Monday, January 8, 2024

4308 - OBSERVABLE UNIVERSE - and beyond?


-    4308  -  OBSERVABLE  UNIVERSE  -  and beyond?   -   But most cosmologists think the Universe is much larger than our observable corner of it. That what we can see is a small part of an unimaginably vast, if not infinite creation.  In other words, on a cosmic scale, the Universe is quite small.

-----------------  4308 -  OBSERVABLE  UNIVERSE  -  and beyond?

-   The most distant light we can see is the cosmic microwave background (CMB), which has taken more than 13 billion years to reach us. This marks the edge of the observable universe, and while you might think that means the Universe is 26 billion light-years across, thanks to cosmic expansion it is now closer to 46 billion light-years across.


-   Astronomers measure the “microwave background” because the most distant light has traveled so far in expanding space it as broadened its wavelength into the microwave wavelengths. 


-   There are several reasons why cosmologists think the Universe is large. One is the distribution of galaxy clusters. If the Universe didn’t extend beyond what we see, the most distant galaxies would feel a gravitational pull toward our region of the cosmos, but not away from us, leading to asymmetrical clustering. Since galaxies cluster at around the same scale throughout the visible universe the observable universe is “homogenous and isotropic”.


-   Spacetime is “flat”.  If spacetime weren’t flat, our view of distant galaxies would be distorted, making them appear much larger or smaller than they actually are. Distant galaxies do appear slightly larger due to cosmic expansion, but not in a way that implies an overall curvature to spacetime.


-    Based on the limits of our observations, the flatness of the universe implies it is at least 400 times larger than the observable universe.  Inflation would make the CMB temperature uniform.


-    Then there is the fact that the “cosmic microwave background” is almost a perfect blackbody. There are small fluctuations in its temperature, but it is much more uniform than it should be. To account for this, astronomers have proposed a period of tremendous expansion just after the Big Bang, known as “early cosmic inflation”.


-     We have not observed any direct evidence of it, but the model solves so many cosmological problems that it’s widely accepted. If the model is accurate, then the Universe is on the order of 1,026 times larger than the observable universe.


-   So given all of this theoretical and observational evidence, how could anyone argue that the Universe is small? 


-    Although “string theory” is often presented as a physical theory, it’s actually a collection of mathematical methods. It can be used in the development of complex physical models, but it can also just be mathematics for its own sake. One of the problems with connecting the mathematics of string theory to physical models is that the effects would only be seen in the most extreme situations, and we don’t have enough observational data to rule out various models.


-    Some string theory models are compatible with “quantum gravity”, and others are not.   When you separate the promising theoretical lands from the “swamp of theories”, what you are left with are theories where early cosmic inflation isn’t an option. Most of the inflationary string theory models are in the swampland. This leads one to ask whether you could construct a model cosmology that matches observation without early inflation. Which brings us to this new study.


-    One way to get around early cosmic inflation is to look at higher-dimensional structures. Classic general relativity relies upon four physical dimensions, three of space and one of time, or 3+1. Mathematically you could imagine a 3+2 universe or 4+1, where the global structure can be embedded into an effective 3+1 structure.


-    Under just the right conditions string theory could construct a higher-dimensional structure that matches observation and avoids the swampland. Based on these models, the Universe may only be a hundred or a thousand times larger than the observed universe.


-    All of this is speculative, but in a way so is early cosmic inflation. If early cosmic inflation is true, we should be able to observe its effect through gravitational waves in the somewhat near future.



January 6, 2023            OBSERVABLE  UNIVERSE  -  and beyond?          4308


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