Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Local and Non-local Space?

--  1792  -  Local  and Non-local Space?  How to be in two places at once. Paired atomic particles remain connected regardless of the space between them.  How do they communicate?  With warped space-time we lose all ability to define a specific location.  All locations are relative.  We never observe “places” to have absolute locations.  Only their relative locations are objective as a consequence of the Theory of Relativity.


----------------------------------  1792  -  Local  and Non-local Space?
-  Non-locality is how to be in two places at once.  Nonlocality in  physics is where particles somehow communicate connected states ( properties ) when they are no longer “local” ( close enough for the speed of light to reach between them.).
-  For an atom , 2 electrons in orbit,  are not allowed to be in the same “ state".  If one has “ spin up” and the other has “ spin down” they are connected.  If one switches states from up to down or vice versa the other switches states instantaneously.  They somehow act as a connected pair.
-  Now the weird part.  If we remove these 2 connected electrons from the atom they remain connected no matter how much they are separated in space.  Somehow they communicate so when one changes states the other changes instantaneously.  The separation means that the state change happens faster than the speed of light.  Somehow they violate “ locality”.  Somehow they transcend space and place and distance no longer have meaning?
-  If the one of the electrons is sent to the Moon with an atomic clock.  The other with an atomic clock remains on Earth.  We use a magnetic field to reverse the spin of the one on Earth.  The one on the Moon reverses at the same time.  We would expect a 1.3 second delay for a signal to reach the Moon telling that electron to switch.  That is not the case.  The switch is instantaneous with no time delay.
-  Everything has a “ place”.  In other words everything has “ locality”.  Atomic particles that violate locality transcend space.  The term is “quantum entanglement“.  When particles become  paired” somehow they remain paired regardless of separation.  Nonlocality synchronizes the two particles regardless of distance or space between them.
-  Gravity appears to be a force that acts invisibly over distance.  However, Einstein has shown that “force” to be the “curvature of space-time through space“.  The speed of gravity is also limited by the speed of light.  186,000 miles per second is always a constant.  If the Sun disappeared the Earth would not feel the release of gravity for 8 minutes.  If the Earth disappeared the Moon would not feel it for 1.3 seconds.
-  How would Einstein explain Entanglement and Nonlocality?
-  Space and time are no more stable than the ground beneath our feet.  Tectonic plates marginally are changing our position.  Likewise, everything in the Universe is in motion and changing positions.  Gravity still propagates at the speed of light so the ripples of space-time must also propagate at the speed of  light.
-  Objects moving freely through space are following the curvature of space-time.  Always following the path of least resistance and the shortest time.  Even light beams of photons trace out the shape of space as they travel at 186,000 miles per second.
-  We tend to think that the Sun’s gravity has bent the light rays of a distant star passing by.  But, more accurately light photons are following warped space that is created by the mass of  the Sun.
- Earth’s mass does the same thing.  All falling objects follow warped space. “Down” is always the direction in which time passes more slowly.  Time at sea level passes more slowly than time at the mountain tops.  Put your watch on your ankle and time will pass slower than if you wear it on your wrist.
-  When you observe a falling object you see it rolling across the contours of time.
-  With warped space-time we loose all ability to define a specific location.  All locations are relative.  We never observe “places” to have absolute locations.  Only their relative locations are objective as a consequence of the Theory of Relativity.
-  Another consequence is that quantities such as Energy can not be situated in any specific place either.  Points in space are indistinguishable and interchangeable.  Space will not support any “ particular” location.  Space becomes defined by different configurations of the gravitational field were it resides.
-  Any field of gravity is not a “local’ phenomenon.  Points in space-time are not independent.  Our normal day to day lives can ignore this Nonlocality.  Physics to us appears to be Local., only limited to the constant speed of light.
-  Only under extreme circumstances does Nonlocality become noticeable.  Blackholes would be one example of extreme circumstances.  For Isaac Newton gravity acted at a distance but space was absolute.  For Albert Einstein gravity ripples through space-time with no positions being local.
-  Quantum Nonlocality must be something like this.  But, we have to explain how it can react faster than the speed of light. 
-  Nonlocality is sometimes called “ Spooky action at a distance”.
-  The “ Pauli Exclusion Principle says that no two electrons in an atom can have the same set of values for the four quantum numbers.  Spin being one of these numbers.  This principle explains the periodic table of elements each having a different configuration of electrons in different shells.
-  Velocity :182,282 miles per second.  Moon distance 238,855 miles.  Time:  1.3 seconds. 2.6 seconds for the round trip.  Sun distance 93 million miles.  Time: 510 seconds, 8.5 minutes.
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 -------------------------   Tuesday, May 29, 2018   --------------------------------

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