Friday, November 15, 2019

ENERGY - all forms add up to zero?

-   2485  -    ENERGY  -  all forms add up to zero?  All the forms of energy include positive and negative, north and south, matter and anti-matter so when you add up all the energy in the universe it comes to zero.  Zero is how it started, zero is how it is today ,and zero is how it will end.
-------------------- 2485  - ENERGY  -  all forms add up to zero?
-  Do you have the energy to even read this.  Probably not.  Most people think science is too boring.  Not to worry.  It is impossible to lose energy.  Energy can neither be created or destroyed.  Energy is always conserved.
-   We have the same amount of energy today as was released when the Universe started with the Big Bang.  Back then, 13,700,000,000 years ago the Universe was concentrated into a very small space.  Its energy and space have been spreading out ever since. 
-  Today the Observable Universe is 10^58 meters in all directions.  It has the same amount of energy.  Energy and information can travel at the speed of light but no faster.  The edge of the Universe that is Observable is as far as we will ever see.
-  As the Universe has expanded and cooled many different forms of energy and matter have “frozen” out of it.  No energy is lost but it can change into many forms.
-   However, all the forms include positive and negative, north and south, matter and anti-matter so when you add up all the energy it comes to zero.  Zero is how it started, zero is how it is today ,and zero is how it will end.  Let’s take a closer look at all these forms of energy:
--------------------------  Nuclear Energy
--------------------------  Potential Energy, gravitational
--------------------------  Potential Energy, electrical, volts
--------------------------  Electrical Energy, current, electric charges
--------------------------  Mechanical Energy, friction
--------------------------  Kinetic Energy, the energy of motion
--------------------------  Photon Energy, the energy of radiation
--------------------------  Radioactive Energy
--------------------------  Momentum Energy, angular and linear momentum
--------------------------  Thermal Energy, is the Kinetic Energy of atoms and molecules
--------------------------  Work Energy, the difference of two levels of energy
--------------------------  Relativity Energy
--------------------------  Dark Energy, is 73% of the density of the Universe
-  We have equations that describe each of these forms of energy:
-------  E  =  c^2*m  ===========  90,000,000,000,000,000 * mass
-------  E  =  F * d  ============  force * distance
-------  E  =  m*a*d  ===========  mass * acceleration * distance
-------  E  =  m*v*t*d  ==========  mass * velocity* time* distance
-------  E  =  0.000,000,000,067 m1*m2 / d  ==========  Gravity Constant * two masses / distance
-------  E  =  9,000,000,000 q1*q2 / d  ======  Electric Constant * two charges / distance
-------  E  =  A / t  ====================  Action / time            (See notes 1 and 2)
-------  E  =  ½ m*v^2  ================  ½ mass * velocity squared.
-------  E  =  ½ m * d^2 / t^2  ============  ½ mass * distance^2 / time^2
-------  E  =  ½ p*v  ===================  ½ momentum * velocity
-------  E  =  6.6*10^-34 f  ===============  6.6*10^-34 frequency of oscillation.
-------  E  =  m*g*h  =====  mass * acceleration of gravity near surface of Earth * height
-------  E  =  P * t  ====================  power * time
-------  E  =  m*v*f*w =================  mass * velocity * frequency * wavelength
-------  E  =  p * f * w ==================  momentum * frequency * wavelength
-------  E  =  W / t  ====================  Work  / time
-------  E  =  F * v * t  ==================  Force* velocity * time
-------  E  =  (1  /  (1 - v^2/c^2)^0.5 ) * m * c^2  ========= Relativity Energy
-------  E  = 0.0000000568 (T)^4  ========= 0.0000000568 *  temperature^4  (note 3)
-------  E  =  m*1/eo * mu  =========  mass * 1 / permittivity * permeability  (note 4)
-------  E2 - E1  ==================  Work.  A change in energy is defined as Work.
-------  E  =  I^2 * R * d  ===========  Current squared * resistance = power * distance
-------  E  =  I * V * d  ============  Current * Voltage * distance
------------------------------------  NOTES:
(1)  9,000,000,000 is the value of 1 /4*pi*electric permittivity in a vacuum.  Permittivity = 8.84 *10^-9 Farads / meter  =  8.84 * 10^-12 Coulombs^2/Newton*meter^2.    Farad is a unit of capacitance =  96,500 Coulombs.   Newton is a unit of force = kilograms* m/sec^2.   Coulomb is a unit of charge = 1.46*10^19 electrons.
(2)  Action = Force * distance * time
(3)  Thermal Energy is proportional to the forth power of temperature, Kelvin.  Thermal Energy is the Kinetic Energy of atoms and molecules.
(4)  E  =  mass  /  permittivity of a vacuum * permeability of a vacuum.  The product of permittivity * permeability  =  1 / c^2.  Permittivity  =  1.25 * 10^16 electrons / meter.
Permeability  =  0.00000126 kilograms * meter / seconds^2 / amperes^2.  Ampere = Coulomb / second.  These are theoretical values because there can be no electricity in a vacuum.
-  Constants of proportionality are used to account for the units used in the calculations.  The units for energy in these equations is kilograms * meters^2 / seconds ^2.    If we remove the numbers and just use a “K” for big number constants and “k” for little number constants the above equations simplify to:
----------------------------------  E  =  K * mass
----------------------------------  E  =  k * m1*m2 / distance
----------------------------------  E  =  K * q1*q2 / distance
----------------------------------  E  =  k * frequency

----------------------------------  E  =  k * T^4 * time
----------------------------------  E  =  mass / permittivity * permeability

-  There is probably something profound in the above simplification, but it is too complicated for me. You can see that energy and mass are two forms of the same thing.  You can see that distance and time are factors in energy.  Distance is a change in space.  Time is a change in time. 
-  So energy has something to do with spacetime.  Frequency is number of wave oscillations per time.  You can see that temperature is a very sensitive measure of thermal energy; it goes up by a factor of the forth power.  The temperature on the surface of Earth is 300 Kelvin.  The temperature on the surface of the Sun is 6,000 Kelvin.  That is only a factor of 20 higher temperature, but, 20^4 equals a factor of 160,000 times higher energy. 
-  Another way to look at these equations is to replace the “k” constants with their nearest order of magnitude:
--------------------------------------  E  =  10^  17   * mass
--------------------------------------   E  =  10^  -12   * m1*m2 / distance
--------------------------------------   E  =  10^  10   * q1*q2 / distance
--------------------------------------   E  =  10^  -35   * frequency
--------------------------------------   E  =  10^  -9   * T^4 * time
--------------------------------------   E  =  mass / 10^  -17
-  From these numbers you can see that gravity is very weak compared to the force of electric charge.  You can see that the energy in a single photon is very, very small, but there are a lot of photons, and their frequencies cover a wide range from 10^1 to 10^24 cycles per second, radio waves  to Gamma Rays.
-   Most amazing, you can see that the reciprocal of the product of permittivity and permeability is the same as c^2, the speed of light squared.  This realization is how Clerk Maxwell discovered that light was an electromagnetic wave.
-  Everything being analyzed in the above equations only applies to the 0.5% of the matter we can see with visible light, plus 3% of the matter we can see with the rest of the electromagnetic spectrum, pus, 0.5 % that is just dark because it gives off too little or no light, called heavy, slow, cold Dark Matter.
-   Then, there is 23% that we can only see with gravity, called hot, fast, light Dark Matter.  The total matter density in the Universe is 27%.  The rest is Dark Energy.  73% of the total density of the Universe is Dark Energy.
-  As far as I know there is only one equation for Dark Energy.  It is called the Hubble Constant for the rate of expansion of the Universe.
----------------------  Hubble Constant  =  Velocity /  Distance
---------------------   Ho  =  v / d
---------------------   Ho  =  72 kilometers / second / mega parsec
---------------------   Ho  =  47,000 miles per hour / million light years.
-  The Hubble Constant states that the Universe is expanding 47,000 miles per hour for every million light years distance.  If a galaxy is 1 billion light years away it is traveling 47,000,000 miles per hour.  A thousand time further, a thousand times faster.
-   The speed of light is 670,633,500 miles per hour so when galaxies get 14 billion light years distance they are traveling faster than the speed of light and their light will never reach us.  That becomes the edge of the “Observable Universe“.
-  47,000 miles per hour does not seen astronomically fast.  This is not the velocity of the other galaxy at 1 million light years away, it is the amount that  space is expanding between us.  So, the more space between us the faster the separation.  There is so much space out there that when you get near the edge this moderate speed amounts to a light speed of expansion.
-   The other startling fact about the Hubble Constant is that it is not constant.  It is only constant at this point in time.  In the future it will be faster.  That is because the Universe is not expanding at a constant rate, it is accelerating in its rate of expansion.
-   Dark Energy appears to be an anti-gravity force in the vacuum of space.  The more space there is the more dominate this anti-gravity force becomes.  Space will keep expanding faster and faster until the whole Universe flies apart.
-   All the galaxies will disappear from view.  The only thing remaining in the night sky will be the Local Group of Galaxies that are gravitationally held together in a region where gravity is stronger than the Dark Energy in the intermediate space between these local galaxies.
-  I would be curious to learn if anyone had the energy to read this?
-  November 15, 2019                                                         2485       956                                                                                                                           
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 ---------------------          Friday, November 15, 2019    --------------------

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