Friday, December 14, 2018

Quantum Entanglement - We are all connected

-  2208  -  Quantum  Entanglement.  -  Entanglement is the long distance connection between particles.  Quantum Entanglement may be the needle that stitches together the fabric of space and time?   How to connect the smallest particles in Quantum Mechanics to the macro-world math in General Relativity?
 ----------------------------   2208  -  Quantum Entanglement
-  Quantum is the minimum amount of any physical entity involved in an interaction.  It is the notion that all physical properties are quantized.  Meaning a discrete quantity.  A photon is a discrete quantity of light and it can not be divided any smaller.  It is the smallest bundle of light.
-  These quantisized smallest quantities have been given the name Planck Units, to learn more. 
-  At the quantum level of smallest possible are particle also acts as a wave.  It is called wave-particle duality, to learn more.
-  Quantum Mechanics is a branch of mathematics that describes the motion and interaction of these sub-atomic particles - waves.
-  When a particle is a wave it can be in two places at the same time.  The quantum world of atoms and particles becomes strange beyond belief.  These strange properties of quantum mechanics are not only mathematical. They are real effects that have been seen in laboratories over and over.
-  One of the most mysterious features of quantum mechanics is “entanglement” .  Entanglement  is a way to describe particles that are mysteriously linked regardless of how far away from each other they are. Independent research groups have managed to entangle not just a pair of particles, but separated clouds of thousands of atoms. They have also found a way to harness their technological potential.
-  When particles are entangled they share properties in a way that makes them dependent on each other, even when they are separated by large distances. Einstein famously called entanglement “spooky action at a distance”.   Altering one particle in an entangled pair affects its twin instantaneously, no matter how far away it is.  How can communication move instantaneously, faster than the speed of light?
-  While entanglement may sounds impossible, experiments have been able to show that it exists.   Entanglement has the potential to be exceptionally useful.  Particles linked in this way can be used to transfer a particle’s quantum state, such as spin, from one location to another immediately.
-  They can also help store a huge amount of information in a given volume.  With this storage capacity, entanglement can also help link and combine the computing power of systems in different parts of the globe, or even different planets.. It is easy to see how that makes it a crucial aspect of quantum computing.
-  Another promising avenue is truly secure communications. That’s because any attempt to interfere with systems involving entangled particles immediately disrupts the entanglement, making it obvious that a message has been tampered with.
-  It is also possible to use entangled photons to enhance the resolution of imaging techniques.  A quantum radar that may be capable of detecting stealth aircraft, for example.
-  Delivering on the promises of entanglement based technologies is proving to be difficult. That is because entanglement is a very fragile phenomenon. Experiments on entanglement typically produce individual pairs of particles. However, single particles are difficult to detect accurately and they are often lost or obscured by background noise. So the task of producing them in entangled states, manipulating them in the ways required for useful operations, and finally using them, is extremely difficult.
-  “Quantum clouds” have introduced new research making a significant breakthroughs. Instead of taking single particles and entangling them one at a time, the researchers begin with an ultra cold gas that is a collection of thousands of atoms. These are cooled to near absolute zero temperature.
-  When confined in a small volume, atoms in such a quantum cloud become indistinguishable from each other, forming a new state of matter known as a Bose-Einstein condensate. The atoms in the cloud now behave collectively.  They are all entangled.
-  Scientists first discovered this state of matter in 1995, earning them the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2001. Although it has been known for some time that this method entangles thousands of atoms simultaneously, no one had demonstrated a technique to actually make use of it.
-  Now researchers have been able to split these clouds into groups and still preserve the quantum connection between the atoms inside. They did this by releasing the atoms from their confined space and using a laser to split them up and measure the properties of distant parts of the expanded cloud.
-  In digital computing, information is processed as ones and zeros, binary digits (or bits). The analogue to these in quantum computing are known as qubits. The current record for producing qubits one-by-one in entangled states for ions (charged atoms) is just 20, so producing thousands of qubits simultaneously in a cloud like this would represent a huge advancement, using clouds of atoms.
-  Another field that will benefit from this breakthrough is metrology, the science of ultra-precise measurements. When entanglement is established between two particles or systems, measurements made on one half reveal information about the other. This allows parameters to be measured with greater sensitivity than would otherwise be possible.
-  Using entanglement scientists could improve the accuracy of atomic clocks and  the global position system (GPS), or make more sensitive detectors for MRI  and X-ray machines.
-  Understanding and harnessing quantum effects, such as entanglement, will allow new technologies to be developed that have capabilities beyond anything we possess today. This is why there is so much excitement behind research in the field of quantum technology and why the advancements made in this new research are so important.  It is what our grandchildren should be learning.
-  Other Reviews on Quantum Entanglement:
-  1957  - How many atoms in the observable universe?  Or, how many fundamental particles?  The answer 10^80.  That is a one followed by 80 zeros.   And, they may all be interconnected?  Impossible, right?
-  1950 -  95% of the Universe is Dark Matter and Dark Energy and particles between them are communicating faster than the speed of light?  Time varies with velocity and gravity.  Increasing the precision of measurement only increases its fuzziness.  The closer we look the more uncertainty we see.
-  1949   -  Quantum computers used in cryptography.
-  1838  -  Entanglement is the long distance connection between particles.  Quantum Entanglement may be the needle that stitches together the fabric of space and time?  Everything thing seems to be connected?
-  1828  -  How to connect the smallest particles in Quantum Mechanics to the macro-world math in General Relativity?
-  Also lists 7 other Reviews about Quantum Entanglement.
-  December 14, 2018.                   
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