Wednesday, November 27, 2019

QUASARS - Blackholes with Personalities

-   2496  - QUASARS  - Blackholes with personalities.  Quasars are high-energy sources in the heavens that astronomers discovered over 50 years ago.  They have remained mysteries to this day, however we certainly know a lot more about them.  A quasar can emit more energy in one second than our Sun can emit in 200 years.
---------------------  2496  - QUASARS  - Blackholes with Personalities
-  Grote Reber discovered quasars in 1936 from his backyard in Illinois.  Grote had built the first radio telescope and soon detected high-energy radio emissions coming from several of the constellations.  Quasar is an acronym, QSRS, for quasi-stellar radio source.
-  More than 13,000 quasars have now been discovered. Astronomers expect to discover over 100,000 in future surveys. 
-  All quasars are redshifted greater that .06 nanometers, indicating a receding velocity of 9% the speed of light.
-   This formula is for redshift, or change in wavelength, of a quasar moving away from us at some radial or recession velocity.  It is radial because it measures only that component of motion that is on the radius, straight line, between us and the quasar.
- The change is wavelength / normal wavelength  =  radial velocity / velocity of light.
 ----------------------------   .06 nm / 656.285nm  =  radial velocity / 300,000 km/sec
----------------------------    velocity  =  27.43 km / sec  =  9.14 % the speed of  light
-  A quasar can emit more energy in one second than our Sun can emit in 200 years.
-   Solar luminosity  =  3.8 * 10^26 watts  =  3.8 * 10^26 joules / second * 3.16 8 10^7 seconds / year  *  200 years  =  2.4 * 10^36 joules  =  2.4 * 10^45 ergs.  More than 200 years of the Sun’s energy radiated in one second.
-  A Quasar named PKS 2000-330 is so highly redshifted the spectral emission lines in the far-ultraviolet are seen at visible wavelengths. This would mean that the source was  13,000,000,000 light-years away and traveling 95 % the speed of light. , we are seeing objects that appeared when our Universe was only 6 % its current age ( 800,000,000 years old out of its 14,000,000,000-year lifetime) -
-   The Hubble constant of the straight line plotting velocity versus distance in Megaparsecs.  The slope of the line is a constant 70 kilometers / second / megaparsec.
-   Velocity  = Ho * distance  =  72 km /sec / Mpc  *  13 * 10 to the 9 LY / 3.262 * 10 to the 6 LY / Mpc  =  286,900 km/sec  =  95.6 % speed of light.  - If you believe the Hubble constant is 72 km / sec / Mpc is truly constant and stays constant across the universe.
-   We now believe that quasars are the result of emissions from supermassive blackholes located in the centers of most galaxies,  including  the center of our own Milky Way Galaxy.  ( See Review  31  “Sagittarius, the Center of Our Milky Way Galaxy” )
-  All quasars are redshifted and very bright.  This tells us they are very far away and have enormous energy. The quasar in Cygnus A is redshifted 14,000 km/sec ( approximately 5% the speed of light), indicating that the source is 634,000,000 light years away.
-----------------  Hubble’s law  =  recession velocity  = Hubble’s constant, Ho  /  Distance
------------------  Hubble’s constant, Ho  =  72 km / sec / megaparsec
-----------------  Parsec is a distance of  3.262 light-years
-----------------  Megaparsec is 3,262,000 light-years distance.
-  This formula says that as you go out in space every 3.262 million light-years things are accelerating 72 km /sec faster.  That is 161,060 miles per hour faster.
-----------------  Distance  =    (14,000 km/sec)  /  (72 km / sec / Mpc)  *   =  194.4 Mpc
-----------------  194.4 Mpc * 3.262 * 10 to the 6  LY / Mpc  =  634,000,000 LY.
-  Cygnus A quasar shines with radio luminosity that is 10,000,000 times more than the whole Andromeda galaxy, M31.  The Andromeda galaxy can be seen with the naked eye, has a sky area 5 times larger the a full moon and contains more than  200,000,000 stars.
-  The redshift of quasar named 3C 48 is so great ( 219 nm ) making it 4,500,000,000 light-years away and traveling at 33% the speed of light.
-   33% * 300,000 km / sec  =  100,000 km / sec / 72 km /sec /Mpc  =  1389 Mpc 3.626 LY / Mpc  =  4,530,555,556 light-years.
-  Redshifted 219 nanometers  from orange into the far infrared  =  100,000 / 300,000  =  219 nm / 656.285 nm for orange light
-   Many quasars vary in brightness over a few months or days, with light variation periods as rapid as 3 hours.  An object cannot vary in brightness faster than it takes light to travel across that object.  This rapid, 3 hour, flickering means the source of that energy must be quite small.  It is producing the luminosity of 100 galaxies from a volume, with a diameter smaller that of our solar system.
----------------    one hour * 671 million miles / hour  =  671,000,000 miles  =  about the diameter of our Jupiter’s orbit. 
----------------  Jupiter’s orbit diameter is 10.4 astronomical units * 93 million miles / AU  =  967 million miles .
---------------------------- 70% of Jupiter’s orbit.
-  X-ray measurements reveal that some quasars can turn the energy output of 10,000,000,000 Suns on and off, all within a span of 1 hour.
-  If a shell of mass is one light-day in diameter and it brightens all at once the light from the near side reaches your eye one day before the light change from the far side.  So, it takes one day to change brightness, thus it is one light-day in diameter.
-  Quasars emit x-ray radiation because gas is exposed to very high temperatures, radio-emitting jets shoot out in highly directional rays, material shoots out escaping at nearly the speed of light.  All this suggests that an enormous black hole is the energy engine at the source.
-  An enormous Blackhole is one that has billions solar mass, a billion times the mass of our Sun.  Gas close to the event horizon would circle and flatten into a disk.  Collisions among atoms in this disk that is orbiting at nearly the speed of light would create the high temperatures.
-   This rotation of charged atoms would become a giant dynamo creating huge magnetic fields along the spin axis.  These huge magnetic fields could launch the concentrated jets of material at light speeds.
-  Maybe most galaxies were quasars in their youth.  And, Blackholes might be at the bottom of many other galactic observations.  It could be that the different appearance astronomers identify could be the same Blackholes at different sizes and viewed from different orientations.
-  If you are looking directly into and perpendicular to the disk you observe quasar jets head on.  If you are observing at an angle you see x-rays from the hot gases in the rotating disk. If you observe at right angles to the axis of rotation you see the toroid around the center axis that appears as a loud radio source.  What we are seeing and measuring could just be from the way we are looking at it.
-  What would happen if a Black hole swallowed another Black Hole?  Could this be the Gamma Ray Burster?  Another article if you’re interested. 
-  What’s a Gamma Ray Burster?  They are being discovered  in all directions ( all over the celestial sphere) at the rate of about one a day.  3000 observed to date.  They are 12,000,000,000 light-years away and emit energy in 100 seconds what our Sun will emit over its entire 10,000,000,000 year lifetime.
-  How was the Black Hole at the center of our Milky Way measured at 3,500,000 solar masses?
-  If quasars appeared so quickly after the big bang, how could these blackholes grow so massive so quickly.
- November 26, 2019.                                              2496        4           364                                                                                                   
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 ---------------------   Wednesday, November 27, 2019  -------------------------

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