Tuesday, April 27, 2021

3140 - QUANTUM MECHANICS - applied to astronomy?

  -  3140   -  QUANTUM  MECHANICS  -  applied to astronomy?   Blackholes created at the beginning may be ending their lifetimes about now.  Astronomers expect a giant explosion of Gamma Rays with this happens.  They are on the look out hoping to see the death of a minBlackhole                  

--------------  3140  -  QUANTUM  MECHANICS  -  applied to astronomy?

-   Most everything we know about astronomy we owe to light.  Photons are particles called “Bosons” and they do not obey the law of Quantum Mechanics called the “Exclusion Principle“.


-   Photons and all Bosons can occupy the same quantum state at the same time.  Electrons can not occupy the same quantum state at the same time and are therefore classified as “Fermions“.  All Fermions do obey the Quantum Mechanic Exclusion Principle, including electrons, protons, and neutrons.


-  See Reviews 2810 and 2703 to learn about the Quantum Mechanic Uncertainty Principle and the Exclusion Principle.  when we apply these laws to astronomy several new laws applying to the stars can be derived.


------------------- (1)  The Degeneracy Pressures caused by the Exclusion Principle is what keeps stars from totaling collapsing under the force of gravity.


------------------  (2)  Quantum Tunneling allows fusion reactions to occur at the core of our Sun.


--------------------- (3)  Virtual Particles created by the Uncertainty Principle in the vacuum space “may” be the Universe’s expansion pressure called Dark Energy.


---------------------  (4)  Virtual Particles may cause Blackholes to evaporate and have a finite lifetime.


- (1)  Electron Degeneracy Pressure is what creates Brown Dwarf stars and White Dwarf stars.  When stars are not big enough to create fusion at their cores, or, when their cores run out of fuel they have no thermal pressure to withstand the force of gravity.  They would collapse into a solid neutron.  


-  Except, Electron Degeneracy Pressure caused by the Exclusion Principle prevents gravity from collapsing them beyond that point.  After a star’s death they may collapse down to a smaller diameter but Degeneracy Pressure will prevent the further collapse and the star will live the remainder of its life as a White Dwarf.  This is what will happen to our Sun in another 5,000,000,000 years.


-  If the star was massive enough to have gravity force great enough to overcome the electron degeneracy pressure the star will overcome the Exclusion Principle and force the electrons down into the nucleus creating neutrons with the electron-proton pairs. 


-   The star will collapse down into a 10 mile diameter as a Neutron Star.  At this point the Neutron Degeneracy Pressure prevents a further collapse and the star lives the remainder of its life as a Neutron Star.


-   If the star was still more massive it is possible for gravity to overcome even the Neutron Degeneracy Pressure and the star collapses into a Blackhole.  The Blackhole would live forever except for the other principle, the Uncertainty Principle.


-  (2)  Quantum tunneling is what makes nuclear fusion possible in stars the size of our Sun.  Larger stars have greater gravity pressure and their cores become dense enough and hot enough for fusion to occur without quantum tunneling.  


-  Quantum tunneling is caused by the Uncertainty Principle where the particles location is determined by probabilities.  When a star the size of our Sun compresses its core density is not great enough to force fusion of hydrogen nuclei to occur.  But, quantum tunneling of particles overcomes the density barrier and fusion is allowed to occur at a certain rate.  Hydrogen fusion to helium is what fuels our Sun.


-  (3)  Virtual particles pop in and out of existence in the expansion and vacuum of space.  They exist due to the Uncertainty Principle but for such a short time that they do not violate the Conservation of Energy.  We are unable to detect these particles.  


-  However, we can detect the expansion of space and that is happening at an accelerating rate.  We call it Dark Energy.  We believe virtual particles are responsible for it but we have not detected them and Dark Energy remains a mystery.


-  (4)  Virtual particles are also associated with the limited lifetime of Blackholes.  Nothing escapes a Blackhole, not even light.  However, at the edge of the Blackhole’s Event Horizon virtual particles can boil off and escape into space.   In this way the Blackhole is slowly evaporating.  This evaporation is not confirmed but the theory is credited to Steven Hawking as Hawking Radiation.


-  We have not detected virtual particles so Blackhole evaporation and Dark Energy remain to be discovered.  The Uncertainty Principle still applies, we just do not know how.  In the case of our Sun’s fusion and all star’s collapse we do know how the theory applies.  Gravity eventually overcomes the Exclusion Principle.  Yet, among the four fundamental forces gravity is extremely weak.


-  Gravity is weaker by 39 orders of magnitude compared to the electromagnetic force, the weak and strong nuclear forces.  We can not explain why that is so.  Pick up a paper clip with a refrigerator magnet.  The entire mass of the Earth is causing gravity to pull the clip down but the little magnet has enough force to pull the clip up. 


-   We obviously have much more to learn.  Quantum Mechanics not only opens up the atomic world to our understanding but to the cosmic world as well.


-  The Lifetime of a Blackhole can be calculated with this fromula:

------------------  Lifetime  =  10,240 *pi^2 * G^2* M^3 / h*c^4


-  “G” is the force of gravity, “M” is the mass of the Blackhole, “h” is Planck’s Constant of Action and “c” is the speed of light.  From the formula you can see that lifetime varies as the cube of the mass.  


-  Therefore, low mass Blackholes have shorter lifetimes.  If you use this calculation on the smaller mass Blackholes you get a lifetime of about 10 billion years.  This is about the lifetime of the Universe.  


-  Blackholes created at the beginning may be ending their lifetimes about now.  Astronomers expect a giant explosion of Gamma Rays with this happens.  They are on the look out hoping to see the death of a mini- Blackhole.


-  Mini-Blackholes would be about the mass of the Earth 6*10^24 kilograms.  Lifetime about 13.7 billion years.  Could we see one of these in your lifetime?  I have never heard it said, but I would suspect that in genetics, it is the quantum Mechanic Uncertainty Principle that causes life to age and be responsible for our lifetimes as well.  My guess.


-  3133  -  QUANTUM  MECHANICS  -  too weird to ponder?  Quantum Mechanics is the most powerful theory in physics.  But, after 100 years of thinking and studying we are as confused as ever.  Quantum Mechanics has weird theories that get confirmed with experiments results and to phenomenal accuracies, out to a dozen decimal places. 


-  3041  -  QUANTUM  MECHANICS  -  controlling our reality?  This review discuss the strange world of Quantum Mechanics and suggests that it is really controlling our reality below the surface.  Quantum behavior may be what allows birds to fly thousands of miles with precise navigation.  It may be what allows plants to synthesize sunlight.  It may be what links your brain to eyesight.


-  2984 - QUANTUM  MECHANICS  -  make the best clocks?  Precise optical clocks are but one application of the optical comb. Optical combs are transforming precision measurement in many areas, from finding planets around distant stars (precision doppler measurements), to potentially measuring the expansion of space itself (time dependence of redshift).


-  2721  -  QUANTUM  MECHANICS  -  controlling our reality?  This review discuss the strange world of Quantum Mechanics and suggests that it is really controlling our reality below the surface.  Quantum behavior may be what allows birds to fly thousands of miles with precise navigation.  It may be what allows plants to synthesize sunlight.  It may be what links your brain to eyesight.


-   2414 -  QUANTUM MECHANICS -  to explain the Universe.  Using quantum mechanics to explain the world we live in gets really, really weird.   A lot of what we know about the Standard Model of Nature’s fundamental particles came from studying Cosmic Rays.  Maybe the next revelation will come from studying the computer?


- 2319   -  The Declaration of Independence reads more like a mathematical theorem than a political document.  It attempts to define truth, rights, and reality.  The fundamental goal of science is also to define reality.  The heart of science and mathematics is shrewd honesty that springs from really wanting to know what the hell is going on


- 2287 - The Universe is a Computer.  The quantum in space-time acts like a bit in a computer.  Space is not really space it is “information“.  And “time” is simply a clock.  If you have information and a clock you have a computer.  A computer does everything it does just using a switch between a one and a zero.  


-  2282  -  The waves of matter.  The matter that makes up our world is only 5% of what is out there to make the Universe. What is the rest? 


-  2266  -  The birth of quantum mechanics.


-  1548  -  The Universe - biggest smallest, from the Universe down to quantum fluctuations at the Planck Scale.


-  2098  -  Hubble Constant and the Quantum Gravity.  Understanding gravity in the framework of quantum mechanics is one of the great challenges of modern physics today. 


-  2282  -  Quantum Mechanics and the waves of matter. 


-  2266  -  The birth of quantum mechanics


-  2228  -  Quantum mechanics and the Theory of Relativity.


-  2204  -  The quest for reality.


-  2171 -  Quantum mechanics applied to astronomy.


-  2010  -  Quantum mechanics and gravity.


-  1982  -  Quantum physics of determinism


-  1606  -  Weird science versus real science.


-  1548  -  The Universe biggest to smallest.


-  April 27, 2021     QUANTUM  MECHANICS  -  in astronomy?  1028  3140                                                                                                                                                        


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--------------------- ---  Tuesday, April 27, 2021  ---------------------------

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