Monday, April 5, 2021

3116 - DARK ENERGY - a mystery for science?

  -  3116  -  DARK  ENERGY  -  a mystery for science?  Dark energy is one of the greatest mysteries in science today. We know very little about it, other than it is invisible, yet it fills the whole universe, and it pushes galaxies away from each other. The result of this force is that it is making our cosmos expand at an accelerated rate. 


 -----------------------  3116  -   DARK  ENERGY  -  a mystery for science?  

-   From Review 2155 we learned that the electric force is 2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 more powerful than the gravity force.  If the electric force is so powerful than why does it not have more affect on the expansion of the Universe?  


-  The answer is 2- fold:  First gravity only comes in one polarity, an attractive force. (The concave curvature of spacetime created by mass.)  And, the Universe contains very, very massive objects in galaxies and clusters of galaxies. 


-   In contrast, the electric force comes in two polarities, + and - .  The very massive objects in the Universe have equal amounts of each and the net force is neutral.


-  Here comes the question, does gravity only come in one polarity?  Astronomers do agree that gravity dominated the Universe for the first 4,000 or 5,000 million years.  But, since that time and for the last 9,000 or 10,000 million years a force of anti-gravity has dominated the Universe. 


-   The anti-gravity force that is accelerating the expansion of the Universe is called “Dark Energy“. Today we do not know what it is.  But, astronomers are convinced that it does exist.  


-  Astronomers are convinced that only 4% of the Universe is made of the matter we recognize, another 22% of the Universe is made of Dark Matter that we do not understand.  And, another 74% of the Universe is made up of a Dark Energy that we do not understand.


-  Actually, for the first 0.5 million years the Universe was dominated by radiation.  Photons were moving so fast that only a plasma of energy existed.  The Universe expanded and cooled  until after 300,000 years its average temperature was 3,000 degrees Kelvin which was cool enough for electrons and protons to come together due to their electromagnetic force. 


-    When this occurred and neutral hydrogen was first formed the neutral environment allowed the photons to escape the opaque expanding space it was in.  Today we can see these photons 13,800 million years later.  Their wavelengths have been stretched with the expansion of space.  


-  The wavelengths are now longer.  Their energy is decreased from fighting the constant pull of gravity.   E = h*c /w.   Energy = 6.6*10^-34 times 300,000,000 divided by wavelength.  


-  Their velocity has remained constant therefore their frequency has had to decrease. 

 f * w = c.  Frequency * wavelength = 3*10^8.  The energy of a photon is a constant times frequency.   E = 6.6*10^-34 times frequency. 


-   So, the photon’s frequency is much lower now.  It started in the Gamma Ray region and it is today in the microwave region.  Today the frequency is about 200 gigahertz and the energy equivalent of  2.74 degrees Kelvin above absolute zero. 


-   The Cosmic Microwave Background radiation has a spectrum from 50 to 400 gigahertz, a wavelength from 0.4 to 0.1 centimeters.


-  Somewhere in the expansion of the Universe these photons went through a transition from a gravity dominated environment, when the expansion of space, where energy and mass were separating, but at a decelerating rate ; to a Dark Energy dominated environment where a repulsive force was accelerating the expansion of space and accelerating the separation of mass and energy. 


-   If this domination continues the Universe will expand forever, getting colder and more distant at an increasing rate.  Everything we now see in the night sky outside of our local neighborhood will disappear from view.  Distant stars and galaxies will have grown so distant that their light can no longer reach us in the time it has.  Our Universe will simply grow cold, dark and lonely.


-  This repulsive force called Dark Energy is very, very small.  In Planck units it is a decimal followed by 120 zeros then a two. 

-   0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002  Planck Units. 

-    The force of gravity is small as well.  F =G*m*M/r^2.


-    Force or gravity  =  0.000000000067 * masses / square of the distance between them.  


-  However, in an expanding Universe the distance between them keeps getting larger.  And, the effect of gravity keeps getting smaller.  The Dark Energy’s repulsive force although smaller is constant regardless of the expansion.   Its power continues to be dominant as gravity gets weaker and weaker.


-  There is a hole in space in the star constellation Eridanus, southwest of the constellation Orion.  The Hole appears to be 6 to 10 million lightyears away.  This Hole is observed in the Cosmic Background radiation, (CMB) that we are detecting with our recent satellites. 


-   The CMB photons that pass through this large Void before arriving to Earth have less energy than those that pass through an area that has the normal distribution of matter.  If a photon was in a gravity dominated era the photons would not loose energy passing through a void. 


-   In a gravity scenario photons approach a large mass like a cluster of galaxies and they pick up energy by the gravity boost as they approach.  As they pull away they would lose energy due to the gravity pull and the net affect would be to return to the same energy as when they started.


-  However, photons passing through a matter-rich space with Dark Energy present do not fall back to their original energy level.  Dark Energy’s repulsive force counter acts the force, or influence of gravity.


-    These photons arrive at Earth with slightly higher energy, or slightly higher temperatures.  In contrast photons passing through the large Void, or Hole, experience a loss of energy and a lower temperature in the matter-absent space.  The slight temperature differences between the two photon scenarios allows astronomers to see the Void in that region of space.


-  This extremely large void in the Universe is a new discovery, but, we now know of smaller voids in our own neighborhood.  A void right next to our Milky Way Galaxy is pushing the Milky Way at 600,000 miles per hour away from it.  The Local Void has a repulsive force.  


-  Astronomers have only recently been able to measure distances accurately enough as to know velocities accurately enough to determine these forces around us.  There are other galaxies in the Virgo Cluster whose gravity  is pulling our Milky Way towards them.  


-  The Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy are gravity pulling toward each other.  On top of all this pushing and pulling the Universe is expanding at 172,000 miles per hour per every 3.26 million lightyears separation.  This is not velocity in the true sense but rather the amount of space expanding between all objects in the Universe.  The further away or the further separation the faster the velocity of separation.


-  One caveat in all of these astronomy theories is that one should not get overly confident in anything ”Dark”.  Things are “Dark” because we can not see them and we do not understand what they are.  We are only inferring from what we can see.  This leaves a lot or room for discovery.  The more study you do the more mysteries you find.--------------------------  Other reviews available:


-  3095  -   DARK  ENERGY  -   into WIMPs and MACHOs?   The more we learn the more we know the less we know.   That is certaintly true with astronomy.   We have come to the most recent conclusion that 95% of the Universe is “dark”.  We call it Dark Energy and Dark Matter.  Of course Matter is Energy too, according to energy = mass*c^2 .


-  3086  -  DARK ENERGY -  What is the Universe Made of?  Dark Energy was not known until 1998 so we  have only 30 years to think about it.  The most likely answer is vacuum energy.  A vacuum is not really a vacuum but a see of virtual particles and anti-particles going into and out of existence in such a short time they do not defy the laws of physics and cannot be detected using the laws of physics.  


 -  3079  -  DARK  ENERGY  -  Could the Astronomer’s Math be Wrong?  -   Therefore, the Universe is not expanding at a constant rate, it is accelerating in its expansion.  Astronomers do not know what could cause this so they call it “Dark Energy” and their calculations are that Dark Energy composes 73% of all the mass-energy in the Universe

-  2972 -  DARK  ENERGY  - with Nancy Grace?  A new NASA space observatory could push planet-hunting forward at warp speed by gathering data up to 500 times faster than the venerable Hubble Space Telescope does.  The “Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope” (formerly known as the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope or WFIRST) passed a key ground-system design review this month, according to NASA.


-  2793  -  DARK  ENERGY  -  a mystery for science? Dark energy is one of the greatest mysteries in science today. We know very little about it, other than it is invisible, yet it fills the whole universe, and it pushes galaxies away from each other. The result of this force is that it is making our cosmos expand at an accelerated rate. 


-  2758  -  DARK  ENERGY  -  a mystery?  Dark Energy is a mystery used to explain an ever accelerating , expanding Universe.  Galaxies and groups of galaxies not held together by gravity are separating apart from each other.  There is a tough of war between the pull of gravity and the push of dark energy.


- 2632  -   DARK  ENERGY  -  some form of anti-gravity?  - Is dark energy the “cosmological constant“. The fact that we see the Universe expanding as it does means that there must be some new form of energy causing these distant galaxies to recede from us faster and faster as time goes on.   This Review 2632 lists 20 more reviews about Dark Energy:


-  2428   -  COSMLOGICAL  CONSTANT -  -  The Cosmological Constant was invented by Albert Einstein.  When he was thinking about gravity and the birth of the Universe, he could not see how , if gravity were the only force working over long distances, the Universe would not stop expanding and begin contracting into a “ Big Crunch”. 


-  2194  -   Birth of the Universe.   You were born from the Universe.  It is a long story, 13,700,000,000 years, but, I will try and shorten it for you.  It all started as a single point of energy about the size of a single atom.  This review will take you from a single atom up to the date you are reading this.


-  April 3, 2021                                                               822        3116                                                                                                                                                         


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