Monday, October 8, 2018

Quantum Mechanics versus Reality

- 2111 -  Quantum Mechanics versus Reality.  We experience part of our reality using our sense of smell and our sense of touch.  We are just learning that Quantum Mechanics is at work here.  Our reality is different than what we think it is.

------------------  2111  --  Quantum Mechanics versus Reality
-  We need Quantum Mechanics to understand our "reality".  Wait a minute.  I can truthfully say I do not understand Quantum Mechanics.  But, I understand my reality just fine.  Why would I need "quanta" to explain reality.
-  My world is continuous, smooth, flowing like time itself.  It does not come to me in little bundles of quanta.
-  The first example of little bundles came to science in 1900.  Max Planck was the scientist to first propose it.  Planck was trying to explain why heating a glowing metal rod turned red, then yellow, then white hot.  Remember colors are frequencies, or wavelengths of light.  Red being the wider wavelength and blue being the narrow wavelength.
-  Each color is a specific wavelength , or band of wavelengths.  As the rod got hotter it radiated more energy.  When the early scientists used the math to define the radiated energy they came up with an infinite amount of  frequencies to explain it..  In other words the higher the temperature the shorter the wavelength of energy.  But, their answers went to infinity.
-  1900's physicists could not explain this phenomena until Max Planck came up with the idea that energy could only be absorbed or emitted in discrete packets, or quanta.  This was a radical proposal since energy was thought to flow in smooth continuous waves, or streams. 
-  Planck started it, but it took Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenberg,  Niels Bohr and others to fully explain it and to create the theory of Quantum Mechanics.  Quantum Mechanics appears to be an abstract world of science beyond our life experiences.  But, that is because we still have more to learn.
-   Believe it or not you can actually smell the effects of Quantum Mechanics.  Your nose is the only part of your nervous system that is directly exposed to the outside world.  Dangling direct from your brain are tentacles of olfactory neurons.  There are over 400 different neuron receptors on the inside surface of your nose.
-  The early explanation for our sense of smell was that the molecules of different odors interlocked with specific neurons that match up.  Each different combination of receptors gave us a different sense of smell.  Each odor molecule having a different shape locked on to a different receptor.
-  So, we smelling the shapes of different molecules. 
-  This model explaining smell did not totally hold up.  There must be something more involved.  The proposal was made that the vibrating frequencies of different molecules were somehow part of the explanation of smell. 
-  This idea was first proven with experimental evidence when hydrogen and deuterium were used.  These two molecules have the same shape but different vibration frequencies.  The nose could tell the difference.  So we smell vibrations as well as shapes.  It does not stop there.
-  Believe it or not your nose is using Quantum Tunneling to distinguish different smells as well.  Molecular vibrations of a scent molecule can allow electrons to tunnel from one smell receptor to another.  This triggers nerve impulses that the brain interprets as different smells.
-  Quantum Mechanics does not stop with the sense of smell. It is also used in the sense of touch.  The atoms on the surface of your skin are mostly empty space.    99.999,999,999 % of each atom is empty space.  So, how can you feel a surface.  You don't. You sense the resistance of negatively charged electrons from the atoms that are coming together from one surface to another.
-  It is the laws of Quantum Mechanics that limit the  specific energy levels electrons can occupy.  The pressure of your touch forces electrons from one level to another.  That requires energy from the muscles.  Your brain interprets that energy as touching something solid. 
-  Having solid bodies is an illusion your brain creates.  One is reality and the other is "your reality".  Our brains simplify things so we can understand them.   Our evolution does not favor accurate perceptions. That is too complicated.  It favors whatever works for our survival.  We are the result of 3 million years of this simplification development.  Whatever works!
-  Reality is not completely objective.  We have not fully come to grips with the quantum theory in the nature of our reality.  We are working on it.  Still more to learn!
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