Tuesday, January 2, 2024


-    4299  -   MILKY WAY  BLACKHOLE  -     The Milky Way's monster black hole let out a huge blast 200 years ago. We can now listen to its echo.  The echoes, reflecting off nearby gas clouds and observed by NASA's IXPE spacecraft, are evidence that Sagittarius A* had a relatively recent outburst.

-------------------------  4299 -  MILKY WAY  BLACKHOLE  - 

-    The supermassive black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy woke up and unleashed a fierce outburst of X-rays around the turn of the 19th century.


-    Astronomers have noticed that immense clouds of star-forming molecular gas that inhabit the central region of the Milky Way galaxy shine brighter in X-rays than expected. One possible explanation put forward was that this X-ray light was not intrinsic to the gas clouds, but was being reflected off of them following an outburst from the black hole, which is named Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) and has a mass 4.1 million times that of our sun.


-    The theory is that the Sagittarius A* devoured something and the flash of X-rays is being reflected by the molecular gas clouds in the vicinity of the black hole.  NASA's “Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer” (IXPE) satellite has found strong evidence that this was the case, but has also been able to put an approximate date on when it happened.


-    The gravitational tidal forces around a black hole as massive as Sagittarius A* are strong enough to rip apart anything that wanders too close in a frenzied act of violence. This process releases a flare of X-rays as a gas cloud, a star or even an asteroid is torn asunder, and the debris forms a hot disc of material that spirals into the black hole's center.


-    NASA's IXPE spacecraft can measure the polarization of X-ray light from such events. Polarization refers to light waves oscillating in a preferred direction, which can reveal information about how the light has been produced and reflected. IXPE found that the X-ray echoes have a polarization angle consistent with an origin in the direction of Sagittarius A*.


-    The strength of the polarization indicates that the X-rays were emitted a little over 200 years ago in an event that lasted less than a year-and-a-half.  The brightness of the X-ray echoes indicates that this outburst increased the black hole's X-ray luminosity a million fold compared to its dormant state today.


-    The total amount of energy released is estimated to be 1,044 ergs. This is comparable with a breed of active galaxy called a “Seyfert”, which have supermassive black holes that feeding on large amounts of material but over a much longer period of time.



-    Exactly what unfortunate object fell too close to Sagittarius A* to be ripped apart remains unknown. The existence of stars that orbit very close to the black hole, and clouds of gas that pass dangerously close and are distorted by the black hole's gravity, suggest that there is a ready supply of material that will eventually fall into the black hole.


-   The star “S0–6” appears to have traveled 50,000 light-years from a now-extinct galaxy to reach the supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way


-    Astronomers may have discovered an extragalactic intruder among stars that orbit the supermassive black hole at the heart of our Milky Way, Sagittarius A*.    Sgr A* is surrounded by a cavalcade of stars, the rapid orbits of which have helped astronomers determine that the black hole has a mass around 4.5 million times that of the sun.


-    As useful as these stars are, their existence is somewhat mysterious. This is because the intense gravity of Sgr A* should make the heart of the Milky Way an environment that is far too turbulent and violent to allow the formation of stars at all.  This has led scientists to theorize that the stars around Sgr A* may have migrated to this region after being born somewhere else in the universe.


-    And new findings have revealed some of these stars may have had vastly longer journeys to Sgr A* than previously suggested. In particular a star designated "S0–6" may be over 10 billion years old, and could have originated 50,000 light-years away from its current location.


-    To deduce the true extragalactic origins of S0–6, astronomers studied the star for eight years using the Subaru Telescope, an 8.2-meter optical-infrared telescope located near the summit of Maunakea on the island of Hawaii.


-    This investigation revealed that the star, seen just 0.3 arcseconds away from the Sgr A*, has a chemical composition resembling stars found in small satellite galaxies of the Milky Way, such as the Small Magellanic Cloud and the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy.


-    The team explained this chemical makeup by theorizing that S0–6 was born in a small Milky Way satellite galaxy that our galaxy actually cannibalized at some point in the last 10 billion years. This would have led to the star journeying tens of thousands of light-years to Sgr A*,  ultimately spiraling around our galaxy's black hole rather than taking a direct path to the center of the Milky Way.


-    If all this is true, it'd make S0–6 the first extragalactic star discovered near Sgr A*, however, many questions will remain about this star's existence and the story of all the other stars living on the edge of a supermassive black hole.



December 31, 2023            MILKY WAY  BLACKHOLE                            4299


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--------------------- ---  Tuesday, January 2, 2024  ---------------------------------









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