Saturday, April 24, 2021

3136 - QUASAR - most massive blackhole discovered?

  -  3136  -  QUASAR  -  most massive blackhole discovered.  Astronomers have discovered the second-most distant quasar ever found using three Maunakea Observatories in Hawai.  It is the first quasar to receive an indigenous Hawaiian name, Pōniuā`ena, which means "unseen spinning source of creation, surrounded with brilliance" in the Hawaiian language.

-----------------  3136  -  QUASAR  -  most massive blackhole discovered?

-  This is only the second quasar yet detected at a distance calculated at a cosmological redshift greater than 7.5 and it hosts a blackhole twice as large as the other quasar known in the same era. The existence of these massive blackholes at such early times challenges current theories of how supermassive blackholes formed and grew in the young universe.


-  Quasars are the most energetic objects in the universe powered by their supermassive blackholes and since their discovery, astronomers have been keen to determine when they first appeared in our cosmic history.


-   By systematically searching for these rare objects in wide-area sky surveys, astronomers discovered the most distant quasar (named J1342+0928) in 2018 and now the second-most distant, Pōniuā`ena (or J1007+2115, at redshift 7.515). 


-  The light seen from this quasar  traveled through space for over 13 billion years since leaving the quasar just 700 million years after the Big Bang.   The supermassive black hole powering it is 1,500,000,000 times more massive than our Sun.


-  It is the most distant object known in the universe hosting a blackhole exceeding one billion solar masses.  For a blackhole of this size to form this early in the universe, it would need to start as a 10,000 solar mass "seed" blackhole about 100 million years after the Big Bang, rather than growing from a much smaller blackhole formed by the collapse of a single star.


-  Current theory holds the birth of stars and galaxies as we know them started during the Epoch of Reionization, beginning about 400 million years after the Big Bang. The growth of the first giant blackholes is thought to have occurred during that same era in the universe's history.


-  The discovery of this quasars deep into the reionization epoch, is a big step towards understanding this process of reionization and the formation of early supermassive black holes and massive galaxies. It has placed new and important constraints on the evolution of the matter between galaxies (intergalactic medium) in the reionization epoch.


-  This blackhole acts like a cosmic lighthouse. As its light travels the long journey towards Earth, its spectrum is altered by diffuse gas in the intergalactic medium which allowed us to pinpoint when the Epoch of Reionization occurred.


-  In 2019, the preliminary data suggested this was likely to be an important discovery. Observing the new quasar using Keck's NIRES spectrograph in order to confirm its extremely high redshift and measure the mass of its blackhole.


-  The Near Infrared Echellette Spectrograph (NIRES) is a prism cross-dispersed near-infrared spectrograph built at the California Institute of Technology.  


-  NIRES covers a large wavelength range at moderate spectral resolution for use on the Keck II telescope and observes extremely faint red objects found with the Spitzer and WISE infrared space telescopes, as well as brown dwarfs, high-redshift galaxies, and quasars. 


-  The Keck Observatory telescopes are among the most scientifically productive on Earth. The two 10-meter optical/infrared telescopes on the summit of Maunakea on the Island of Hawai'i feature a suite of advanced instruments including imagers, multi-object spectrographs, high-resolution spectrographs, integral-field spectrometers, and world-leading laser guide star adaptive optics systems.          Other reviews about quasars:


-  2737  -  QUASAR  -  the most distant light?  When astronomers take a photo of the most distant light coming from a Quasar that is 13,000,000,000 lightyears away they are recording astronomical history.  That same Quasar that was likely the center of an infant galaxy is now 46,000,000,000 lightyears away.  That Quasar that is at the center of a distant galaxy may not even exist today.


-   2506  -  QUASARS  -  extreme  blackholes?  How do astronomers see the brightest objects in the Universe that are the farthest away?  It is the closest thing we have to a time machine.  The expansion of space over cosmic distances stretches the wavelengths of visible light making the light redder and redder until is in the infrared part of the spectrum.


-   2496  - QUASARS  - Blackholes with personalities.   Quasars are high-energy sources in the heavens that astronomers discovered over 50 years ago.  They have remained mysteries to this day, however we certainly know a lot more about them.


-  2286 -  QUASARS  -  the hosts of super massive blackholes.  Quasars are the most powerful radiating objects in the Universe.  They are exceedingly bright while at enormous distances.  Their distances are judged by the redshift of their light spectrum.  Greater distances mean farther back in time. Today they are called Active Galactic Nuclei  known to host super massive blackholes.


-  April 24, 2021      QUASAR  -  most massive blackhole             3136                


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--------------------- ---  Saturday, April 24, 2021  ---------------------------

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