Sunday, December 16, 2018

Quantum Entanglement , Macro-Micro Extremes

-  2211  -  Quantum entanglement is known as spooky action at a distance.  A distant and instantaneous action that requires communications faster than the speed of light. Quantum entanglement will affect the entire world of communications.  The notions of realism and locality have been broken and the weirdness that comes out will be proven useful to everyone.
----------------------------- 2211  -  Quantum Entanglement , Macro-Micro Extremes 
-  I need your help. I can not comprehend it all by myself, when I start considering “everything“.  I am stuck between astronomy and physics. We all exist on the scale of 10^0 , or 2 *10^0 ,  which is two meters tall. (  10^0 power is equal to 1 ). 
-  Astronomy takes me to a billion, billion stars to study in the Observable Universe that is 10^80 meters in all directions. If you add up all the atoms, and even particles you can count there are 10^80 particles in this vast Observable Universe that is 10^80 meters radius. That is a 1 followed by 80 zeros.  I can not comprehend that vastness.
-  This same scale works in the other direction as well.  It goes to 10^-35 meters in the micro-world and 10^0 is still caught in the middle. So are you. These atoms that you are made of are made of even smaller sub-atomic particles. And if you divide all of space down to the smallest dimensions possible you get to the Planck Length which is 10^-35 meters, where you and I are still stuck in the middle of this scale at 10^0 meters.
-  When we look in both directions into the macro world of astronomy and the micro world of physics, both worlds get stranger and stranger. The macro world takes us all the way to blackholes.  Blackholes are another subject for another time, but I will warn you we end up at the same place, the sub-atomic world, the micro-world.
-   This Review takes us into this micro world.   These sub atomic particles  behave as particles and waves at the same time.
-  At the sub-atomic , micro world it gets really fuzzy.
-  It is not just my understanding that gets fuzzy.  The “reality” at the micro- atomic level gets fuzzy.  Atoms, electrons, photons act differently at the micro level than they do at the level of our every day macro lives. 
-  Atomic particles exist in “uncertain” states.  The are partially waves and partially particles at the same time.  They can maintain states that are truly random and at the same time be entangled such that one state is determined by another entangled particle’s state that is a distance away.
-   If one entangled particle changes state the other does as well,  instantaneously.  This response between particles occurs regardless of the distance of separation and regardless of the fact that communication between them must be faster than the speed of light. 
-  This phenomena is known to have quantum uncertainties that are governed only by probabilities, never certainties. The math invented to describe these quantum uncertainties was discovered in 1964 by a physicist named John Bell.  His theories were the birth of Quantum Mechanics
-  Fifty years later and Bell’s proposed inequalities and probabilities of quantum states remain precisely accurate. The math always works. All experiments recorded to date verify their accuracy. 
-  Weirder still is that entangled particles can have their joint values precisely known while their individual values remain uncertain.  It is as if you rolled dice and the individual values were random but the total always added to the number seven. 
-  This theory has been demonstrated many times with entangled electrons that communicate with one having “spin up” and  the other having “spin down” regardless of distance of separation.  They always  remain quantum entangled operating as a linked pair.
-  This theory has remained unchallenged for 50 years .  Every experiment to date reaffirms its validity.
-   Albert Einstein originally objected to its validity on two fronts, realism and locality.  Realism is the conclusion that all objects have predetermined properties.  A property can not be indeterminant.   Locality is the conclusion that objects can only be influenced by their surroundings and those influences can not travel faster than the speed of light.
-  In contrast Quantum Mechanics theories allow a particle to be in two states at the same time.  Their state is indeterminant until it is measured.  Entangled particles can share these states such that they are always in these opposite states.  One has spin up and the other has spin down.  If one changes spin the other changes to the opposite spin instantly. Regardless of distance of separation. 
-  In 2015 an entanglement experiment was conducted with two diamonds.   Using two electrons embedded in the two diamonds that were separated by 1,280 meters, scientists could measure this switch of states and prove that it occurred faster than the speed of light. 
-  The scientists used lasers to excite electrons which in turn emit photons entangled with the spin of the electrons.  The photons traveled the distance of 1,280 meters to other photon detectors.  When the photons met again they became entangled .  Their distant electrons inside the diamonds became entangled as well. 
-  The scientists ran 245 trials in each pair of electrons separated by the 1,280 meters and they always remained entangled.  In every case the electrons and photons remained entangled.  The experiment has been repeated and the conclusions are always the same , the Universe is weirder than we can imagine. 
-  Ok,  now that this is entanglement is a scientific fact how can we us it in technology? 
-  One invention that will now be possible would be a random number generator that would be truly random.  It could be used in cryptography transmitting messages that would be totally secure.  It would be impossible for someone to hack into this type secure communications.  Any disturbance would destroy the entanglement and we would know that the message had been attempted to be compromised, or intercepted.
-  If we could incorporate this random number generator into a beacon that the internet could use then the internet could be made totally secure.  We could create a quantum internet, clock synchronization, quantum sensors and even quantum computers. The projections for the future would have a quantum internet being operational by 2020. 
-  John Bell started something that will affect the entire world of communications.  The notions of realism and locality have been broken and the weirdness that comes out will be proven useful to everyone.  We may be using it before we understand it.  Like life itself.
-  For more on Quantum Entanglement see Review 2208 and 1957 and 1950 and 1838 and 1828 that also lists 7 more reviews on the subject.
-  December 16, 2018               
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 --------------------------   Sunday, December 16, 2018  --------------------------

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