Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Infinity and Blackholes?

 -  1794  -  Infinity and Blackholes?  How are these two connected?  Can infinity really exist?    Blackholes are defined by infinities.  As a  region of space-time takes its gravitational field and temperature to infinity it becomes a blackhole.  The equations of General Relativity fall apart because they cannot deal with these infinities.  The most incomprehensible thing about this is that we are even here trying to comprehend it. 

------------------------------------  1794  -  Infinity and Blackholes?
-  Previous reviews 1790 to 1793 were also topics of weird physics, space-time, Relativity, Nonlocality, Indeterminism, and here is another one, Infinity.
-  We all know that infinity describes something the goes on forever, without end, without limits.
-  Does infinity really exist?  Does forever really exist?  Is infinity time without end or space without end?  Does eternity really exist?  Does the Universe have a beginning and an end?
-  If space-time is flat than it could stretch out to infinity ( conceptually).  If space-time is curved it may fold back on itself and end in another Big Bang.  There may be a infinite number of universes doing the same thing.  But, if they all stretched to infinity wouldn’t they overlap?
-  In math infinity is a term given to any non-finite number, or string of numbers.  It can not be characterized mathematically because there is no end to it.  When it shows up in the denominator of a fraction it is called indeterminant.
-  When math gets into “ Set Theory” we learn there are multiple types of infinities.  Some bigger than others. (now wrap your mind around that one).
-  Some infinities are “ countable” and some are” uncountable”.  Countable is defined as anything that can be lined up and numbered  making one-to-one correspondence with the string of natural numbers.
-  Infinity should not even be considered a number.
-  The number 2 is considered a “ countable infinity”. It can be constructed with an infinite number of fractions.
-  The square root of 2 is an “uncountable infinity”.  These are called “ irrational numbers” like pi, and the natural logarithm.  These irrational numbers are uncountable because they can not be numbered.
-  Infinity minus 1 can not be a real number because you can not add infinity to 1 and not get a real number.
-  In math the sequence 1.1, 1.01. 1.001, 1.0001, etc converges to the real number 1.
-  Blackholes are defined by infinities.  As a  region of space-time takes its gravitational field and temperature to infinity it becomes a blackhole.  The equations of General Relativity fall apart because they cannot deal with these infinities.
-  Blackholes are predicted to eventually evaporate, as radiation escapes across the Event Horizon and exits into space.  At the horizon an electron and positron can separate shooting one into space and the other into the Blackhole.
-  The Universe is defined to have the properties that produce Blackholes.  These properties also produce life.  If the cosmological constant, the speed of light, the strength of the weak and strong nuclear force, etc are changed ever so slightly than the Universe of stars, galaxies, Blackholes and us would be unable to form.
-  Is life simply a side show in the grander process of the evolution of the Universe?
-  Where does God come into the picture?
-  God made it so the laws of nature are geared towards making life happen.  The Universe is fine-tuned to spawn biological organism.  Me being one.
-  Whatever Universe we come up with  it must take into account the creation of those observing it.  Therefore, we can only observe a universe that is friendly to life.  God made it so.
-  The most incomprehensible thing about this is that we are even here trying to comprehend it.  Thinking about it is like comprehending infinity.  Mind blowing!
-  Other reviews:
-  #849  Inflation, the Expanding Universe.
-  #824  Cosmic Inflation
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 -------------------------   Wednesday, May 30, 2018   --------------------------------

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