Sunday, May 14, 2023

3951- Index of Reviews 3951 to 3999



            -  3951  -   Index of Reviews 3951 to 3999

            -     This index is of the 50 reviews from 3851  to 3999.  Indices of all previous reviews is available upon request.      Writing style is stochatto with each paragraph an idea and limited to a fewpages in total.  Comments are always welcome.  See https:://



            ------------------  3951-  Index of Reviews 3951 to 3999


            -    3951 -   JAMES  WEBB  -  discoveres early galaxies?  -    The James Webb Space Telescope has discovered a group of galaxies from the dawn of the universe that are so massive they shouldn't exist. The six gargantuan galaxies contain almost as many stars as the Milky Way despite forming only 500 to 700 million years after the Big Bang.  


            -   3952 -   EXOPLANET  DISCOVERIES  -  more planets.   An Earth-size exoplanet spotted just 72 light-years away.  Researchers hope to discover more exoplanets in this K2-415 system.


            -   3953 -   CASSIOPEIA -   new supernovae discoveries?    Cassiopeia A (Cas A) is a supernova remnant located about 11,000 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cassiopeia. It spans approximately 10 light-years in diameter.


            -   3954 -   BLACKHOLES  -  super massive?      How does the Universe produce Ultra-Massive Black Holes?  Black holes are the most massive objects that we know of in the Universe. Not stellar mass black holes, not supermassive black holes (SMBHs,) but ultra-massive black holes (UMBHs.)


            -   3955 -    NANCY  GRACE  TELESCOPE  -  back in time?    The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will 'rewind' the universe.   The powerful space telescope will take a vastly wider look at the universe than Hubble or the James Webb Space Telescope.

            -   3956 -    DARK  MATTER  -  to explain the Universe?    Einstein was right about invisible dark matter, a massive new map of the universe suggests. Light produced just 380,000 years after the Big Bang was warped by the universe's dark matter exactly the way Einstein predicted it would be.


            -    3957 -    SAGITTARIUS  -  the center of our galaxy?    At the center of the Milky Way, there is a massive persistent radio source known as Sagittarius A*. Since the 1970s, astronomers have known that this source is a supermassive black hole (SMBH) roughly 4 million times the mass of our Sun.


-   3958 -    EINSTEIN  -  theories proven correct?     Albert Einstein's theories of relativity have been proven to be true time and again in the more than 100 years.  Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational lensing 100 years before the James Webb Space Telesciope used the phenomenon to peer 13 billion years into the past.


-   3959 -  TIME  -  is it real? -   Time is the apparent progression of events from past to future. While it's impossible to completely define the nature of time.  Causes lead naturally to effects, we remember the past but not the future and the evolution of time appears to be continuous and irreversible.


            -    3960 -  PHYSICS  -  Strandard Model of Physics -   With few exceptions, it has stood up to this scrutiny, passing experimental test after experimental test with flying colors. But this wildly successful model has conceptual gaps that suggest there is a bit more to be learned about how the universe works.


            -   3961 -   ICE AGE  -  cycles of Earth's environment?     Our planet hasn’t always been the warm, inviting place we know today. At least five times in its history, Earth froze over, locked in the grip of an ice age. Scientists sometimes refer to these periods as “Snowball Earth.”


            -   3962 -   COMETS  -  erupt like volcanoes?     The newly discovered comet “C/2023 A3” is making a close approach around the sun for the first time in 80,000 years, and might be as bright as a star in fall 2024.


            -     3963 -    ASTEROIDS  -  near miss?    The potentially hazardous asteroid “2023 FM” is larger than a 40-story building and will zoom within 7.5 lunar distances from Earth on Thursday, April 6, 2023.


            -   3964 -   ASTRONOMY  -  gives us amazong science?   -  December, 2022, astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter / submillimeter Array (ALMA) confirmed the discovery of one of the most distant galaxies ever observed. The faint radio light ALMA captured began its journey to us when the universe was less than 360 million years old.


            -    3965 -   GALAXIES  -  how the first ones formed?    On Earth, we often take our planet’s magnetic field for granted. It protects living creatures from the sun’s rays, draws compass needles north and even creates beautiful auroras. Other worlds in our solar system have magnetic fields too, but , what about Earth-like planets around other stars?


            -    3966 -   HUBBLE   -   images early galaxies.  -    Since its launch in 1990, the Hubble Space Telescope has made more than one million observations of the universe,  broadening humanity's knowledge of the cosmos almost immeasurably.


            -   3967 -  UNIVERSE  -  earliest structure defined?   SLAC cosmologists are currently attempting to expand the size of computer simulations of the cosmos while improving accuracy. They will also look at how these observations conform to other cosmological models.


            -   3968 -  EXOPLANETS  -  discoverring planets around stars?  Scientists have discovered more than 4,000 alien planets since spotting the first ones orbiting a star beyond our sun back in 1992.


            -    3969 -    DWARF  PLANET   -  Haumea.     Haumea is a “dwarf planet” that was first spotted by astronomers looking at observations made between 2003 and 2004, earning it the name “2003 EL61”.


-   3970 - TELESCOPES  -  workng together?     What’s possible when Earth and space-based telescopes work together? The potential benefits of coordinating ground, orbital and in situ based observations of objects can benefit from the type of coordinated output that can only come from a cohesive team.


            -   3971 -   LIFE  -   how will we detect it on exoplanets?    Is there life on Mars?  Been part of science fiction dramas for decades.  But, so far most of humanity’s forays into the Solar System seeking signs of life have returned only ambiguity.


            -    3972 -  BENNU  ASTEROID  -  sample returns September, 2023.    The OSIRIS-REx mission unleashed an unexpected explosion when it touched down on asteroid Bennu in October 2020 to collect a precious sample to carry home to Earth.


            -    3973 -   MARS  -  has two moons!     Mars's two moons, Phobos and Deimos, have puzzled researchers since their discovery in 1877. They are very small: Phobos's diameter of 22 kilometers is 160 times smaller than that of our moon, and Deimos is even smaller, with a diameter of only 12 kilometers.


            -   3974 -  ELECROMAGNETIC  SPECTRUM  -  more than meets the eye. Parts of the electromagnetic spectrum invisible to human eyes reveal a vast amount of information about the universe, but it took a long time for astronomers to learn how to view it.


            -   3975 -   TYCHO  SUPERNOVA  -  new discoeries since 1572.  NASA’s “Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer” (IXPE) has uncovered new information about the Tycho supernova remnant, an exploded star in the constellation Cassiopeia, the light from which was first seen on Earth in 1572.


            -   3976 -   FAST  RADIO  BURSTS  -  what can they tell us?    Recent observations from the “Very Large Array” (VLA) radio telescopes in New Mexico revealed evidence of a magnetic field on the rocky exoplanet “YZ Ceti b”, which orbits a star about 12 light-years away from Earth.


-   3977 -   JAMES  WEBB  -   found oldest galaxies.    James Webb Space Telescope spots huge galactic protocluster in the early universe,The developing cluster of galaxies existed just 650 million years after the Big Bang and could help answer fundamental questions about the evolution of the universe.


            -   3978 -   X-RAY  GALAXIES  -  new revelations.    Astronomer's will depend on getting more data from “simulated galactic clusters”. SLAC cosmologists are currently attempting to expand the size of computer simulations of the cosmos while improving accuracy.


            -   3979  -  UNIVERSE  -   first light?    By measuring the Cosmic Microwave Background for redshift and comparing these to local distance measurements (using variable stars and supernovae), astronomers have sought to measure the rate at which the universe is expanding.


            -   3980 -  PERSEVERANCE   -  Heliocopter on Mars -   “Perseverance”  is a rover on Mars that carriers a heliocopter with it, called “Ingenuity”.   The tiny Ingenuity chopper recently did its 51st flight on Mars.


-   3981  - TESS -  exoplanet survey?    TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) mission recently reached its fifth anniversary of service to humanity as it continues to tirelessly scan the heavens for worlds beyond. Dubbed as an all-sky mission.


            -   3982  - SUPERNOVAE  -  when are they dangerous?    Supernovae superflares may be accompanied by enormous eruptions of charged particles that could devastate life on any planets in their firing line.


            -   3983  -  QUASAR  -  largest found.     Quasars, the most extreme phenomena in the universe, are triggered when galactic collisions deliver gas to feeding black holes.


            -   3984  - LIGHTNING  BOLTS  -  can become superbolts?   Lightning forms when electrical charges in clouds and on the ground interact, and in most of these events the clouds are negatively charged. However, superbolts form during rare cloud-to-ground interactions in which the clouds are positively charged.


            -   3985  -  BLACKHOLES  -  the most massive?   These massive black holes sit in the center of galaxies, but they have more than five billion solar masses, an astonishingly large amount of mass. The largest black hole we know of is “Phoenix A”, a black hole with up to 100 billion solar masses.


            -   3986  -   EINSTEIN'S  THEORIES  -  they still hold up?     The theory of gravity, called general relativity (GR), was first cooked up by Albert Einstein in a magnificent feat that took seven years to complete and provided amazing insights into how the world works.


            -   3987  -  DARK  MATTER  -  controls universe expansion?    The  map including all of the dark matter, going back to the Big Bang, and the other maps are looking back about 9 billion years, giving us a layer that is much closer to us. We can compare the two to learn about the growth of structures in the universe.


            -   3988  -   BIG  BANG  -  James Webb new look?    The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) appears to be finding multiple galaxies that grew too massive too soon after the Big Bang, if the standard model of cosmology is to be believed.


            -     3989  -  UNIVERSE  -  how big is it?   Planck’s satellite findings were published in 2015. By carefully examining the microwave background radiation, astronomers have pinned down the universe’s age to 13.8 billion years, accurate to better than 1 percent.  And that is how big it is too, in lightyears.


            -   3990  -  GAMMA  RAY  BURSTS -   what causes them?  Gamma Ray Bursts occur somewhere in the sky on average once per day.  There is some significant violence happening out there and we are just beginning to understand what causes it.  An announcement will be made shortly.  Stay tuned


            -    3991  -  ARTEMIS  SPACE  MISSION  -  humans on the moon?  Artemis 2 will be the first mission to carry humans to the moon's vicinity since 1972. Artemis 2 is the second scheduled flight of the Artemis program and the first crewed Artemis mission.


                  -    3992  -  DARK  ENERGY  -  expanding the Universe?      Most astronomical data we have today confirms the fact that the Universe is still expanding at an ever increasing rate.  The cause is suspected to be some type of anti-gravity that is named “ Dark Energy”


            -    3993  -   UNIVERSE  - beginning with gas clouds.    A gas cloud 13 billion light-years away may be the resting place of some of the earliest stars in the universe.    Astronomers may have just found the remnants of some of the universe's very first stars.


            -  3994  -  ASTEROIDS  -    There is one following us?     Our space exploration is just beginning to learn about the near-Earth asteroids. There are millions of them that orbit with us around the Sun.  Maybe we should begin tracking their trajectories and predicting any collisions.  Then what?


            -    3995  -   EARTH  -  mysteries remain? -    Many riddles still remain when it comes to our planet. Here are some of Earth's biggest unsolved mysteries.


            -    3996  -  SUPERNOVA  -  they keep getting bigger?   Astronomers have found a blast lasting for three years and is over ten times as powerful as the brightest supernova .  What is it?


            -    3997  -   FORCES OF NATURE  -  are they one force?    Are the Natural Forces combined into a single equivalency?    The forces of nature, we take for granted in our natural world.  They may have come from a single universal force. And, they may not be forces at all but a warped geometry in space and time.


            -    3998  -  LISA  -  gravity wave  observatory?     The first-time detection of Gravitational Waves (GW) by researchers at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) in 2015 triggered a revolution in astronomy. This phenomenon consists of ripples in spacetime caused by the merger of massive objects and was predicted a century prior by Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity


            -   3999  -   GALAXIES  - Farthest galaxies?   A monstrous cluster of galaxies lurks at the heart of this Hubble Space Telescope image. The Hubble Space Telescope gazes into the lair of a monstrous cluster of galaxies located nine billion light-years away in the constellation Draco.


            April 9, 2023        Index of Reviews 3951 to 3999                          3999                                                                                                                           


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            --------------------- ---  Sunday, May 14, 2023  ---------------------------






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