Saturday, October 20, 2018

Cosmology - Energy flows, Chaos ensues

-  1849  -  Cosmology  -  Energy flows, Chaos ensues.  Stuff happens.  Does statistical force create Nature?  -  God made Nature having this “natural instability” .  Energy always flows.  Chaos ensues.  Instabilities create “ phase changes”.    Is it simply the theory of large numbers.  If the numbers and alternatives are large enough anything can happen.

---------------  1849  -  Cosmology  -  Energy flows, Chaos ensues
-  Everything in our world, every atom in our bodies is made of elements found in the Periodic Table of elements.  There are 92 elements in Nature ranging from the lightest , Hydrogen, with one proton and one electron to one of the heaviest, Uranium, with 92 protons and 92 electrons.
-  Your body is mostly water, made of Hydrogen and Oxygen, H2O, Oxygen with 8 protons and Carbon with 6 protons.
-  The two lightest elements, Hydrogen and Helium, were born in the Big Bang.  All the rest of the elements were made with fusion in the center core of the stars.  The early stars were like our Sun but much larger, maybe 100 Solar Mass.  So the elements in our bodies are essentially the by-products of nuclear fusion.
-The intense temperatures and pressures at the core of these large stars molded the elements that were heavier than Helium.  When the fusion furnace ran out of fuel, there were no lighter elements to fuse into heavier elements, the fusion stopped, the star collapsed with no radiation to hold it up, the collapse to the core reacted as a rebound causing the star to explode outward with enormous force.
-  The violent death of a star is called a “ supernova“.  The explosion spreads these heavier elements into space.  They have enough gravity to form clouds of atoms and molecules.  Gathered up by relentless gravity they eventually create another star causing the whole process to repeat.
-  The heavier elements in the bones of your body ( Calcium ) required a few cycles of these supernovae explosions.  The Big Bang started 13.8 billion years ago.  Our Earth has been around for 4.6 billion years ago.  The Sun was another fusion furnace formed by gravity and the planets were formed by the atoms in the Accretion Disk that was orbiting our Sun.
-  Somehow life swept up a sub-set of these atoms to make the elements becoming our mortal selves.  It all came from the exploding dust of the stars.
-  What could explain this extraordinary complexity forming out of this total simplicity.  Energy flows.  Chaos ensues.  Quarks form protons while the Universe accelerates its continued expansion.  Gravity is losing the game.  Dark Energy is winning accelerating expansion ever faster.
-  God made Nature having this “natural instability” .  Energy always flows.  Chaos ensues.  Instabilities create “ phase changes”.  Like water vapor ( simplicity ) can go through energy flows to produce snowflakes ( complexity ).  No two snowflakes discovered to date are exactly alike.  Snowflakes are complexity in trillions and trillions of alternatives.
-  The Big Bang started with an instability called a “ false vacuum” which decayed into an “ordinary vacuum”  ( I have no idea what this means, but  ? )  The hot plasma of charged particles, Quarks with positive charges,  and Gluons, force particles that could somehow hold positive like charges together to form protons.  The plasma also contained electrons and neutrinos.  Today we call this soup the Standard Model of Particle Physics.
-  When the Universe expanded and cooled enough Quarks bound together to produce protons and neutrons.  Another phase transition with neutral atoms, protons and electrons coming together, and the Universe became “ transparent”.  Light could escape and photons were released to spread electromagnetic energy throughout all of space.
-  Gravity pulled clouds of atoms together to form stars and galaxies.  The next instability occurred when Hydrogen and Helium fused at the core of stars releasing energy that lasted for billions of years.  Our Sun is 5 billion years old.  It should last for 10 billion years.  When the fuel runs out the larger stars release their energy in supernovae explosions.
-  Planets like Earth have instabilities and energy flows too.  Gravity has pulled the heavier elements into the core.  Water and air as lighter elements are left on the surface.  The heat from the Sun makes energy flow from the equator to the poles.  These energy flows create chemical laboratories.  Complexity ensues in this chemistry.
-  Somehow this complexity and energy flow transformed from chemistry to biology.
-  Today we know that there are at least as many planets as there are stars.  All are dealing with the same or similar instabilities, complexities, that are constantly evolving.  Could life simply be a “ statistical force” within all this complexity?    Is it simply the theory of large numbers.  If the numbers and alternatives are large enough anything can happen.
-  Just like rolling 5 die.  Enough rolls taken will produce 5 sixes.  It is simply the result of statistical force.  It is hard to comprehend.  All this came from star dust. Where did the star dust come from?  I am trying to comprehend it?  Where did I come from?  But, somehow I am here writing this?????
-  Request these Reviews to learn more :
-  2112  -  Cosmological Constant.  We know the Universe is expanding at an ever accelerating rate.  We have to fudge Einstein’s equations in order to explain this. 
-  1855 -  Cosmic Energy Flows.  Astronomy studying flows and statistics.  Do statistical forces create nature?  Are we just the product of large numbers?
-  1854 -  How do we know Cosmic Inflation happened?  Like a human baby after conceptions its cells are doubling daily.  After 9 months that is 274 doublings which would weight more than all the matter in the Universe. Somehow the mother knows better and slows the growth down to end at 8 to 10 pounds. 
-  1853  -  What caused Cosmic Inflation?  There is still not a clear explanation for why or how it happened.
-  1852  -  How do we measure Cosmic Inflation?  Measurements put us at 13.8 billion years old with 95% Dark Energy and Dark Matter speckled with galaxies that grew from gravity from random microscopic fluctuations.  We are in the remaining 5% trying to understand the rest of this stuff.
-  1849 -  Cosmology  -  Energy flows chaos ensues.  That is this Review:
-  1775  -  Cosmic Evolution.  There is irony in the arrogance implied in our figuring this stuff out.  At the same time it gives us the humility that there is much more to learn.
-  1771  -  Life is complex.  Cosmology is a form of intellectual time travel.  The Observable Universe extends 250 billion trillion miles in every direction.  There is a limit to the faster you go the heavier you get.
-  1697  -  The story beginning to end.  Space began stretching out and carrying matter along with it.  If the current rate of expansion was always constant the Universe would be 14.7 billion years old.  It was not.  Gravity slowed expansion during the first 5 billion years.

-  1602  -  Cosmology tells us the composition of the Universe. 

-  1601  -  Cosmology for Dummies.  How far has light traveled since the beginning of the Universe?   How did the Universe’s perpetual motion all start ?  Running time and expansion backwards we arrive at a densely compressed space filled with radiation energy and subatomic particles.
-  1215  -  What has happened the past ten cosmological decades?  The Earth is living in the 45,000,000 century.  The evenly matched competition between gravity and entropy allows the Su  to exist for 15,000,000,000 years.
-  1208  -  The evolution of the Universe.  A vacuum of empty space contains 10^-26 kilograms of energy per cubic meter.  This is too small to explain acceleration.  
 -  767  -  Einstein’s cosmology.  The sum total of the photons in the  atoms in your feet and in the ground means you are standing on a light beam. 
-  759  -  The history of  cosmology.  By 1998 astronomers are convinced that the expansion of the Universe was accelerating. 
-  #713  -  The Cosmological Constant.  The constant expansion rate today is 0.046107 miles per hour per lightyear.  The Cosmological Constant is just one of dozens of Natural Constants fine tuned for life to exist.
-  50  Cosmology - What then physics is telling us?
-  14 -  The Universe is flat.  The density is very close to the critical density where the Universe is neither expanding or contracting.  It is in a very sensitive and unstable condition.  The Universe should  have grown to extremes by now.  What’s going on?
-   It is strange astronomy.  I’ll leave you with that.
-  October 20, 2018.      
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 ---------------------   Saturday, October 20, 2018         -------------------------


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