Wednesday, January 31, 2024

4335 - MARS - was there water there?


-    4335  -  MARS  -  was there water there?  Evidence of ancient lake sediments at the base of Mars' Jezero crater offer new hope for finding traces of life in samples collected by NASA's Perseverance rover.  What about Venus? Did it have oceans?

--------------------------  4335  -  MARS  -  was there water there?


-    “Perseverance rover” found evidence of ancient lake sediments at the base of Mars' Jezero Crater offering new hope for finding traces of life in samples collected.


-   Perseverance touched down on Feb. 18, 2021 inside the Red Planet's 28-mile-wide Jezero Crater, which is believed to have once hosted a large lake and river delta. The rover has been scouring the crater in search of signs of past life and collecting and caching dozens of samples along the way for a possible future return to Earth.


-   Using the rover's “Radar Imager for Mars' Subsurface Experiment”  instrument, researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles and the University of Oslo revealed new clues about how sediment layers formed over time on the crater floor.


-    As Perseverance travels across the surface of Mars, the RIMFAX instrument sends radar waves downward at 4-inch (10-centimeter) intervals and measures pulses reflected from depths of about 65.6 feet (20 meters) below the surface to create a subsurface profile of the crater floor.


-   The RIMFAX data showed evidence of sediment deposited by water that once filled the crater. It's possible that microbial life could have lived in the crater at this time and, if such life existed on Mars, sediment samples from this area would contain signs of their remains.


-    Two distinct periods of deposition occurred, creating layers of sediments on the crater floor that appear regular and horizontal, much like strata layers seen on Earth. Fluctuations in the lake's water levels caused some of the sediment deposits to form an enormous delta, which Perseverance traversed between May and December 2022.


-    The radar measurements also show an uneven crater floor below the delta, which is likely due to erosion before sediments were first deposited. After, as the lake dried up over time, the sediment layers in the crater were eroded, forming the geologic features visible on the Martian surface today.


-    The changes preserved in the rock record are driven by large-scale changes in the Martian environment.


-    Looking at the next p;anet in the other direction we hope to learn why Venus died.   Venus is only slightly smaller than the Earth.  But for this planet's heat has betrayed it. The planet is now wrapped in suffocating layers of a poisonous atmosphere made of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid.


-   The pressures on the surface reach almost 100 times the air pressure at Earth’s sea level. The average temperatures are over 700 degrees Fahrenheit, more than hot enough to melt lead, while the deepest valleys see records of over 900 degrees.


-   Like Mars, we suspect that Venus also once hosted a thinner, balmier atmosphere and a surface replete with liquid water oceans. The reasoning here is a little more tenuous than for Mars.  The thinking is that both Venus and Earth formed in a roughly similar fashion, in roughly the same orbits with roughly the same material. Thus we should have been born with roughly the same amount of water.


-    Like Earth, most of that water would have been chemically bound up in rock, buried deep in the mantle. But some of it may have leeched to the surface or been delivered by hosts of water-rich comets shortly after formation, building up a supply on the surface, once again stabilized by a thick atmosphere.


-   What doomed Venus was not any fault of its own, but our own treacherous Sun. As stars age they gradually brighten. Day by day it’s imperceptible, but over the course of millions of years it completely changes the character of a star. Billions of years ago our Sun’s habitable zone was shifted inwards compared to where it rests now, but with increased brightness comes increased heat, and  that habitable zone steadily creeps outwards over time.


-   Did Venus ever host life?   Temperatures on the surface make exploration nearly impossible. But it’s likely that it had water and a rich atmosphere, the basic ingredients were there. But if life did gain a foothold it did not last long. As our Sun aged, Venus got warmer and warmer. On a warmer planet, more water exists as vapor in the atmosphere than as liquid on the surface.


-   Venus reached a tipping point. With too much water vapor, the atmosphere of Venus became too good at trapping the heat radiating from the surface. That radiation could not penetrate the haze and make into space, but instead was ensnared within the atmosphere itself, heating it up.


-    Venus entered a feedback loop, dumping more heat into the atmosphere, which boiled the oceans into more vapor, which increased the temperatures, and so on. First the shallow lakes and streams were gone, then came the deeper oceans, until every scrap of water was blowing in the winds of the atmosphere.


-    With its proximity to the ever-brightening Sun, the water vapor did not last long. Solar radiation pummeled it, disassociating its chemical bonds and sending the oxygen and hydrogen flying away beyond our solar system.


-   If Venus had plate tectonics like the Earth, then this is where that process came to end. With no water to act a lubricant, the great slow grinding of the plates seized up, locking the crust in place. This constant churning acts as a natural sink for carbon: the carbon dioxide binds to rocks which get pulled deep into the mantle, preventing too much carbon from building up in the atmosphere.


-    But without the cleansing effect of plate tectonics, carbon dioxide levels rose to dangerous heights, its own ability to absorb radiation from the surface choking off any remaining hope for rescuing the planet. Eventually the atmosphere would pile upon itself until it reached its present swollen size.


-    As our Sun aged, Venus strangled itself.   Venus is not alone in sharing that fate, for the Sun has not yet reached its final days. It continues to brighten, bringing more warmth to the solar system day by day, its habitable zone steadily inching outwards with every passing year.


-    At some point, approximately 500 million years from now, Venus will not be alone, The Earth’s oceans will boil, our continents will halt their ancient motion, and we will finally be twins with our sister: dead, lifeless, and strangling on our own bloated atmosphere.  This will definitely end our coffee club.



January 31, 2023         MARS  -  was there water there?          4335


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