Monday, March 16, 2020

Index of Reviews

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--  2658 -   ASTRONOMY  -  what is the fate of the universe?  In 1900, the British physicist Lord Kelvin is said to have pronounced: "There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now. All that remains is more and more precise measurement."   Within three decades, quantum mechanics and Einstein's theory of relativity had revolutionized the field. Today, no physicist would dare assert that our physical knowledge of the universe is near completion. To the contrary, each new discovery seems to unlock a Pandora's box of even bigger, even deeper physics questions.
-  2659 - PULSARS  -  rotating Neutron Stars?  -  Pulsars are rapidly rotating, highly magnetic compact stars. The rotating magnetic field of a pulsar acts as a generator, accelerating energetic charged particles that then stream along the field lines.
-  2660  -  VIRUS  -  Could they have created life on Earth?  A new virus recently discovered could be the missing link between non living viruses and living bacteria.  It is called the Mimivirus because it mimics a bacterium.  It is the largest virus discovered so far, about 500 nanometers long.  The smallest virus is about 17 nanometers long.
-  2661  -  LIGHT  -  What It Means To Be Visible?   If something is visible it usually means that your eyes are sensitive to the electromagnetic radiation they are receiving.  Of course, other detectors besides eyes can be used to detect a much wider range of electromagnetic radiation.
-  2662 - ASTRONOMICAL  -  distances and directions?  -  We see the Sun moving across the sky, and the Moon doing he same at night, but we forget it is us that is moving.  It is the Earth that is rotating , completing one cycle every 24 hours.   Every hour we rotate 15 degrees to the east .  Every 4 minutes we rotate 1 degree to the east.  Every night the stars rise 4 minutes earlier. 
-  2663  -  PHYSICS  -  the theory for everything?  It is likely that  Cosmic Inflation created an equal amount of matter and antimatter. One theory is that a phase transition after inflation led to a tiny bit more matter than anti-matter and at the same time created cosmic strings which would produce slight ripples in space-time known as gravitational waves.
-  2664 - MATH  -  secrets of the universe?  Since the dawn of humankind, our particular brand of hairless apes has stared up at the sky wondering how we got here. Is there a higher power? A higher purpose?   Math is a amazing science.  Somehow it is fundamental to how the world operates. Here are several examples of how math teaches us refined apes about our world.
2665 - AXIONS  -   how to explain the universe?  What speed is the universe expanding? Until now, at least two independent calculation methods have arrived at two values that are different by about 10% with a deviation that is statistically irreconcilable.  The “quantum chromodynamics” (QCD) “axion“ provides several important answers to these questions.  The rotation of the QCD axion can account for the excess of matter found in the universe.
-  2666 - PLANET NINE  -   beyond Pluto?  I always thought that Pluto was Planet Nine. Then Pluto got demoted to a “ Dwarf Planet”.  Now astronomers are telling us there are many more dwarf planet out there, and also one “real planet nine“.  We still have more to discover in our own Solar System.
-  2667 -  PI  -  history of Pi.  -  Pi (π) has been known for almost 4000 years.  Even if we calculated the number of seconds in those 4000 years and calculated π to that number of places, we would still only be approximating its actual value. Here’s a brief history of finding π.
-  2668  -  SUN  -  how do we learn the source of its power?  The Parker Solar Probe launched in August 2018 and made its first solar flyby that November. Over its seven-year mission, the probe will buzz by the Sun 24 times, swinging lower on each pass until it finally comes within four million miles of the sun’s surface.
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 -------------------------   Monday, March 16, 2020   --------------------------------

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