Saturday, March 7, 2020

TIME - power and traps?

-  2654 -  TIME  -  power and traps?  -   To effectively manage time is to effectively manage life itself.  You need congruity and balance to prioritize and make good decisions.  Everyone has choices to make.  Those are always decisions.  And, not making a choice and not acting on it is a decision too.
---------------------   2654 -  TIME  -  power and traps?
-  This Review is a summary of two books on management of time:  “Time Power” and “Tome Traps”.   It is designed to help you in the business and work environment:
-  You need self-confidence and self-reliance to make good decisions.
-  Some events are controllable, but all events are adaptable.
-  The important and the urgent are not the same thing.
-  To control time a sense of urgency must be assigned to what’s important.
-  Remove all urgency from the trivial.
-  Concentration is the ability to focus on and accomplish first things first.
-  Rationalizing always impairs decision making.
-   Harmony in your life is matching what you believe to what you actually do.
-  All your goals should be realistic, specific, and measurable.  Most people set goals and fail to ask these three questions.
-  Allow yourself dreams, be willing to accept momentary and monetary discomfort, be willing to ingest a dose of realism, be focused on balancing to attain the essential.
-   Balance is including all aspects of life, spiritual, professional, financial, social, intellectual, cultural, health, and country music.
-  Unbalanced focus is an ineffective use of your time.
- You should have a 15 minute planning every day.  Keep two books, a calendar planning guide and a diary, or record of what you did.  A diary should be a log by date that has phone numbers, names, business cards, events, references that will come in handy in the future.
-  Use our diary to systematically determine how your time is being spent and identifying the time wasters.
-  Learn to induce urgency to your high priorities.
-  Use delegation effectively, you can’t do everything yourself.
-  Keep agendas and goals constantly visible in our daily planning guide.
-  Have a perfectly clean desk at the end of the day.  Thoroughly organize your filing system so you can quickly find what you need.  Remove all distractions.  Only handle a piece of paper, or an e-mail once.
-   Learn to procrastinate effectively on low priorities.
-  Much of time management is learning management by objective.  Learn to be driven by results.  Objectives and MBO is all about results.
-  You will gradually become what you think.  So think carefully what you want to be and stay focused on your goals.  Manage by objective in order to manage your time.
-  Enjoy your achievements.
-  The paradox of time is that few people have enough, yet everyone has all there is.
-  Time is our scarcest resource.  Unless it is managed nothing else can be managed.
-  There are many decisions where return-on-time provides a more useful criterion for action than return-on-capital invested.
-  The heart of time management is management of self.  We should judge work by results achieved instead of time spent.  So why do we pay by the hour?  Good question.
- Realistic self-appraisal is not easy.  But, if time management is managing ourselves with respect to time than a closer look at ourselves is in order.
------------------  Here is a summary of personalities and how time manages them:
-  1. Task and achievement oriented - leads to pouring large amounts of time and energy into the process, into doing rather than managing time.
-  2.  Leadership, dominance and decision oriented - tend to dominate and control and have difficulty delegating.
-  3.  Impulsive and energetic oriented - tend to be action oriented, shakers and movers.
-  4.  Socially warm, colorful and personal - time spent in social interactions.
-  5.  Theoretical, detail, structure oriented - analysis paralysis, concepts and details, slow to make decisions.
-  6.  Change, new-experiences and feeling oriented - an expressive who becomes bored with the routine.
-  7.  Follower ship oriented - defers to authority, trustworthy
-  8.  Defensive, aggressive - has difficulty structuring his own time , has comfort with bureaucracy.
-  The best way to study your own time management is to maintain a calendar and a diary, a time log.  You will soon learn that discretionary time is your scarcest resource.
-  To overcome time losses you must set self-imposed deadlines.  Better planning, careful preparation of agendas, stronger leadership (delegating), and better listening will result in faster decisions and more progress.
-  Set priorities and focus on one problem at a time.  Be compulsive to closure and stay on first thing first.
-  The ability to concentrate, to persevere on a course without distraction or diversion is a power enabling man to attain heights eluded the genius.
-  Nothing is easier than being busy.  Nothing more difficult that being effective.
-  The hardest management work is thinking.
-  Charles Schwabb was president of Bethlehem Steel.  He hired a consultant to learn how to get more things done.  The consultant gave him a piece of paper, write down your most important tasks, number them in order of priority, begin with #1, stay on it until it is completed, recheck your priorities, do the same with #2, make this a daily habit.
-   In 5 years Bethlehem Steel was the biggest steel producer in the world.  The whole management team was getting first things done first.
-  The urgency of tasks at hand usually takes priority.  The tyranny of the urgent lies in its distortion of priorities, usually under the guise of crisis.
-  The important tasks rarely must be done today, or even this week.  The urgent task calls for instant action.  The momentary appeal of these task seems irresistible and they devour your energy.
-  Worry is fundamentally a form of fear.  It is a realization of inadequacy which is a by product of no time to think through confidently to sound objectives and good plans.
-  Hurry is evidence of mismanagement.
-  Crisis management is coping with problems as they arise.
--------------  Here are the steps to good planning:
--------------------------------  1.  Analyze the present situation - think
--------------------------------  2.  Develop assumptions that apply - plan
--------------------------------  3.  Develop objectives - what
--------------------------------  4.  Develop alternatives to attain objectives - how
--------------------------------  5.  Make and implement decisions  - act
--------------------------------  6.  Review - check - control - learn.
-  Efficiency is doing things right, effectiveness is doing the right things.  The most efficient manager working on the wrong task is not effective.  If you do not have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?
-  Rather than working longer hours you should simply make a conscious decision what not to do.  “No” is the most effective word you can use.
-  Every priority has an advocate somewhere.
- The stacked desk is a memory jogger.  It works.  Time is wasted as you recognize items you should forget.  Clear the desk.  Work on the first thing first.  Block interruptions, avoid telephone slavery, reduce the high cost of meetings.
-  The biggest thief of time is indecision.  It is a myth that delay improves the quality of decisions.  20% of the facts are critical to 80% of the outcome.  Next to being right, the best thing is to be is clearly and definitely wrong, then you know where you are and what to do.
-   Every decision should be looked at as an opportunity, not as a problem.  Procrastination is a decision by default.  You will learn more from your mistakes than from your successes.  He who learns the fastest wins.
-  Leaders want followers to have confidence in them.  Good managers have people who develop confidence in themselves. (The same is true for good parents)
-  2249 - Everyone is a manager.  This review refers to managers of managers but it can be interpreted ton apply to teachers, coaches, parents, even big brothers.  Experience is a great teacher but you get the learning before you get the lesson.

-  “The Time Trap“.   How to get more done in less time by R.Alec Mackenzie.  Some things just don’t age.
-  “Time Power“, by Charles R. Gobbs, Columbia University.
-   March 7, 2020                                  102          582     2584          2654                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
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 ---------------------          Saturday, March 7, 2020    --------------------

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