Monday, March 9, 2020

PULSARS - rotating Neutron Stars?

-  2659 - PULSARS  -  rotating Neutron Stars?  -  Pulsars are rapidly rotating, highly magnetic compact stars. The rotating magnetic field of a pulsar acts as a generator, accelerating energetic charged particles that then stream along the field lines.
 ---------------------   2659 -  PULSARS  -  rotating Neutron Stars?
-   A pulsar’s magnetic field is like that of a typical bar magnet, emanating from one pole and returning to the other, with an important exception: To keep up with the rotation of the star, magnetic field lines that extend to a sufficiently large distance would need to move at the speed of light, which is impossible.
-   The limit at which the field lines can no longer rotate fast enough is called the pulsar’s “light cylinder.” Field lines that extend beyond this limit remain “open” rather than returning to the star.
-  Particles accelerated by the pulsar stream along these open field lines and produce radiation that stimulates a cascade of additional particles, which radiate as well. Because the particles are moving relativistically (close to the speed of light), their radiation is beamed in the direction of their motion.
-  The bulk of a pulsar’s radio emission is produced at some particular height above the magnetic pole and confined to a narrow beam defined by the field line orientation at that height which points largely upward. As the star rotates, if this beam crosses the path of the observer, it is seen as a radio pulse. The cross-section of the beam can be complicated, meaning that the pulse shape can depend on which part of the beam crosses the observer’s line of sight.
-  The exact details of where in the open-field region the particles create this radio emission is still under investigation. While many models suggest it is formed close to the poles, recent studies indicate that the emission may occur closer to the edges of the light cylinder. Further studies are ongoing to better understand the details of the process, particularly at higher energies
-  More to learn about Pulsars:
-  2602  -  PULSAR  -  spinning Neutron Star?  -  Pulsars were discovered more than 50 years ago as beacons of stars that have collapsed into dense cores, behaving unlike anything we see on Earth.   For decades, scientists have been studying pulsars in the hopes of getting a better understanding of their inner workings
-  2156  -  Magnetars and pulsars belong to a class of objects called neutron stars, which are big balls of tightly packed neutrons no larger than a big city.  When stars above about eight solar masses run out of fuel to burn, they explode in what is called a supernova. What remains can collapses into a neutron star.
- 1897  - The mysterious Neutron Stars, Pulsars, and Quasars create radio bursts of energy that astronomers are still trying to explain.
-  1431 - Pulsar motion is being observed to learn if gravity behaves differently around Neutron stars.  Will gravity waves move the pulsars with the passing wave? 
-  1397  -  Ordinary Matter should be called Ordinary Space.  The matter part is almost negligible.  Almost all of solid matter is empty space.  It is not solid at all.  What makes it feel solid is the electromagnetic force.
-  1396  -   Some high school students in Kentucky and Virginia discovered a Millisecond Pulsar.  They were part of project called the Pulsar Search Collaboratory.  The students were trained by astronomers on how to use the Green Bank Telescope.  After 300 hours of observing data the students discovered 4 Pulsars and one Millisecond Pulsar
-  1376  - How can Pulsars have planets?  The Earth as the first planet to be discovered.  And, it just happens to be the right size, the right temperature, and orbiting the right star.  How lucky can you get?  Math: How to calculate the distance to a star.
-  1331  -  How Neutron Stars become Pulsars?  Eight supernovae explosions have been recorded witnessed by human naked eyes.  Spin rates of pulsars slow down as the drag of the strong magnetic field causes a loss of spin energy. 
-  1327  -  The fastest spinning star?  The neutron stars is spinning so fast it would fly apart except for the fact that its surface is solid and harder than a diamond.  Math:  If the neutron star has a radius of 10 kilometers and is spinning at 716 rotations per second how big was it when it started?
-  1327  -  Neutron Stars  -  The surface is solid and harder that a diamond, 50 trillion times denser than solid lead.  Its magnetic field is a trillion times more intense than that of our Sun.
-   1273  -  Neutron Star mergers.
 -  1192  -  The new zoo of Pulsars. 
-     642  -  Neutron Stars, Pulsars, and Magnetars.
-     861  -  Cannon Ball Stars
-     625  -  Neutron Stars.
-       21  -  Stars grow old.
-   March 7, 2020                                                                               2659                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
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 ---------------------          Monday, March 9, 2020    --------------------

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