one is on a space mission to the stars and back.  When the astronaut twin returns he's only nine years older.  The other twin that stayed home is 89 years old.  Time slowed down for the space traveler but not the earthling.
-  These ideas all started in 1901 to 1904 when railroads needed accurate clocks between cities.  How can we synchronize the clocks to be the same in every city?
-  The Theory of Special  Relativity came out of this thinking.  Time cannot be regular at all.  Time changes when a traveler is in motion in order to keep the ratio of distance divided by time equal to a constant speed of light regardless of how fast you are moving.
- The time for Muons was stretched so that they could travel farther.
-  Time is not absolute.  Time is relative.
-  Time in the past is gone.  Time in the future has not happened yet.  Time in the present takes no time at all.  How can time even exist? 
-  We need time to put order into all events.  Things can only happen or occupy one space at one time.  Maybe true in the macro world but, not true in the micro world.  Things change when you go inside an atom.  Quantum Mechanics lives by different rules.
-  Light consists of photons which are little bundles of energy.  Photons can behave as particles and as waves at the same time.  Photons can be in two places at once.  In order for a single photon to pass through to slits and produce an interference wave pattern it must be in different places at different times at the same time.
-  Time is not just affected by speed and by size, it is affected by gravity though.  Intense gravity like that found around a Blackhole slows down time.  If you slow time enough it stops.  Time is the measure of change and nothing changes………
-  Time never goes backward, or maybe?
-  But, could time travel, back in time really be possible?  All the physics equations allow negative time to exist.  Now, we are approaching "wormholes".
- Time to stop thinking and have another cup of coffee.  I have run out of time!
-  April 1, 2020                                 1621                                     2691                                                                                                                                                 
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 ---------------------   Wednesday, April 1, 2020  -------------------------

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