Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Neutrinos - What have we learned?

-  2093  -  Neutrinos  -  What have we learned?  -  Neutrinos are the smallest atomic particles.  If we could see neutrinos they would be exceptional probes into our environment.  Neutrinos are produced in fusions  reactions in the Sun and stars,  and in radioactive decay in the earth's crust.   The ICECUBE neutrino detector at the South Pole has over 5,000 light sensors to detect neutrinos interacting with atoms in the ice. 

-----------------------------  2093  -  Neutrinos  -  What have we learned?
-  Neutrinos are the smallest atomic particles.  If we could see neutrinos they would be exceptional probes into our environment. Neutrino means " the little one", they were first detected in 1956.  There are 3 varieties of neutrinos that behave the same, but all  have different atomic weights.  They all are electrically neutral so they pass through matter undetected.   More than 50,000,000,000,000 neutrinos pass through your body every second.  ( Review 732 for more.)
-  Neutrinos are produced in fusions  reactions in the Sun and stars,  and in radioactive decay in the earth's crust.  Potassium 40 in our body is one of these natural radioactive decay elements.  Your body emits 340,000,000 neutrinos each day.  The Sun emits 2*10^36 and the Earth receives 65 billion neutrinos per second per square centimeter.   ( Review 630:  Six sources of Neutrinos.  The history of the discoveries of neutrinos from 1927 to 2006)
-  Where have all the neutrinos gone?  Neutrinos have been thought to exist since 1930.  When radioactive decay added up the before energy and the after energy a small amount was missing.  Wolfgang Pauli called this missing energy the neutrino.  (1139)
-  ICECUBE is a neutrino telescope built deep in the ice at the South Pole. ( Review 1219 describes how the telescope was built, how it works and what it expects to discover.)
-  There may be an undiscovered particle called the "sterile neutrino".  This neutrino would interact with gravity but not with any of the other forces.  This may explain Dark Matter that makes up 23% of the Universe.  (1511)
-  In order for the neutrino to be nearly massless it must have a very weak interaction with the Higgs Field.  Every particle has a counterpart anti-particle .  The neutrino may be different and be its own anti-particle. (1589)
-  In 2013 neutrinos can be routinely detected.  Neutrinos are "leptons´ because they have 1/2 spin in their angular momentum.  Neutrinos leave the Sun and reach us in 8 minutes.  While reading this sentence 5,000,000 of them passed through your thumbnail.  (1608)
-  Neutrinos are neutral particles that travel in a straight line. They arrive hours ahead of light coming from supernovae explosions.  The mass of these neutrinos must be very, very small because they are traveling nearly the speed of light.  Neutrino measurements show some that are accelerated to energies above 50 trillion electron volts.  Two detections were even at 1,000 trillion electron volts.  (1631)
-  Particle physics is trying to reduce the Universe to as few particles as possible. It is narrowed down to 12 particles. Three of these are neutrinos. Physicists are searching for a violation in the Law of Conservation of mass/energy.  (1814)
-  Are their neutrinos that are right handed?  Only a few neutrinos interact with the atoms in your body over your entire lifetime.  Discovering sterile neutrinos may help explain the source of neutrino mass.  There are  hundreds of math models working on this problem.  (1840)
-  Neutrinos are sub-atomic particles that reside with electrons and protons at the center of atoms.  There are three types: electron, muon, tau neutrinos.  (1978)
-  There is an experiment that is sending neutrinos through the earth from Illinois to the detector in South Dakota.  Neutrinos may acquire their mass through a new undiscovered type of physics.  Other particles inside atoms obtain their mass by interacting with the Higgs Field.  (2026)
------------------------------  2093  -  Neutrinos  -  What have we learned?
-  The ICECUBE neutrino detector at the South Pole has over 5,000 light sensors to detect neutrinos interacting with atoms in the ice.  The array of sensors is designed to plot the direction from which the neutrinos are coming.  Astronomers then search for the origin, the source. 
-   Neutrinos are neutral particles and travel in a straight line.  The source was a blazar, a super massive blackhole at the center of a galaxy.  February, 1987, 25 neutrinos were detected in Japan, the U.S., and in Russia.   3 hours later the light came from this exploding supernova.   By November x-rays and gamma rays arrived.  All created from this star's collapse.  99% of the total explosive energy comes in the form of neutrinos. 
-  In September, 2017, ICECUBE detected another high energy neutrino.  Then the Swift x-ray telescope detected nine sources of x-rays coming from that same part of the sky.  Two days later the Fermi space telescope detected gamma rays coming from the same sources.  Optical telescopes identified a source brightening over the past 50 days.  Another telescope identified a blazar , a huge blackhole emitting jets as it swallowed mass.  Radio light detections further identified the source to be the blazar. 
-  Gravitational waves were detected by the LIGO observatory resulting from the merger of two blackholes.
-  Astronomers have a whole raft of new detectors used to explore the Universe.  Past the electromagnetic spectrum gravity waves and neutrino detectors have been added to the mix.  ("Neutrinos at the ends of the Earth", Francis Halzen, October, 2015.)
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