Tuesday, December 18, 2018

How the Universe began?

-  2212  -  In 1980 the theory of Inflation was put forth by Alan Guth to explain the uniformity and isotropic nature of the Universe today.  In order for the Universe to be uniform when looking 13.8 billion light years in one direction and the same 13.8 billion light years in the opposite direction the universe must have expanded faster than the speed of light. 
----------------------------- 2212   -  How the Universe began? 
-  In 1980 the theory of Inflation was put forth by Alan Guth to explain the uniformity and isotropic nature of the Universe today.  In order for the Universe to be uniform when looking 13.8 billion light years in one direction and the same 13.8 billion light years in the opposite direction the universe must have expanded faster than the speed of light. 
-  Guth hypothesized that at the very earliest moment s of the universe, around 10^-36 seconds, the universe underwent a period of extraordinary accelerated expansion.  During this period the universe expanded by a factor of 10^26 times.  That is a multiplication of 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times.
-  This expansion is equivalent to expanding the size of an apple 100,000 times to the size of the Milky Way Galaxy.  This all happened in a trillionth of a trillionth of a second 
-  It is what is known as Cosmic Inflation.  It explains the universe’s geometric flatness.  It explains the apparent connection of the Universe to have uniformity in all direction and at its farthest extremes.  It explains the lack of monopoles in our universe.  Monopoles are  magnets with a single pole, north or south but not both, simply one magnetic pole.
-  Inflation is a quantum field that permeates all of space and time.   We have an electromagnetic field carried by photons.  We have a Dirac field carried by electrons.  We have quantum fields  that are the underlying structure for all matter and radiation of energy. 
-  These quantum fields exist even in a vacuum.  An absolutely pure vacuum still contains some energy.  This energy  is a fundamental vibration in a quantum field that makes up our reality. 
-  That same vacuum energy has the curious property of accelerating the expansion of the Universe.  It is the quantum field that starts off with a large amount of energy.  After inflation it reduces this energy to return to a flood of regular matter and radiation.
-  This event seeded the entire universe.  It started out as a large, cold, empty space and expanded  while growing protons, atoms,  gas clouds, stars and galaxies.  The fundamental vibrations in the quantum field expanded into a space full of tiny bumps and wiggles.  These are the variations in density that evolved into the voids and the galaxies.
-  Because of the variations in density the universe could evolve to have higher density pockets that allowed gravity to accumulate more and more matter in pockets of space.  More matter created more gravity that grew larger and larger.   Today these variations are imprinted in the temperature variations found in the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation.  This is the leftover light that started out when the Universe was only 270,000 years old.  From there the matter became the seeds of all the structure we find in the universe today. 
-  This structure formed all the stars and the cosmic web that we see.  We say the shape of the universe is “flat”. This shape is determined by the density of the total matter and energy.  For it to be flat it must be at the “critical density”  to allow all of space-time to not be curved.
-  The critical density for a “not curved” Universe is 10^-26  kilograms per cubic meter, or about 10 hydrogen atoms per cubic meter.  If it is more matter than that the shape of the universe would be spherical.  If it were less matter than that the shape of the universe would be saddle-shaped.  If the total matter is exactly at the critical density the shape is flat.
-  The cause of Cosmic Inflation is uncertain.  One possibility was that an extremely high  energy state occurred when the four fundamental forces separated out of a single mega-force.  The forces of gravity , electromagnetism, the strong nuclear and weak nuclear force were all created from this one cosmic force.
-   Although not proven the theory of Inflation remains cosmology’s best theory to explain the current structure and infancy of our universe.  If you  want to know where you came from this is the best explanation we have to offer. 
-  Other Reviews on Inflation available:
-  2144  -  Another explanation for the cause of inflation is that a phase transition of anti-gravity happened in an instant of time, like water freezing into ice.  -
-  849  -  The force of gravity but gravity only comes as a function of mass.  And there ia a lot more space than there is mass. 
-  823  -  Studying the sound waves in the Microwave Background radiation.
-  December 18, 2018               
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 --------------------------   Tuesday, December 18, 2018  --------------------------

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