Sunday, May 6, 2018

Astronomy's Blackholes and Whiteholes

- 2090  -  We do not fully understand blackholes but we have some theories.  Now, comes a theory I would never expect; a theory for whiteholes.  Whiteholes are theoretically the exact opposites of blackholes.   They could constitute a major portion of the mysterious dark matter that's thought to make up most of the matter in the universe.

-----------------------------  2090  -  Blackholes and Whiteholes
-  Blackholes, are the beasts in astronomy.  They devour everything that comes close to them.  Anything that enters a blackhole, even the smallest atom, never escapes. Everything inside the blackhole gets crushed into a single dot called a singularity.
-  However, spewing out the poles of a spinning blackhole may be the elements for life.  The heavier elements created by the intense gravity and radiation are formed and spewed out the poles to seed the universe.  These elements later coalesce to become new stars and planets to create the solar systems like the one we live in.
-  We do not fully understand blackholes but that is some of the theories we have so far.  Now, comes a theory I would never expect, whiteholes.  Whiteholes are theoretically the exact opposites of blackholes.   They could constitute a major portion of the mysterious dark matter that is thought to make up most of the matter in the universe. And, some of these bizarre whiteholes may even predate the Big Bang.
-  First let's discuss blackholes and then change colors to learn about what these mysterious whiteholes are doing in our universe.  These mystery objects should keep astronomers and scientists busy for a long time. 
-  Blackholes possess gravitational pulls so powerful that not even light, the fastest thing in the universe, can escape. The invisible spherical boundary surrounding the core of a blackhole, the event horizon,  marks its point of no return.   Whereas nothing can escape from a blackhole's event horizon, nothing can enter a whitehole's event horizon.
-  Monster blackholes hide in the centers of most galaxies in the universe, and now, a new technique is helping scientists measure the mass of some of the very largest blackholes, even when they lie at the centers of very faint, distant galaxies.
-  Based on decades of galactic observations, astronomers now theorize that the heart of nearly every large galaxy contains a supermassive blackhole. These monstrous beasts can be millions or billions of times more massive than our Sun. Blackholes don't radiate or reflect light and can't be seen directly. But as the gravity draws in dust and gas from the surrounding galaxy, it creates a swirling disk of material that falls into the blackhole. That infalling material heats up and begins to radiate light, making the blackhole indirectly visible.
-   In some cases, the light from these disks becomes brighter than all of the stars in the galaxy. These incredibly bright galaxies are then called "active galactic nuclei". The brightest galaxies are called "quasars", indicating the presence of a supermassive blackhole at its center.
-  Blackholes have only three measurable properties:  mass, spin and charge.  Astronomers can calculate the mass by observing how groups of stars and gas move around the galactic center.  But, distant galaxies lie so far away that telescopes can't resolve the stars and clouds of material orbiting around the blackhole.
-  A new technique known as reverberation mapping has made it possible for astronomers to measure the masses of these center blackholes. The brightness of the radiating gas in the outer region of the galaxy is compared with the brightness of the gas found in the inner region of the galaxy. The gas in the inner region affects the fast moving gas farther out. However, light takes time to travel outward, or reverberate, causing a delay between the changes seen in the inner region and their effect on the outer region.
- Measuring this delay reveals how far away the outer disk of gas is from the blackhole. Coupled with its rotation rate around the galaxy gives the astronomers enough data to calculate the  mass concentrated at the center..
-  An individual galaxy must be studied over and over again for several months.  By measuring reverberation time delays for 44 quasars astronomers have calculated blackhole masses ranging from 5 million to 1.7 billion times the mass of Earth's Sun.
-  One way to gain insights on blackhole growth is to look at blackholes on the verge of merging with one another. Astronomers have analyzed the center of a giant elliptical galaxy located about 750 million light-years from Earth. In 2006, they found that the galaxy's core apparently holds two supermassive blackholes orbiting one another.
-  Judging by the gravitational effects these blackholes had on their surroundings, the two behemoths harbor a combined mass about 15 billion times that of the Sun. These blackholes are likely only about 24 lightyears apart.
-  The presence of these giant blackholes so close together suggests that the galaxy in which they lie resulted from dozens of galaxies merging sometime in the past. This raises the possibility that the two black holes themselves might one day merge as well. One of the blackholes is moving at the rate of just 1 micro-arcsecond per year. That is about 1 billion times smaller than the smallest thing visible with the naked eye.
-  This may be the smallest movement ever detected of an object across the sky.  The new findings suggest that these blackholes are orbiting each other over a span of about 30,000 years.
- In the past year ripples in the fabric of space and time, known as gravitational waves, have been detected. These waves emanated from pairs of blackholes in the final stages of their orbits of one another before they collided.   Each blackhole must be a few dozen times the Sun's mass,
-  Although these supermassive blackholes are orbiting one another, they may never meet.  The universe apparently continues to expand at an accelerating rate.  The pair may not merge over the  remaining age of the universe.
-  Some have suggested that blackholes and whiteholes are connected, with matter and energy falling into a blackhole potentially emerging from a whitehole either somewhere else in the cosmos or in another universe entirely. When blackholes die, they could become whiteholes.
-  In the 1970s, theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking calculated that all blackholes should evaporate mass by emitting radiation. Blackholes that lose more mass than they gain are expected to shrink and ultimately vanish. 
-  However, shrinking blackholes could not disappear if the fabric of space and time were quantum. Space-time is quantum in research that seeks to unite general relativity, which can explain the nature of gravity, with quantum mechanics, which can describe the behavior of all the known particles, into a single theory that can explain all the forces of the universe.
-  Once a blackhole evaporated to a degree where it could not shrink any further because space-time could not be squeezed into anything smaller, the dying blackhole would then rebound to form a whitehole.  Maybe?
-  Blackholes nowadays are thought to form when massive stars die in giant explosions known as supernovae, which compress themselves down into the infinitely dense points known as singularities.

-  However, prior work in the 1960s and 1970s suggested that blackholes also could have originated within a second after the Big Bang.  This was caused by random fluctuations of density in the hot, rapidly expanding newborn universe. Areas where these fluctuations concentrated matter together could have collapsed to form blackholes. These primordial blackholes would be much smaller than stellar-mass blackholes, and could have died to form whiteholes within the lifetime of the universe.
-  Even whiteholes with microscopic diameters could still be quite massive, just as blackholes smaller than a sand grain can weigh more than the Moon. Some theorists suggest that these microscopic whiteholes could make up dark matter, which is 80% of all the matter in the Universe.
-  Although dark matter is thought to make up 80% of all matter in the universe, scientists do not know what it's made of. As its name suggests, dark matter is invisible; it does not emit, reflect or even block light. As a result, dark matter can currently be tracked only through its gravitational effects on normal matter that makes up all the planets, stars,  and galaxies. The nature of dark matter is currently one of the greatest mysteries in astronomy.
-  The local density of dark matter suggested by the motion of stars near the Sun is about 1 percent the mass of the Sun. To account for this density one tiny whitehole must be much smaller than a proton
-  These whiteholes would not emit any radiation, and because they are far smaller than a wavelength of light, they would be invisible. If a proton did happen to impact one of these whiteholes, the whitehole would simply bounce away.
-  If a blackhole were to encounter one of these whiteholes, the result would be a single larger blackhole. Some whiteholes in this universe might actually predate the Big Bang.  This might help to explain why time flows only forward in this current universe and not also in reverse.
-  My time has run out since I am unable to make it go backwards.  Where is a whitehole when I need one.
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 -------------------------   Sunday, May 6, 2018   --------------------------------

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