Saturday, April 10, 2021

3117 - DARK - energy and matter?

  -  3117  -  DARK  -  energy and matter?  Astronomers believe there are mysterious particles forming spherical halos around every galaxy.  They sure would like to know what it is.  There are several experiments being conducted around the world today. 

-----------------------  3117  -   DARK  -  energy and matter

-  Ordinary matter is everything we know and understand about our Universe.  But, that is not all there is.  Ordinary matter is called “baryonic” matter because protons and neutrons are sub-atomic particles called “baryons“.  


--------------------  Ordinary matter is 10% of all matter


--------------------  Dark Matter is 90% of all matter


-  All matter plus all energy make up the Universe which is made up of 10^446 particles.  That is a 1 followed by 447 zeros if you want to write it out.  All matter and energy is made of particles and here is the latest count, give or take a few:


-------------  Ordinary matter ( baryons )  ------------  10^78      particles


-------------  Radiation energy ( bosons )  ------------  10^87      particles


-------------  Hot Dark Matter( neutrinos )  ----------  10^86      particles


-------------  Cold Dark Matter (WIMPS)  -----------  10^77     particles


-------------  Dark Energy ( ???????)  ---------------  10^118      particles


-  For example this count says that for every atom in the Universe there are 100 million neutrinos.  10^86 - 10^78  =  10^8  =  100 million.


- Ordinary matter reacts with gravity and electromagnetic energy.  Dark Matter does not interact with electromagnetic energy at all.  Therefore we can not see it or detect it with most of our instruments.   


-   Dark Matter does interact with gravity and the is the only means we have so far to know it exists.  This is normal.  96% of the cosmos can not be seen with any telescope. 


-   The standard tools of astronomy can not probe the Dark portion of the Universe.  New techniques are needed.  What we have so far is measuring the bending of light in gravitational lensing, measuring the motion of galaxies, and measuring the brightness of distant supernovae.


-  All the visible stars and galaxies only add up to 0.4% of the mass of the Universe.  The stars we see are tiny sparkling snow flakes riding on a huge dark cosmic sea.


-  Dark Matter was first discovered in 1933 by Swiss astronomer Fritz Zwicky.  He concluded that the matter we can see in the Coma  galaxy cluster is too small to hold the galaxies together.  There must be more mass surrounding the galaxy that we can not see. 


-   As late as 1998 researchers were in disbelief of the claim that Dark Matter and Dark Energy even existed.  In 1970’s astronomers measuring the rotation speeds inside spiral galaxies indicated that periphery stars had velocities the should fling them out of the galaxy.  A cloud of invisible matter surrounding the galaxy must be holding these stars in their orbits.


-  Massive galaxy clusters also show evidence of Dark Matter.  A very massive object can bend and magnify light from galaxies behind it.  It is a gravitational lens acting like a magnifying glass. 


-   In an image of galaxy cluster Abell 2218 you see numerous blue arcs.  Those arcs are background galaxies distorted and magnified by the lens.  Astronomers study the sizes and shapes of the arcs to determine the cluster’s mass.  By comparing that calculated mass to the mass that comes form only luminous objects they determine that there is 10 times as much Dark Matter as ordinary matter.


-  When galaxies collide, like the Bullet Galaxy Cluster, ordinary matter interacts with each other through electromagnetic forces.  Matter loses energy and emits X-Rays.  When gravitational lensing is used to map mass distribution Dark Matter has separated from ordinary matter because it passes through the collision unaffected by the electromagnetic forces.  The image created clearly shows Dark matter separated from Ordinary matter in the collision.


-  Could Dark Matter be dead stars and Blackholes among the galaxies?  No, not enough or them could be found.


-  Could it by neutrinos?  Astronomers calculate that there should be 100 million neutrinos for every atom in the Universe.  No, neutrinos have too little mass and even in their abundance there is not enough to account for Dark Matter.


-  Theories in particle physics list a number of exotic particles that are unlike atoms we know but could have the properties of Dark Matter.  Weakly Interacting Massive Particles called WIMPS are one candidate. 


-   It would need to be 100 times heavier than hydrogen.  And there would have to be several thousand WIMPS for every cubic meter.  The would be moving 135 miles per second, the same speed as the average star.  They would be electrically neutral and would travel straight through Earth with no interactions except in rare encounters with a collision with another atom.


-  If curved space is nearly flat which is what evidence tells us, then the amount of mass needed to cancel out the curvature of space is 27% of what is needed to get the inward pull of gravity to be exactly strong enough to halt the out war expansion of the Universe.  


-  The fact that the expanding Universe is accelerating implies that the 73% element must be causing a repulsive effect that counteracts gravity over enormous distances.  We call the repulsive energy Dark Energy.


-  Astronomers believe there are mysterious particles forming spherical halos around every galaxy.  They sure would like to know what it is.  There are several experiments being conducted around the world today.  Some claims of detection have been made but to be conclusive multiple repeats are needed using different methods.  The sensitivity of today’s detectors is right on the edge.  Noise, and spurious signals and errors are prone.


-  Theories without discoveries still give us a profile of the Mass-Energy distribution of our Universe.  The universe starts with a flash, goes dark for 100,000 years, gives light for 100,000,000,000,000 years and goes dark again:


-------------  Flash of the Big Bang


-------------  Darkness for 100,000 years


-------------  380,000 years hydrogen atoms form releasing the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation afterglow.


------------  1,000,000 years the first stars formed


------------   10^8 years  the first protogalaxies formed


------------   10^9  years spiral and elliptical galaxies formed.


------------  5*10^9 years, our Sun is born.


-----------  7*10^9  years, Dark Energy overpowers gravity accelerating the expansion of the Universe.


------------ 1.37*10^10 years, Jim is writing this review


------------ 1.5 * 10^10 years, a dying Sun makes Earth uninhabitable.


------------ 1.6 * 10^10 years, the Milky Way Galaxy merges with other galaxies in the Virgo Cluster.


------------- 10^11 years, no other galaxies can be seen outside the Virgo Cluster group of galaxies because outside galaxies are expanding outward faster than the speed of light.


-------------  10^13 years, most star formation stops.


-------------  10^14 years, lowest mass stars stop burning hydrogen.


-------------  10^15 years, planets leave their stars.


-------------  10^20 years, galaxies lose their stars due to evaporation.


-------------  10^40  years, protons decay.


-------------  10^45 years, Blackholes are all that is left


-------------  10^67  years, small sun sized Blackholes evaporate.


-------------  10^87 years, massive Blackholes 1 million times the size of our Sun evaporate.

--------------  10^100 photons and stray particles are all that is left in the Dark, cold, rarified Universe.  That is the entire story of our Universe, as much as we know.


-  April 9, 2021       DARK  -  energy and matter?              1075        3117                                                                                                                                                         


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--------------------- ---  Saturday, April 10, 2021  ---------------------------

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