Monday, May 15, 2023

4005 - UNIVERSE - born in steps?


                    -    4005  - UNIVERSE  -   born in steps?  The Universe is Born in Billion Year Steps?   This review summarizes what science thinks is the way the Universe evolved after its birth 13,750,000,000 years ago.


--------------  4005   -  UNIVERSE  -   born in steps?

-    The most astounding part is that what we know is only a very small percentage of what is out there.  The mass-energy of the Universe is huge.  We are made of heavy elements that are like 0.03% of it.  And, we have been recycled several times.  If you do not know the answer it must be science.


-    The Hubble Ultra Deep Field image was obtained staring at one spot in the sky for months.  The image gathered after that long exposure contained over 10,000 galaxies.  The area in the sky was 1/100 the size of the Full Moon.  If you scale that up to the full sky there are at least 200,000,000,000 galaxies out there within the range of the Hubble Space Telescope if we pointed it in every direction.


-     However, 96% of the total mass-energy of the Universe is not made of galaxies. Only 4% of the entire Cosmos is what we know as “normal matter”,  or baryons.  Baryons are atoms that are made up of protons, neutrons and electrons.  One conclusion you could make from this proportion is that galaxy formation is very inefficient.


------------------------  70% is Dark Energy, we do not know what that is.


------------------------  25% is Dark Matter, we do not know what that is either.


------------------------  4%  is neutrons and protons, mostly hydrogen and helium


------------------------  1 % is the stars and galaxies.


------------------------  0.3% is neutrinos.


------------------------  0.005 % is radiation of all types except Dark Energy.


-------------------------  0.03 % is the heavy elements, oxygen, carbon, neon, iron, the stuff we are made of and everything around us is made of.


-    This is humbling.  The more we learn about the Universe the more mysterious it becomes.


-    Most of our conclusions have come from study of the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation.    This mostly uniform radiation that is all around us has small variations in temperature that reflect the matter density that existed before the galaxies first formed.


-    Another source of knowledge comes from study of nuclear fusion.  How the first elements were formed in the Big Bang.  The proportions of helium, deuterium and lithium give the same answers as the Cosmic Microwave Background.  This was the matter that formed in the first few minutes of the Universe and the radiation that was released after 380,000 years.


        Most of the galaxies we see today began forming 9,000,000,000 years ago. The clusters of galaxies are just the high-density nodes of the Cosmic web of Dark Matter.


         The initial distribution of matter in the early Universe grew in density due to gravity gradually forming a more massive system.  The gas clouds of hydrogen and helium would loose energy and cool because they radiated light.  The clouds would fall into the centers of these Dark Matter systems and begin to form stars.


-    8,000,000,000 years ago the birth rate of stars was 10 to 20 times higher than what we see today.  Galaxies grew with these massive halos of Dark Matter.  The gas within galaxies cooled and collapsed into clouds that allowed molecular hydrogen to form  Under the continuous compression of gravity these clouds eventually reached a density needed to start nuclear fusion and form stars.  It is the radiation of the nuclear fusion that counteracted the compression of gravity.  This balance between the two forces is what holds stars together.


        -    Bigger galaxies grew from the collisions and mergers of smaller galaxies. However, today galaxies exist in a limited range of masses.  There must be a counter acting force that stops the compression of gravity that works in galaxies as well as it works in stars.


        -     One such force might be the stellar winds from supernovae explosions.  Another might come from the energy created by massive Blackholes that are in the centers of most large galaxies.


        -    Most of the baryonic normal matter in the Universe is gaseous and not galactic. Most of this gas exists in the form of the intergalactic medium that has escaped the galaxies or has yet to form galaxies.  In another 5,000,000,000 years  our Solar System will join the interstellar medium.


        -     Our Sun will balloon into a Planetary Nebulae as its hydrogen fuel runs out.  The inner planets will evaporate into the heavy elements and join the interstellar medium.  The baryons of matter repeat these cycles over and over again.


-  The material that make up our lives and our daily lives came from recycled elements.  From stars forming and dying in galactic disks.  The calcium in your fingernail may have come from a supernova explosion that occurred 12,000,000,000 years ago.  That calcium atom is still working fine as old as it is.  


-  It was Isaac Newton, one of the most brilliant humans to occupy the planet, who said, I am but a seashore scavenger, roaming the beach picking up shells of knowledge here and there when there is a whole ocean of knowledge unknown that  lies in front of me.


-  If you do not know the answer it must be science.  An announcement will be made shortly, stay tuned.


May 15, 2023                UNIVERSE  -   born in steps?            1275    4005                                                                                                                        


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--------------------- ---  Monday, May 15, 2023  ---------------------------------









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