Monday, December 3, 2018

Universe, a short story from the beginning.

-  2194  -  How the Universe was born.  It is a long story, 13,700,000,000 years, but, I will try and shorten it for you.  It all started as a single point of energy about the size of a single atom.  .    Somehow the Universe evolved us so we could understand it.  But, the Universe is not a place you live in, it is a place that you came from, to make the story short.

 ------------------------------------  2194  -  Born from the Universe
-   How the Universe was  born. .  It is a long story, 13,700,000,000 years, but, I will try and shorten it for you.  It all started as a single point of energy about the size of a single atom.  Conditions were so hot and so dense that none of our laws of physics, relativity or quantum mechanics, work.
-   We do know that energy and matter were randomly converted back and forth according to
 E = mc^2, and, all the four forces were combined into a single force.   For some unknown reason this hot dense point that contained all the Universe began to expand and cool.  Black Holes were spontaneously forming and disappearing.  The structure of space-time was severely curved into a quantum foam.
-  As the Universe expanded and cooled gravity was the first force that separated out.  Next the strong nuclear force and the electro weak force split from each other.  When this split occurred an enormous release of energy occurred that expanded the Universe by a factor of 10^30.  This was the period of Inflation that unified the Universe with a single temperature and homogeneous, isotropic structure.
-    The smoothness of the Universe was to within one part in 100,000.  This is about equivalent to a one inch ripple on a two mile wide lake.  But, these small ripples were enough to allow matter to coalesce into galaxies.
-  The temperature was still too hot for light to escape.  Light photons spontaneously converted into matter / antimatter pairs.  Somehow, we do not understand, there was an imbalance that allowed one matter out of a billion to avoid the annihilation with anti-matter.  As the Universe continued to expand and cool matter and photons were left to survive.  This is the matter that formed the galaxies.
-  When the Universe was hotter than 3000 K the light photons bounced around like billiard balls creating an opaque universe.  If we could see it, it would look like frosted glass that we could not see through.  When the Universe cooled below 3000 K it became transparent because electrons became bound to atoms, becoming neutral in charge, allowing the photons to escape.
-  That expanding sphere is the Observable Universe we see today.  It has expanded by a factor of 1,000 since then and the temperature has cooled by a factor of 1,000, to 3 degrees Kelvin.  Actually, 2.73 K  is the temperature of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation.  At 3,000 K the radiation was infrared, the Universe’s expansion and cooling has lowered the energy of this radiation to that of Microwave frequencies at the cool temperature of 2.73 K..
-  The ripples in the radiation condensed into 100,000,000,000 galaxies and each galaxy contained 100,000,000,000 stars.  One of these galaxy clusters was the Virgo Cluster, and in it were the Andromeda and the Milky Way galaxies.  And, in the Milky Way Galaxy was one star called the Sun.
-   Bigger stars, 10 times the mass of the Sun, had short lifetimes and quickly exploded as supernovae that spread heavier elements, carbon, nitrogen, iron, oxygen into interstellar space.  When our Sun was formed 4,600,000,000 years ago there were many of these heavier elements in its accretion disk.  When the planets first formed their orbits through the accretion disk were pummeled with thousands of asteroids and trillions of comets.
-  The first 600,000,000 years of this heavy bombardment raised the temperature of Earth to where life could not exist.  The ingredients were there but the surface of the Earth had to cool to allow complex molecules to coalesce.
-   Earth’s oldest fossils go back to 3,800,000,000 years.  These were single cell organisms that lived on the Carbon Dioxide, exhaling Oxygen.  The Oxygen (O2) built up and allowed aerobic life to first form and the Ozone (O3) to blanket the Earth and protect it from ultraviolet radiation.  Animal and plant life diversity was created around the abundant atom, carbon.
-  A few more asteroids hit Earth, the last one to cause mass extinction occurred 65,000,000 years ago, on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico.  This extinction took out the dinosaurs but a little tree shrew, warm blooded mammal somehow survived to start a whole new path of evolution.
-   One branch became primates which evolved into homo sapiens.  We homo sapiens have been born from this Universe and evolved to have the power to figure this out.    Somehow the Universe evolved us so we could understand it.  But, the Universe is not a place you live in, it is a place that you came from, to make the story short.  That is about as short as I can make it.
-  December 3, 2018.         702                An Index of recent Reviews is available.
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 ---------------------   Monday, December 3, 2018  -------------------------

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