Monday, May 28, 2018

Something is counter acting Gravity

 -  1800  -  Dark Energy  -  Something is counter acting Gravity.  For the first 7 billion years gravity was king.  Then, something else took over once expansion reached this point. Now the Universe is expanding at an ever accelerating rate over this next 7 billion years.

---------------------  1800  -  Dark Energy  -  Something is counter acting Gravity
-  Something is causing the Universe to expand, and, at an ever accelerating rate.  There must always be some force (F) that creates acceleration (a) of a mass (m)
----------------------------  F  = m*a
-  The Big Bang birth of the Universe started from “ Nothing” and nothing exists to this day.  Add up all the matter and anti-matter and the sum is zero, nothing again.  It all cancels out.
-  Add up all the gravity and anti-gravity and it should be zero as well  Same with all the positive energy and negative energy.
-   Dark Energy , that is the name given for “ whatever” is causing the Universe expansion to accelerate, could be this “ negative energy” ?
-  Does gravity itself somehow reverse itself at Cosmic distances so the sum cancels out?  Does gravity somehow shift from an attractive force to a repulsive force when it gets stretch out to Cosmic distances?
-  Of course, Newton called it a force, but, Einstein said gravity was not a ‘force” at all but simply a warping of space-time.  Falling due to gravity is simply free motion through a curvature of space-time.  Space-time is the fabric that exists throughout the Universe.  And space-time is flexible. 
-  Space divided by time is velocity.  And, velocity is limited to the speed of light.
-  When anything in the Universe begins to approach the constant speed of light, 186,000 miles per second, space shrinks and time slows down in order to keep the ratio constant.  If the ratio of space / time reaches that Universal constant, space goes to zero and time stops.
------------------------    v  =  d / t
------------------------  velocity  =  distance  /  time
-  Another possible explanation is that there are some unseen particles that create a counteracting force of gravity “  Gravitons and Anti-gravitons” ?
-  Whatever Dark Energy is this thing is ripping apart the Universe.  We are along for the ride for only a brief period.  Further expansion means the Universe is becoming cooler and more rarefied until even atoms stop vibrating and even come apart.  Today the Universe has cooled to 2.73 Kelvin, that is - 453.756 F.  It can not get much colder.
-  Ok, for the sake of discussion lets say we have two theories, one the modifies gravity and the other that adds a new Dark Energy.  We say Dark Energy is the repulsive energy of “empty space”.  The empty space, or the vacuum of space, is not really empty.  Instead space is filled with “ virtual particles”.  These are particles and anti-particles that pop into and out of existence so fast they are undetectable.
-  These virtual particles appear and disappear so fast they defy the laws of physics.  They create and destroy energy so quickly physics has no way to measure them or even validate their true existence.  The theory is just math at this point and the math solution is that the amount of vacuum energy should be 10^120 times larger than the expansion we observe.  That is a big number, hard to explain, this big of an error,  1 followed by 120 zeros.
-  The second theory is that Dark Energy is created by an unseen particle, similar to the Higgs Boson,  particle that causes other particles to have mass.  Maybe there is some other undiscovered particle that causes the force of anti-gravity that is the Dark Energy?
-  For the first 7 billion years gravity was more powerful than the power of expansion.  Expansion was slowing down and large scale galactic structures were forming.
-  The second period of 7 billion years, until today, after galaxies were spread lightyears apart gravity began loosing its hold.  Expansion took over and even began accelerating in its rate of expansion.
-  How do we know this?  When a White Dwarf star ends its life in a supernova explosion it occurs at a particular mass limit making the power of the explosion specifically calculable.  The brightness of the peak luminosity of the explosion is nearly the same every time.  If the brightness is known the distance to the explosion can be accurately calculated from the equation:
----------------------  Apparent Brightness  =  Luminosity  /  4 * pi  * ( distance )^2
----------------------      B  =  L  /  4 P * i * d^2
-  For example.  A Type 1a supernova explosion is 100 times fainter than another Type 1a supernova than it is 10 times farther away  ( 10^2  =  100 ).
-  The second measurement made is the redshift of the light spectrum.  That tells astronomers how much the wavelength has been stretched while traveling through expanding space.  After measuring thousands of these supernovae explosions astronomers can reconstruct a map of the past 10 billion years of the Universe expansion.  The conclusion is that the Universe is accelerating its rate of expansion.
-  Since it takes positive energy to separate two adjacent masses the gravity holding them together must be “ negative energy”.
-  A falling ball has kinetic energy.  That positive kinetic energy is exactly balanced (summed to zero ) by the negative gravitational energy as the ball comes close to the center of the Earth.
-  Dark Energy must also be balanced by something for the Universe to somehow still all add up to nothing, zero.  The most accepted theory is that Dark Energy is an inherent property of space itself.  Somehow we need to get inside of space to figure this out.
-  One way we are trying is to measure the sound waves in space.  When the Universe first formed there were competing forces, the expansion of light radiation and the compression of gravity.  This sine wave of oscillating forces created “sound waves” with wavelengths 480,000,000 lightyears in length.  Called Baryon Acoustic Oscillations, (BAO ).
-  By measuring the number of BAO sound waves between galaxies we can measure the distance between them.
-  Another method uses gravitational lensing.  Galaxy clusters have immense gravity that bends the paths of passing light photons  Measuring multiple clusters in this way maps out the general clumpiness of different clusters.  Enough data can map out the distribution of mass across the Cosmos.
-  Galaxy Clusters can have mass 10^15 Solar Mass, or 1,000 trillion times the mass of the Sun.  By accurately measuring the gravitational lensing the spatial distribution between galaxies can be image by the BAO sound waves.  The astronomical hope is that more will soon be learned about the expanding Universe and the Dark Energy that is creating it.  Stay tuned there is much more to learn.
-  Other reviews available upon request:
-  #1749  -  No matter where you go in the Universe your field of reference has everything expanding away form you, an at ever accelerating rate.
 Cosmic Inflation requires that the Actual Universe to be much larger then the Observable Universe.  the observable is 93 billion lightyears diameter.
- #1516  -  If the Universe density were greater then 10^-29 grams / cm3 then gravity would win over repulsion expansion.  We need to find 200 times more Dark Matter in order to reach this “ critical density”.
-  #1499  -  Graph of Universe composition versus Redshift expansion rate.
-  #1290  -  Calculations of the average density of the Universe. Ours is a dynamic universe unbalanced by the mysterious Dark Energy.
-  #1147  -  Dark Energy is not predicted by any physics we know of.  Here are 3 theories that are in the works.
-  #  #1047  -  Is the Universe like Swiss Cheese?
-  #1083  -  Dark Energy  -  Equation for how fast mass would have to decrease to keep the speed of light at 186,600 miles per second.
-  #822  -  Things are “Dark” because we can’t see them and we don not know what they are.
-  #756  -  Dark Energy and Cosmic Inflation
-  More reviews:  #722, #660,  then there are Dark Matter reviews , and Cosmic Inflation reviews all available upon request.
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 -------------------------   Monday, May 28, 2018   --------------------------------

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