Sunday, May 21, 2023

4015 - MAGNETARS - lethal neutron stars?


-    4015  -  MAGNETARS  -  lethal neutron stars?   Astronomers need to learn as much as possible about these Magnetars.  They come from a nearly invisible Neutron Star 12 miles in diameter.  But, they would be extremely lethal to an astronaut if he or she were caught in a Gamma Ray Burst.  Within 2,000 miles the Neutron Star would be too small to see but its magnetic field would turn every atom in your body into a long needle formation.  An extremely lethal situation in a fraction of a second.

-----------------------------------   4015   -  MAGNETARS  -  lethal neutron stars?

-  Neutron Stars can generate intense magnetic fields creating star quakes that release lethal Gamma Ray Bursts. 


-   Astronomers are not the only ones who tend to look for their car keys under the lamp post.  We are limited to what we find by how much we see.  In recent years astronomers have been getting bigger and bigger street lamps.  They are reaching fully across the electromagnetic spectrum and even into gravity waves to find new information.


-  Astronomers had radiation monitors on spacecraft that were near the planet Venus.  These Gamma Ray detectors went off scale.   In a 1/5th second later other detectors orbiting the Earth got hit by the same Gamma Ray Burst.


-  What could cause a burst of energy so great that it exceeded all the energy the Sun has emitted over the past 1,000 years?


-  The cause was an invisible Neutron Star barely 12 miles in diameter located in our neighboring galaxy.


-  Neutron Stars are exceedingly dense.  They have a ½ mile thick indestructible crust floating on a fluid of subatomic particles.  The fluid is a plasma of neutrons, protons, and electrons that are no longer atoms.  The core is made of neutrons which is the remnant of a massive star that exploded as a supernova.  The Neutron Star is what was left behind.  The rest blew into outer space.


-  The Neutron Star is spinning hundreds of revolutions per second. Like a dynamo the spinning charged particles at the surface create a powerful magnetic field.  Some magnetic fields have been calculated to be 1,000 trillion gauss.  The Earth’s magnetic field is 1 gauss.


-  The nearest Neutron Star with an intense magnetic field is 13,000 lightyears away.  We call these stars , “Magnetars”.  This is the only one found that is visible with optical telescopes.  However, astronomers estimate that a million of these stars exist in our Milky Way Galaxy alone.


-  Another Gamma Ray Burst  came from a Neutron Star in the Constellation Sagittarius the Archer ( I call it the “Teapot”) .  SGR 1806-20 is 50,000 lightyears away on the opposite side of our Galaxy.


-  This single burst from 50,000 lightyears away changed the ionosphere of Earth from night into day.  In 1/10th of a second the Magnetar emitted more energy than our Sun releases in 100,000 years.  All of this energy comes for a gradual loss of the Neutron Star’s magnetic field.  The intense magnetic field around the star deforms the stars solid crust.  When the crust gives way it causes a “ star quake”.  It is like a pressure that builds up and finally lets loose releasing enormous energy.


-  The quake is so intense its energy release creates anti-matter, electrons and anti-electron pairs according to E = mc^2.  When these particles re combine they release bursts of Gamma Ray radiation, converting mass back into energy according to E = mc^2.  This loss of energy slows down the spinning star.  Over a period of 10,000 years the spin rate slows down to where the magnetic field is reduced to less than 2 trillion gauss.  At this point the star quakes are no longer occurring.



May 21, 2023                 MAGNETARS  -  lethal neutron stars?         1383           4015                                                                                                                         

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