Friday, November 8, 2019

GOD - how He created the Universe?

-   2477  -  GOD  -  how He created the Universe?  When He did He left us many mysteries to solve.  We say it all started with a “Big Bang“, but, that leaves us with the wrong impression.  It actually started with the birth of space and time.  Time started and space began expanding out of nothing.  What happened next?

-------------------- 2477  -  GOD  -  how He created the Universe?
-  God started with the birth of space and time that began expanding all we know out of nothing.

-  The “nothing” existed because there were equal parts of matter and anti-matter which together worked cancel each other out.  But, somehow they got separated and our Universe ended up with the matter.  There must be another universe out there somewhere made of anti-matter.  The electrons in that anti-Universe would be positively charged.   The protons would carry a negative charge.  All charges the opposite of our Universe that we know. 
-  Let’s hope the two universes never come back together.  They would instantly annihilate each other.
-  Somehow when this expansion started it grew faster than the speed of light.  What we can see in all the different directions is a “uniform” Universe.  The distances between opposite poles of space could not have contact with each other. In order to be uniform they must have been together then expanded faster than the speed of light. The light from one side of the visible Universe has not had enough time to reach the other side.
-  Gravity was trying to hold everything together and dark energy was trying to expand and pull everything apart.  Only 5% of the Universe, in terms of energy / matter, is made out of things we are familiar with and understand: protons, neutrons, electrons, photons, neutrinos, black holes and even gravitational waves. Of the remainder, 27% is dark matter and 68% is in the form of this new, mysterious substance: dark energy.
-  Dark energy was first revealed observationally: by examining the light from ultra-distant signals like supernovae. With measurements of both distance and redshift, scientists concluded that the Universe couldn't just be made of matter and radiation, but needed a new form of energy.
-  If you want to know what the Universe is made of, all you have to do is measure the distances to and the redshift of a variety of different objects in the Universe. The redshift you measure will be a combination of how quickly the object is moving through space and how much the Universe has expanded since the light was emitted from a distant source, while the distance can be inferred by measuring either the apparent brightness or apparent angular size of an object, compared with a known actual, intrinsic brightness or size.
-  “Redshift” is how light’s color or frequency shifts toward wider bandwidth , or toward the red end of the light spectrum, as the source is moving away from us.  It would be bluehifted if it was moving toward us.
-  When we combine all the observations we have from supernovae, from the large-scale structures , and from the fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background, they all point to a single, unified picture of the Universe: with 5% normal matter, 27% dark matter, and 68% dark energy.
-  On the largest cosmic scales, our Universe is the same in all directions and at all locations. You can go millions of light-years in any direction from a galaxy before encountering another one, but those scales aren't large enough to see how uniform things truly are. Our actual observable Universe contains about 400,000  billion light-years, and on scales of more than a few billion cubic light-years, things are truly about 99.99% uniform.
-  When the Universe behaves as though it's the same in all directions and locations, you can write down an exact equation for how the Universe will behave: an expansion / contraction factor on the left and all the matter-and-energy terms on the right of the equation.

-  These are the rules that govern the expanding Universe, and by measuring how that rate changes over time, we have determined what's in the Universe, how much, and how it behaves.
-  This measured data tells us that our Universe is:
----------------  expanding at around 67-to-74 kilometers / second / Mega parsec , or , in more familiar terms, 49,300 miles per hour / million lightyears distance
----------------  where the expansion is presently dominated (68%) by dark energy,
----------------  where the Universe is spatially flat,
----------------  where the rest of the Universe's energy (32%) is mostly in the form of both normal and dark matter,
----------------  and where the Universe is approximately 13.8 billion years old, since the hot Big Bang first occurred.
-  It might strike you as bizarre that the majority of the energy in the Universe would not only be invisible (or dark), but that it isn't even a form of matter as we know it! Matter normally clumps and clusters together, as masses are gravitationally attracted to other masses; when enough matter gets together in one spot, it can overcome the expansion of the Universe and form stars, galaxies, and groups / clusters of galaxies. In a Universe dominated by matter, structure grows larger and larger and becomes more complex and web-like as time goes on.
-  But in a Universe that also has a more massive amount of dark energy, there will be a limit to the size and complexity of that web structure. The dark energy we see behaves as though it's a form of energy inherent to the fabric of space itself.
-   As the Universe expands, matter gets less dense (as volume increases), radiation gets both less dense (as volume increases) and less energetic (as light redshift), but dark energy's energy density always remains constant. After billions of years, the density of both radiation and matter drops below the dark energy density, leading to the accelerated expansion we observe today.
-  While matter (both normal and dark) and radiation become less dense as the Universe expands owing to its increasing volume, dark energy is a form of energy inherent to space itself. As new space gets created in the expanding Universe, the dark energy density remains constant.
-  One of the goals of modern observational cosmology is to fully describe dark energy by measuring as many different properties about the expanding Universe that are capable of probing its nature. As we collect large numbers of distant type Ia. supernovae, better measure the large-scale clustering properties of the cosmic web at early, intermediate, and late times, and extract greater details from the cosmic microwave background's fluctuations and polarization, we can better understand exactly how to describe dark energy.
-  It could behave as a “cosmological constant“, which would mean it was a form of energy inherent to space itself, or it could behave in a more complex fashion: as a general form of energy with its own unique (and possibly dynamical, ever-changing) equation of state..
-   The cosmological constant, in General Relativity, is interesting because it's the only form of energy you can add to the Einstein equations.  The cosmological constant also shows up in quantum field theory: as the energy inherent to empty space itself.
-  If we were capable of calculating the contributions of all the different particles and fields allowed to exist in this Universe, and how they applied to the vacuum of space itself, we would expect to get the value for the zero-point energy of space itself, and therefore, the value of our Universe's cosmological constant.
-  The true fact of the matter is that, observationally, dark energy is behaving as though it's a form of energy inherent to the fabric of space itself.   Why does empty space have the properties that it does? Why is the zero-point energy of the fabric of the Universe a positive, non-zero value? And why does dark energy have the behavior we observe it to have, rather than any other?
-  To answer these questions we start with the Big Bang which happened 13.8 billion years ago, and is regarded as the start of the Universe. The Universe we see is expanding, cooling, and gravitating into an ever-clumpier state, which means earlier on it must have been denser, hotter, and more uniform.
-  In the earliest moments that we can imagine, there must have been matter, antimatter, radiation, and any-and-all types of particles that there was enough energy to create. All the matter and energy presently visible in our Universe today was contained in a volume of space no bigger than a city block, and has since expanded to extend for more than 46 billion light-years in all directions.
-  Still, all of that energy had to come from somewhere, and that's the big question of what put the "bang" in the Big Bang?   There are three big misconceptions about the Big Bang, and you'll never understand what put the "bang" in it if you've fallen for any of them:
------------------  The Big Bang was a massive explosion, like a supernova, but encompassing the entire Universe rather than a single star.
-------------------    The Big Bang refers to a state of arbitrarily high densities, temperatures, and energies, and we can extrapolate back as far as we like.
-------------------    The Big Bang implies a singularity: a birth of space and time, and putting the "bang" in it means causing the entire Universe itself to emerge from a state of nothing. 
-  A visual history of the expanding Universe includes the hot , dense state. As the Universe expands, it also cools, enabling ions, neutral atoms, and eventually molecules, gas clouds, stars, and finally galaxies to form.
-  Explosions may be real phenomena, but they have nothing to do with the Big Bang.  The Big Bang is a hot, dense state that simply expands and cools. No explosion or conflagration of any type ever occurred.
-  The Big Bang cannot go back to arbitrarily high densities. There's a limit to how hot and dense the Universe could have possibly gotten in its earliest stages.
-  If the Universe had reached arbitrarily high temperatures and densities, we'd expect to see leftover high-energy relics (like magnetic monopoles), but none of them exist in our Universe despite comprehensive searches.
-  The initially over dense and under dense regions that lead to the cosmic structure in our Universe are too small in magnitude to originate from an arbitrarily high-energy initial state. These initial fluctuations exist on scales larger than light could have traversed between them since the Big Bang.
The answer must be that transitional phase that occurs at the end of inflation. During inflation, the Universe is filled with a large amount of energy inherent to the fabric of space itself.
-  Inflation causes space to expand exponentially, which can very quickly result in any pre-existing curved or non-smooth space appearing flat. If the Universe is curved, it has a radius of curvature that is at minimum hundreds of times larger than what we can observe.
-   The tiny portion of the post-inflationary Universe that makes up the component we can observe, after inflation, becomes indistinguishable from flat.
-  Energy can always be converted from one form into another without being created or destroyed through any process in quantum physics.
-  So what is it that put the "bang" in the hot Big Bang? It's the end of inflation. There is a state prior to the start of the hot Big Bang that set it up and provided it with the initial conditions of being spatially flat, the same energy density everywhere, always below a certain threshold temperature, and uniform with quantum fluctuations superimposed atop it on all scales.
-  When this inflationary state ended, the process of cosmic reheating transformed that energy into particles, antiparticles and radiation. That transition is what put the "bang" in the hot Big Bang, and led to the birth of the observable Universe as we know it.
-   For decades, scientists have known what put the "bang" in the Big Bang. At last, now you can share in that knowledge, too.  Congratulations to getting to this point, the end.
-  November 8, 2019                                                                      2477                                                                                                                                   
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