Monday, February 1, 2021

3010 - MARS - Perseverance Mars mission?

 -  3010 -   -  MARS  -  Perseverance  Mars mission?  Perseverance mission in 2021?  Space exploration just took the next giant leap in the search for signs of life beyond Earth.  On July 30, 2020 NASA launched its most sophisticated and ambitious spacecraft to Mars, the  “Perseverance rover“. 

--------------------  3010  -  MARS  -  Perseverance  Mars mission?

-   Scientists unanimously believe that the Mars sample-return program should proceed.   They think its scientific value will be extraordinarily high, with the potential for world-changing discoveries about Earth's nearest planetary neighbor, and possibly about an independent origin of life on another world.


-  However, as the first round-trip mission to another planet, Mars sample return is also an extremely ambitious, technically demanding and operationally complex program.


-  Spacecraft in the mission may be able to launch in 2026.  The next launch window  for the closets orbits, is in 2028.


-  The budget would be between $3.8 billion and $4.4 billion.


-  The Mars sample-return program is a vast endeavor shared by two large space agencies that will require several separate spacecraft operating over more than a decade.  Itwill include the first rocket launch from the Red Planet's surface and a host of measures to prevent sample contamination.


-  The mission will also require a new “sample-curation facility“ when samples are returned to Earth.


-  Mars exploration is never easy. The Red Planet is notorious for its tricky launch calendar, with favorable opportunities spaced 26 months apart, slow communications, and perilous landing conditions. 


-  NASA and ESA also hope to launch the mission while the Mars 2020 rover Perseverance, currently on its way to the Red Planet, is still operational. The rover will land on Mars on February 18, 2021 and work on the Red Planet's surface for at least one Martian year (687 Earth days).


-  These agency's two key spacecraft-manufacturing centers have their hands full with other ambitious projects like the “James Webb and Roman space telescopes” and the “Europa Clipper mission“. 


- The sample-fetching rover builds on the “European/Russian ExoMars rover” scheduled to launch in 2022, but may benefit from additional mobility improvements. Currently, all planned surface missions are designed to be solar-powered, but adding nuclear power may make the mission less vulnerable.


-  The next launch opportunity toward Mars comes in 2028, but any later and things get tricky. If surface missions slip into the 2030s, major components of the project will need to be overhauled.  The conditions when you arrive at Mars change dramatically over the Martian year.


-  But despite all the complications, bringing Martian rocks to Earth is worth it.  the price of education just went up.  


-----------------------------  Here are some more reviews on the Mars missions.


-  2974 - MARS  - Perseverance mission in 2021?  Space exploration just took the next giant leap in the search for signs of life beyond Earth.  On July 30, 2020 NASA launched its most sophisticated and ambitious spacecraft to Mars, the  “Perseverance rover“. 


-  2968 -  MARS  -  exploring robot dogs?  Will Mars exploration be done by robot dogs?  Scientists are equipping four-legged, animal-mimicking robots with artificial intelligence (AI) and an array of sensing equipment to help the robots autonomously navigate treacherous terrain and subsurface caves on the Red Planet.

-  2963  -  MARS  -  20 years of exploration.  Over the past two decades, missions flown by NASA’s Mars Exploration Program have shown us that Mars was once very different from the cold, dry planet it is today. Evidence discovered by landed and orbital missions point to wet conditions billions of years ago. 


-   2863  -  MARS  EXPLORATION -  visits made to the red planet.  NASA sent the Mars InSight to the Red Planet in 2018, and the spacecraft safely landed that November. As of early 2019, the lander was setting up its instruments to examine the interior of Mars.  The next tranche of ExoMars is the Rosalind Franklin rover and its companion lander, which are scheduled to leave Earth in 2020. 


- 2787  -  MARS  -  Curiosity for 8 years.  The NASA’s car-sized Curiosity rover celebrates eight (Earth) years on the Red Planet today (August 5, 2020), less than a week after its replacement the Perseverance rover took flight toward Mars. 


-  2785  -  MARS  -  Jezero Crator exploration?  -  On July 30, 2020 NASA launched its most sophisticated and ambitious spacecraft to Mars in the search for signs of life beyond Earth.   The spacecraft is aptly named “Perseverance Rover“. 


-  2783  - MARS  -  launch of Perseverance mission.  -  NASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance rover mission is on its way to the Red Planet to search for signs of ancient life and collect samples to send back to Earth.  Humanity's most sophisticated rover launched July, 2020.


January 30, 2021        MARS  -  Perseverance  Mars mission?           3010                                                                                                                                                            


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--------------------- ---  Monday, February 1, 2021  ---------------------------

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