----------------- - 1815 - The Planet Mercury
- April 30,2015 the spacecraft MESSENGER crashed in to the planet Mercury at 8,750 miles per hour. This was after 4 years orbiting the planet 4,140 times.
--------------------- What did we learn?
- The spacecrafts closest approach in its orbit was 125 miles altitude.
- Mercury’s magnetic field is 1/100th the strength of Earth’s magnetic field.
- Mercury is 2,032 miles in diameter and it magnetic field is likely generated by an internal dynamo of rotating electric currents.
------------- Mercury’s magnetic field = 200 nanotesla
------------- Magnetic field from Solar Wind = 50 nanotesla
------------- Earth’s magnetic field = 30,000 nanotesla
-------------- from Solar Wind = 10 nanotesla
- Tesla is a unit of magnetic flux density. It is one Weber per meter, or one kilogram per second^2 per Ampere.
---------------------------- T = W * b / m^2
--------------------------- T = Kg * sec^2 / A
- --------------------------- nano = 10^-9
- Mercury’s atmosphere contains atoms of sodium, and calcium. Sodium may come form impacts of tiny dust grains on the surface. Iron on surface rock is around 2%. Surface has more magnesium and less aluminum than Earth, Moon , or Mars. Potassium and Chlorine is similar to Mars.
- Sulfur is present although it should have boiled away as a gas at Mercury’s temperatures. Almost no Oxygen was found in the rocks.
- Mercury’s core starts just 250 miles below the surface
- At the north pole water ice was discovered in the shadows of craters.
- To explain the dark surfaces a theory is that it could be carbon. When magma formed low-density carbon graphite was light enough to float and make a crust.
- No question Mercury has a strange geology
- Request these Reviews to learn more:
- #1767 - diameter of Earth is 7,927 miles
- diameter of Mercury is 2,032 miles (26%)
- #1706 - Mercury has virtually no atmosphere and its surface is as dark as an asphalt parking lot.
- #1479 - Mercury’s crust is 289 miles thick which is 19% of the planet.
- #1478 - mass is calculate to be 3.3 * 10^23 kilograms which is 5.5% the mass of the Earth.
- #1369 - Average temperature is 163 C.
- #1343 - The Sun’s gravity is 10 times greater than on Earth.
- #1165 - its elliptic orbit swings from 25.5 to 43 million miles tilted at 7 degrees.
- #815 - until 1974 we had never seen the back side of Mercury, like not seeing the back side of the Moon.
- #44 - Escape velocity is 9,887 miles per hour
- Escape velocity on Earth is 25,008 miles per hour
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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----- 707-536-3272 ---------------------- Saturday, January 23, 2016 -----
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