Wednesday, January 3, 2024



-    4303  -   EARTH'S and PLANET'S MAGNETIC  FIELDS? -   Observations of a faraway rocky world that might have its own magnetic field could help astronomers understand the seemingly haphazard magnetic fields swaddling our solar system’s planets.  And maybe our own magnetic field

---------------  4303 -  EARTH'S and PLANET'S MAGNETIC  FIELDS?

-    The Milky Way is full of alien worlds that might make their own magnetic fields.    Astronomers just need to find them.


-   For decades, astronomers have been perplexed by planetary magnetic fields. In our own solar system, there is no rule that explains which worlds generate these magnetic sheaths: Earth has one, but its sister world,Venus, does not.


-    Astronomers suspect that one of the best ways to understand the mysteries of magnetism might be to study worlds orbiting other suns. By collecting a census of exoplanet magnetic fields, researchers could determine whether they are common features of other worlds.


-    Why does one rocky planet have a magnetic field while the other does not?  It has been a challenge to build such a census and to even find exoplanet magnetic fields because these fields are faint and hard to detect.


-    But in April, two independent teams found what appears to be the signature of a magnetic field produced by a rocky planet orbiting a small, dim red dwarf star about 12 light-years away. The planet, “YZ Ceti b”, is slightly smaller than Earth and likely too hot for life as we know it.


-    We know from our solar system that magnetic fields play an important role in affecting how a planet loses or retains its atmosphere over time.  In our solar system, Earth and the four giant planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, have significant magnetic fields. Mercury has only a faint field, and Mars very likely had a more robust field in the past, which it lost for reasons that aren’t understood.


-    Planetary magnetic fields are generated by an engine called a “dynamo”, which is built from molten metal churning in a planet’s core. That churning produces electrical currents that drive a magnetic field. On Earth and the four gas giants, this process is strong enough to form a protective cocoon around the planet, deflecting charged particles that would otherwise blow away the planets’ atmospheres.


-    Scientists suspect that many of the 5,000 known exoplanets have magnetic fields, but detecting them is a different matter. In the 1970s, astronomers surmised that when a planetary magnetic field interacts with the planet’s host star, it might produce an observable spike in low-frequency radio waves emitted by the star, known as “auroral emissions”.


-     The timing of those spikes, as seen from Earth, would depend on a planet’s location in its orbit.  The  atmospheric data was taken from four hot Jupiters, giant planets orbiting close to their stars, to get a hint of magnetic fields in 2019. In 2021 they detected a radio signal linked to a planetary magnetic field in the Tau Boötes system, 51 light-years from Earth.


-    In 2021 astronomers detected ultraviolet emissions from a Neptune-like planet,  “HAT-P-11 b”, 123 light-years from Earth, that suggest the planet’s magnetosphere.  But none of the detections were definitive  and none were of rocky planets.


-   In 2017, astronomers found exactly the system they needed for the type of indirect observation they’d hypothesized about for nearly 50 years. Three rocky planets orbited the red dwarf  “YZ Ceti”, a cosmic stone’s throw away. The system’s proximity to our own makes its planets convenient targets, especially YZ Ceti b, the innermost planet.


-    Red dwarfs typically have stronger magnetic fields than stars like our sun, which makes it easier to identify the fingerprint of an orbiting planet’s magnetic field.   The planet would need a magnetic field strength similar to Earth’s to cause the brightness of radio waves.


-    A more definitive detection would require more observations of the star and the periodic radio spikes.  Astronomers are hoping that similar observations can be attempted for the TRAPPIST-1 system of seven Earth-size worlds orbiting a red dwarf 40 light-years from Earth, or even for the red dwarf Proxima Centauri, the closest star to Earth at 4.25 light-years, which hosts a rocky planet.


-    Finding exoplanetary magnetic fields is crucial for understanding how prevalent they are and how planets make magnetism.  In our solar system, a dynamo seems to be key. But a dynamo might not be the only way to generate a planetary magnetic field, especially in “super-Earths”, worlds that are between Earth and Neptune in mass, which are among the most common type of exoplanet spotted so far.


-    Would heat fluctuations within a planet do the job inside worlds that have molten interiors but lack a solid core.   Would a magma ocean produce a magnetic field? Magma oceans should be pretty common in super-Earths.


-    “GO-LoW”  program would use a fleet of thousands of small spacecraft to study radio waves from exoplanets. Another idea is “FARSIDE”, a proposed radio array from NASA that would be placed on the far side of the moon, free of radio interference from Earth.


-    Astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope have spotted what may be the smallest known brown dwarf, a "failed star" that's only three or four times larger than Jupiter.


-    The tiny proto-star in a star cluster  “IC 348”, is located 1,000 light-years from Earth. The object is likely to be a brown dwarf, a type of celestial object that blurs the line between planet and star.


-   Brown dwarfs are not quite stars, but they come close. Essentially, they are stars that failed to ignite, earning them the unflattering nickname "failed stars." Brown dwarfs are not massive enough to sustain typical hydrogen fusion in their cores. However, they do have enough mass to emit light and heat from fusing a specialized type of hydrogen, called deuterium. Deuterium is a stable form of hydrogen with an added neutron, whereas normal hydrogen only has a proton in its nucleus.


-    Most stars are incredibly dense compared to even the biggest planets; our own sun is about 1,000 times the mass of Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, but its diameter is only 10 times that of Jupiter.


-     In comparison, a large brown dwarf could pack about 80 Jupiters inside. But this particular brown dwarf is only three or four times more massive than Jupiter.  This easily makes it the smallest "star," or star-like object, ever discovered. It is also very young; the star cluster that it belongs to is just 5 million years old.


-    In addition to being minuscule, the brown dwarf and its neighbors appear to have an intriguing molecule floating around in their atmospheres. The researchers detected a spectral signature from an unidentified hydrocarbon, a molecule that contains some of the raw ingredients for life as we know it.


-   NASA's Cassini probe detected the same molecular signature in the atmosphere of Saturn's moon Titan, but this is the first time it has been seen outside of the solar system.


-    The record-breaking find of a star 43,000 times more magnetic than the sun could help unravel the mystery of how magnetars form.  The star, “HD 45166”, has a unique, helium-rich spectral signature that hints at an unusual origin.


-    Neutron stars are the densest known celestial objects in the universe, packing a sun's worth of mass into a ball no wider than a city. Their highly magnetic versions, magnetars, have some of the strongest known magnetic fields in the universe. Neutron stars and magnetars form in the wake of massive supernova explosions, when the leftover material from a dead star condenses back into an extremely dense, hot object.


-    But astronomers are still trying to understand what conditions produce magnetars versus regular neutron stars.   Located 3,000 light-years from Earth in the constellation Monoceros (the Unicorn), “HD 45166” has puzzled scientists for more than a century.


-    The star behaves similarly to a type of extremely bright stellar object known as a “Wolf-Rayet star”, except that it is smaller, dimmer and has an abnormally high concentration of helium. However, nobody had put forth a satisfactory hypothesis to account for its weird spectral signature, until now.


-   Using data from several ground observatories, astronomers discovered that HD 45166 is extremely magnetic, a record-smashing 43,000 times more magnetic than the sun. The researchers suspect that, unlike most massive helium stars, which evolve from red supergiants, HD 45166 formed during a merger between two smaller stars. They also believe that in several million years, it will explode into a modest supernova and re-form as a magnetar.


This raises the question of how many magnetars come from similar systems and how many come from other types of systems. In the meantime, this proto-magnetar represents a new type of stellar object never seen before, a massive magnetic helium star



January 1, 2023       EARTH'S and PLANET'S MAGNETIC  FIELDS?           4303


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