Wednesday, January 24, 2024



-    4325  -   COSMOLOGY  CHANGED ? -    Studying the universe involved mapping galaxies and their larger structures, catching catastrophic stellar explosions called supernovas, calculating distances to variable stars, measuring the residual cosmic glow from the early universe.

-------------------------  4325 -  COSMOLOGY  CHANGED ?

-    The glue that held the cosmology stories together had been discovered a few years earlier, in 1998 called “dark energy”.  This mysterious force rather than gluing the cosmos together, is somehow causing it to expand ever more speedily instead of slowing down over time.


-    When scientists included this “cosmic something” in their models of the universe, theories and observations meshed. They drafted what is now known as the standard model of cosmology, called “Lambda-CDM”


-     In this model dark energy makes up nearly 70% of the universe, while another mysterious dark entity, a type of invisible mass that seems to interact with normal matter only through gravity, makes up about 25%. The remaining 5% is everything we can see: the stars, planets and galaxies that astronomers have studied for millennia.


-    As astronomers made more precise observations of the universe across the sweep of cosmic time, cracks began to appear in this standard model. Some of the first signs of trouble came from measurements of variable stars and supernovas in a handful of nearby galaxies.


-    Observations that, when compared with the residual cosmic glow, suggested that our universe plays by different rules than we thought, and that a crucial cosmological parameter that defines how fast the universe is flying apart changes when you measure it with different yardsticks.


-    Cosmologists had a problem, something they called a “tension”, or, in their more dramatic moments, a crisis.   Discordant measurements have only become more distinct in the decade or so since the first cracks emerged. And this discrepancy isn’t the only challenge to cosmology’s standard model.


-    Observations of galaxies suggest that the way in which cosmic structures have clumped together over time may differ from our best understanding of how today’s universe should have grown from seeds embedded in the early universe. And even more subtle mismatches come from detailed studies of the universe’s earliest light.


-    To alleviate these tensions, cosmologists are taking two complementary approaches. First, they’re continuing to make more precise observations of the cosmos, in the hope that better data will reveal clues as to how to proceed. In addition, they are finding ways to subtly tweak the standard model to accommodate the unexpected results.


-    To characterize our universe, scientists use a handful of numbers, which cosmologists call parameters.    One of those parameters relates to how strongly mass clumps together. That, in turn, tells us something about how dark energy operates, as its accelerating outward push conflicts with the gravitational pull of cosmic mass.


-    To quantify “clumpiness”, scientists use a variable called “S8”. If the value is zero, then the universe has no variation and no structure. It’s like a flat, featureless prairie, with not even an anthill to break up the landscape.


-    But if S8 is closer to 1, the universe is like a huge, jagged mountain range, with massive clumps of dense matter separated by valleys of nothingness. Observations made by the Planck spacecraft of the very early universe, where the first seeds of structure took hold, find a value of “0.83”.


-    To compare the clumpiness in today’s universe with measurements of the infant cosmos, researchers survey how matter is distributed over large swaths of sky.  Accounting for visible galaxies is one thing. But mapping the invisible network upon which those galaxies lie is another. To do that, cosmologists look at tiny distortions in the galaxies’ light, because the path light takes as it weaves through the cosmos is warped as the light is deflected by the gravitational heft of invisible matter.


-   By studying these distortions (known as weak gravitational lensing), researchers can trace the distribution of dark matter along the paths the light took. They can also estimate where the galaxies are.   Astronomers create 3D maps of the universe’s visible and invisible mass, which lets them measure how the landscape of cosmic structure changes and grows over time.


-    Over the past few years, three weak-lensing surveys have mapped large patches of the sky: the Dark Energy Survey (DES), which uses a telescope in Chile’s Atacama desert; the Kilo-Degree Survey (KIDS), also in Chile; and most recently, a five-year survey from the Subaru Telescope’s Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) in Hawai‘i.


-    A few years ago, the DES and KIDS surveys produced S8 values lower than Planck’s implying smaller mountain ranges and lower peaks than what the primordial cosmic soup set up.


-    The Subaru HSC team surveyed tens of millions of galaxies covering about 416 square degrees on the sky, or the equivalent of 2,000 full moons. In their patch of sky, the team calculated an S8 value of “0.78” in line with the initial results from earlier surveys, and smaller than the measured value from the Planck telescope’s observations of the early universe’s radiation.


-   If this S8 tension is really true, there’s something which we do not understand yet.

Cosmologists are now poring over the details of the observations to take out sources of uncertainty.   The Subaru team estimated the distances to most of their galaxies based on their overall color, which could lead to inaccuracies.


-    These measurements aren’t easy to make, with subtle complexities in interpretation. And the difference between a galaxy’s warped appearance and its actual shape, the key to identifying invisible mass, is often very small.  Plus, blurring from Earth’s atmosphere can slightly alter the shape of a galaxy, which is one of the reasons why astronomers are  leading a weak-lensing analysis using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope.


-    A dozen years ago, scientists saw the first hints of trouble with measurements of another cosmological parameter. But it took years to accumulate enough data to convince most cosmologists that they were dealing with a full-on crisis.


-    Measurements of how fast the universe is expanding today, the “Hubble constant”, don’t match the value you get when extrapolating from the early universe. The conundrum has become known as the “Hubble tension”.


-    To calculate the Hubble constant, astronomers need to know how far away things are. In the nearby cosmos, scientists measure distances using stars called Cepheid variables that periodically change in brightness. There’s a well-known relationship between how fast one of these stars swings from brightest to faintest and how much energy it radiates. That relation, which was discovered in the early 20th century, allows astronomers to calculate the star’s intrinsic brightness, and by comparing that to how bright it appears, they can calculate its distance.


-    Using these variable stars, scientists can measure the distances to galaxies up to about 100 million light-years from us. But to see a bit farther away, and a bit further back in time, they use a brighter mile marker, a specific type of stellar explosion called a “type Ia supernova”. Astronomers can also calculate the intrinsic brightness of these “standard candles,” which allows them to measure distances to galaxies billions of light-years away.


-    These observations have helped astronomers pin a value on how fast the nearby universe is expanding: roughly 73 kilometers per second per megaparsec, which means that as you look further away, for each megaparsec (or 3.26 million light-years) of distance, space is flying away 73 kilometers per second faster.


-    If the expansion rate could somehow be increased, just a little bit for a little while in the early universe, you can resolve the Hubble tension.   But that value clashes with one derived from another ruler embedded in the infant universe.


-    In the very beginning, the universe was searing plasma, a soup of fundamental particles and energy.  A fraction of a second into cosmic history, some occurrence, perhaps a period of extreme acceleration known as inflation, sent jolts oj pressure waves through the murky plasma.


-   Then, as the universe cooled, light that was trapped in the elemental plasma fog finally broke free. That light called the “cosmic microwave background”, or CMB, reveals those early pressure waves, just as the surface of a frozen lake holds onto the overlapping crests of waves frozen in time.


-   Cosmologists have measured the most common wavelength of those frozen pressure waves and used it to calculate a value for the Hubble constant of 67.6 km/s/Mpc, with an uncertainty of less than 1%.


-    The discordant values, roughly 67 versus 73,  have ignited a fiery debate in cosmology that is still unresolved.


-    A type of old, red star that typically lives in the outer portions of galaxies where fewer overlapping bright stars and less dust can lead to clearer measurements. Using those stars astronomers have measured an expansion rate of around 70 km/s/Mpc.


-     JWST’s powerful infrared eye is measuring distances to giant red stars in 11 nearby galaxies while simultaneously measuring the distances to Cepheids and a type of pulsating carbon star in those same galaxies.


-   As observations continue to constrain these crucial cosmological parameters, scientists are trying to fit the data to their best models of how the universe works. Perhaps more precise measurements will solve their problems, or maybe the tensions are just an artifact of something mundane, like quirks of the instruments being used.


-    Data coming in the next year, 2025, may help. First up will be the results from Freedman’s team looking at different probes of the nearby expansion rate. Then in April, researchers will reveal the first data from the largest cosmological sky survey to date, the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument.


-     Later in the year, researchers making another primordial background map using the South Pole Telescope will likely release their detailed results of the microwave background at higher resolution. Observations on the more distant horizon will come from the European Space Agency’s Euclid, a space telescope that launched in July, and the Vera C. Rubin Observatory, an all-sky mapping machine being built in Chile that will be fully operational in 2025.


-   The universe might be 13.8 billion years old, but our quest to understand it is still in its infancy.  “Now, “Everything has changed”.



January 21, 2023                   COSMOLOGY  CHANGED ?              4325


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--------------------- ---  Wednesday, January 24, 2024  ---------------------------------









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